// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2010 Sascha Hauer , Pengutronix // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 1994-2000 Neil Russell // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2000 Roland Borde // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2000 Paolo Scaffardi // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2000-2002 Wolfgang Denk /* * net.c - barebox networking support * * based on U-Boot (LiMon) code */ #define pr_fmt(fmt) "net: " fmt #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static unsigned int net_ip_id; char *net_server; IPaddr_t net_gateway; static IPaddr_t net_nameserver; static char *net_domainname; void net_set_nameserver(IPaddr_t nameserver) { net_nameserver = nameserver; } IPaddr_t net_get_nameserver(void) { return net_nameserver; } void net_set_domainname(const char *name) { free(net_domainname); if (name) net_domainname = xstrdup(name); else net_domainname = xstrdup(""); }; const char *net_get_domainname(void) { return net_domainname; } int net_checksum_ok(unsigned char *ptr, int len) { return net_checksum(ptr, len) == 0xffff; } uint16_t net_checksum(unsigned char *ptr, int len) { uint32_t xsum = 0; uint16_t *p = (uint16_t *)ptr; if (len & 1) ptr[len] = 0; len = (len + 1) >> 1; while (len-- > 0) xsum += *p++; xsum = (xsum & 0xffff) + (xsum >> 16); xsum = (xsum & 0xffff) + (xsum >> 16); return xsum & 0xffff; } IPaddr_t getenv_ip(const char *name) { IPaddr_t ip; const char *var = getenv(name); if (!var) return 0; if (!string_to_ip(var, &ip)) return ip; resolv(var, &ip); return ip; } int setenv_ip(const char *name, IPaddr_t ip) { char str[sizeof("")]; sprintf(str, "%pI4", &ip); setenv(name, str); return 0; } static unsigned char *arp_ether; static IPaddr_t arp_wait_ip; static void arp_handler(struct arprequest *arp) { IPaddr_t tmp; /* are we waiting for a reply */ if (!arp_wait_ip) return; tmp = net_read_ip(&arp->ar_data[6]); /* matched waiting packet's address */ if (tmp == arp_wait_ip) { /* save address for later use */ memcpy(arp_ether, &arp->ar_data[0], 6); /* no arp request pending now */ arp_wait_ip = 0; } } struct eth_device *net_route(IPaddr_t dest) { struct eth_device *edev; for_each_netdev(edev) { if (!edev->ipaddr || !edev->ifup) continue; if ((dest & edev->netmask) == (edev->ipaddr & edev->netmask)) { pr_debug("Route: Using %s (ip=%pI4, nm=%pI4) to reach %pI4\n", dev_name(&edev->dev), &edev->ipaddr, &edev->netmask, &dest); return edev; } } pr_debug("Route: No device found for %pI4\n", &dest); return NULL; } static int arp_request(struct eth_device *edev, IPaddr_t dest, unsigned char *ether) { char *pkt; struct arprequest *arp; uint64_t arp_start; static char *arp_packet; struct ethernet *et; unsigned retries = 0; int ret; if (!edev) return -EHOSTUNREACH; if (!arp_packet) { arp_packet = net_alloc_packet(); if (!arp_packet) return -ENOMEM; } pkt = arp_packet; et = (struct ethernet *)arp_packet; arp_wait_ip = dest; pr_debug("send ARP broadcast for %pI4\n", &dest); memset(et->et_dest, 0xff, 6); memcpy(et->et_src, edev->ethaddr, 6); et->et_protlen = htons(PROT_ARP); arp = (struct arprequest *)(pkt + ETHER_HDR_SIZE); arp->ar_hrd = htons(ARP_ETHER); arp->ar_pro = htons(PROT_IP); arp->ar_hln = 6; arp->ar_pln = 4; arp->ar_op = htons(ARPOP_REQUEST); memcpy(arp->ar_data, edev->ethaddr, 6); /* source ET addr */ net_write_ip(arp->ar_data + 6, edev->ipaddr); /* source IP addr */ memset(arp->ar_data + 10, 0, 6); /* dest ET addr = 0 */ if ((dest & edev->netmask) != (edev->ipaddr & edev->netmask)) { if (!net_gateway) arp_wait_ip = dest; else arp_wait_ip = net_gateway; } else { arp_wait_ip = dest; } net_write_ip(arp->ar_data + 16, arp_wait_ip); arp_ether = ether; ret = eth_send(edev, arp_packet, ETHER_HDR_SIZE + ARP_HDR_SIZE); if (ret) return ret; arp_start = get_time_ns(); while (arp_wait_ip) { if (ctrlc()) return -EINTR; if (is_timeout(arp_start, 3 * SECOND)) { printf("T "); arp_start = get_time_ns(); ret = eth_send(edev, arp_packet, ETHER_HDR_SIZE + ARP_HDR_SIZE); if (ret) return ret; retries++; } if (retries > PKT_NUM_RETRIES) return -ETIMEDOUT; net_poll(); } pr_debug("Got ARP REPLY for %pI4: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n", &dest, ether[0], ether[1], ether[2], ether[3], ether[4], ether[5]); return 0; } void net_poll(void) { static bool in_net_poll; if (in_net_poll) return; in_net_poll = true; eth_rx(); in_net_poll = false; } static void __net_poll(struct poller_struct *poller) { static uint64_t last; /* * USB network controllers take a long time in the receive path, * so limit the polling rate to once per 10ms. This is due to * deficiencies in the barebox USB stack: We can't queue URBs and * receive a callback when they are done. Instead, we always * synchronously queue an URB and wait for its completion. In case * of USB network adapters the only way to detect if packets have * been received is to queue a RX URB and see if it completes (in * which case we have received data) or if it timeouts (no data * available). The timeout can't be arbitrarily small, 2ms is the * smallest we can do with the 1ms USB frame size. * * Given that we do a mixture of polling-as-fast-as-possible when * we are waiting for network traffic (tftp, nfs and other users * actively calling net_poll()) and doing a low frequency polling * here to still get packets when no user is actively waiting for * incoming packets. This is used to receive incoming ping packets * and to get fastboot over ethernet going. */ if (!is_timeout(last, 10 * MSECOND)) return; net_poll(); last = get_time_ns(); } static struct poller_struct net_poller = { .func = __net_poll, }; static int init_net_poll(void) { return poller_register(&net_poller, "net"); } device_initcall(init_net_poll); static uint16_t net_udp_new_localport(void) { static uint16_t localport; localport++; if (localport < 1024) localport = 1024; return localport; } IPaddr_t net_get_serverip(void) { IPaddr_t ip; int ret; ret = resolv(net_server, &ip); if (ret) return 0; return ip; } void net_set_serverip(IPaddr_t ip) { free(net_server); net_server = xasprintf("%pI4", &ip); } const char *net_get_server(void) { return net_server && *net_server ? net_server : NULL; } void net_set_serverip_empty(IPaddr_t ip) { if (net_get_server()) return; net_set_serverip(ip); } void net_set_ip(struct eth_device *edev, IPaddr_t ip) { edev->ipaddr = ip; } IPaddr_t net_get_ip(struct eth_device *edev) { return edev->ipaddr; } void net_set_netmask(struct eth_device *edev, IPaddr_t nm) { edev->netmask = nm; } void net_set_gateway(IPaddr_t gw) { net_gateway = gw; } IPaddr_t net_get_gateway(void) { return net_gateway; } static LIST_HEAD(connection_list); /** * generate_ether_addr - Generates stable software assigned Ethernet address * @addr: Pointer to a six-byte array to contain the Ethernet address * @ethid: index of the Ethernet interface * * Derives an Ethernet address (MAC) from the machine ID, that's stable * per board that is not multicast and has the local assigned bit set. * * Return 0 if an address could be generated or a negative error code otherwise. */ int generate_ether_addr(u8 *ethaddr, int ethid) { const char *hostname; uuid_t id; int ret; if (!IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_NET_ETHADDR_FROM_MACHINE_ID)) return -ENOSYS; hostname = barebox_get_hostname(); if (!hostname) return -EINVAL; ret = machine_id_get_app_specific(&id, ARRAY_AND_SIZE("barebox-macaddr:"), hostname, strlen(hostname), NULL); if (ret) return ret; memcpy(ethaddr, &id.b, ETH_ALEN); eth_addr_add(ethaddr, ethid); ethaddr[0] &= 0xfe; /* clear multicast bit */ ethaddr[0] |= 0x02; /* set local assignment bit (IEEE802) */ return 0; } static struct net_connection *net_new(struct eth_device *edev, IPaddr_t dest, rx_handler_f *handler, void *ctx) { struct net_connection *con; int ret; if (!edev) { edev = net_route(dest); if (!edev && net_gateway) edev = net_route(net_gateway); if (!edev) return ERR_PTR(-EHOSTUNREACH); } if (!is_valid_ether_addr(edev->ethaddr)) { ret = generate_ether_addr(edev->ethaddr, edev->dev.id); if (ret) random_ether_addr(edev->ethaddr); dev_warn(&edev->dev, "No MAC address set. Using %s %pM\n", ret == 1 ? "address computed from unique ID" : "random address", edev->ethaddr); eth_set_ethaddr(edev, edev->ethaddr); } /* If we don't have an ip only broadcast is allowed */ if (!edev->ipaddr && dest != IP_BROADCAST) return ERR_PTR(-ENETDOWN); con = xzalloc(sizeof(*con)); con->packet = net_alloc_packet(); con->priv = ctx; con->edev = edev; memset(con->packet, 0, PKTSIZE); con->et = (struct ethernet *)con->packet; con->ip = (struct iphdr *)(con->packet + ETHER_HDR_SIZE); con->udp = (struct udphdr *)(con->packet + ETHER_HDR_SIZE + sizeof(struct iphdr)); con->icmp = (struct icmphdr *)(con->packet + ETHER_HDR_SIZE + sizeof(struct iphdr)); con->handler = handler; if (dest == IP_BROADCAST) { memset(con->et->et_dest, 0xff, 6); } else { ret = arp_request(edev, dest, con->et->et_dest); if (ret) goto out; } con->et->et_protlen = htons(PROT_IP); memcpy(con->et->et_src, edev->ethaddr, 6); con->ip->hl_v = 0x45; con->ip->tos = 0; con->ip->frag_off = htons(0x4000); /* No fragmentation */; con->ip->ttl = 255; net_copy_ip(&con->ip->daddr, &dest); net_copy_ip(&con->ip->saddr, &edev->ipaddr); list_add_tail(&con->list, &connection_list); return con; out: net_free_packet(con->packet); free(con); return ERR_PTR(ret); } struct net_connection *net_udp_eth_new(struct eth_device *edev, IPaddr_t dest, uint16_t dport, rx_handler_f *handler, void *ctx) { struct net_connection *con = net_new(edev, dest, handler, ctx); if (IS_ERR(con)) return con; con->proto = IPPROTO_UDP; con->udp->uh_dport = htons(dport); con->udp->uh_sport = htons(net_udp_new_localport()); con->ip->protocol = IPPROTO_UDP; return con; } struct net_connection *net_udp_new(IPaddr_t dest, uint16_t dport, rx_handler_f *handler, void *ctx) { return net_udp_eth_new(NULL, dest, dport, handler, ctx); } struct net_connection *net_icmp_new(IPaddr_t dest, rx_handler_f *handler, void *ctx) { struct net_connection *con = net_new(NULL, dest, handler, ctx); if (IS_ERR(con)) return con; con->proto = IPPROTO_ICMP; con->ip->protocol = IPPROTO_ICMP; return con; } void net_unregister(struct net_connection *con) { list_del(&con->list); net_free_packet(con->packet); free(con); } static int net_ip_send(struct net_connection *con, int len) { con->ip->tot_len = htons(sizeof(struct iphdr) + len); con->ip->id = htons(net_ip_id++); con->ip->check = 0; con->ip->check = ~net_checksum((unsigned char *)con->ip, sizeof(struct iphdr)); return eth_send(con->edev, con->packet, ETHER_HDR_SIZE + sizeof(struct iphdr) + len); } int net_udp_send(struct net_connection *con, int len) { con->udp->uh_ulen = htons(len + 8); con->udp->uh_sum = 0; return net_ip_send(con, sizeof(struct udphdr) + len); } int net_icmp_send(struct net_connection *con, int len) { con->icmp->checksum = ~net_checksum((unsigned char *)con->icmp, sizeof(struct icmphdr) + len); return net_ip_send(con, sizeof(struct icmphdr) + len); } static int net_answer_arp(struct eth_device *edev, unsigned char *pkt, int len) { struct arprequest *arp = (struct arprequest *)(pkt + ETHER_HDR_SIZE); struct ethernet *et = (struct ethernet *)pkt; unsigned char *packet; int ret; pr_debug("%s\n", __func__); memcpy (et->et_dest, et->et_src, 6); memcpy (et->et_src, edev->ethaddr, 6); et->et_protlen = htons(PROT_ARP); arp->ar_op = htons(ARPOP_REPLY); memcpy(&arp->ar_data[10], &arp->ar_data[0], 6); net_copy_ip(&arp->ar_data[16], &arp->ar_data[6]); memcpy(&arp->ar_data[0], edev->ethaddr, 6); net_copy_ip(&arp->ar_data[6], &edev->ipaddr); packet = net_alloc_packet(); if (!packet) return 0; memcpy(packet, pkt, ETHER_HDR_SIZE + ARP_HDR_SIZE); ret = eth_send(edev, packet, ETHER_HDR_SIZE + ARP_HDR_SIZE); net_free_packet(packet); return ret; } static void net_bad_packet(unsigned char *pkt, int len) { #ifdef DEBUG /* * We received a bad packet. for now just dump it. * We could add more sophisticated debugging here */ memory_display(pkt, 0, len, 1, 0); #endif } static int net_handle_arp(struct eth_device *edev, unsigned char *pkt, int len) { struct arprequest *arp; pr_debug("%s: got arp\n", __func__); /* * We have to deal with two types of ARP packets: * - REQUEST packets will be answered by sending our * IP address - if we know it. * - REPLY packets are expected only after we asked * for the TFTP server's or the gateway's ethernet * address; so if we receive such a packet, we set * the server ethernet address */ arp = (struct arprequest *)(pkt + ETHER_HDR_SIZE); if (len < ARP_HDR_SIZE) goto bad; if (ntohs(arp->ar_hrd) != ARP_ETHER) goto bad; if (ntohs(arp->ar_pro) != PROT_IP) goto bad; if (arp->ar_hln != 6) goto bad; if (arp->ar_pln != 4) goto bad; if (edev->ipaddr == 0) return 0; if (net_read_ip(&arp->ar_data[16]) != edev->ipaddr) return 0; switch (ntohs(arp->ar_op)) { case ARPOP_REQUEST: return net_answer_arp(edev, pkt, len); case ARPOP_REPLY: arp_handler(arp); return 1; default: pr_debug("Unexpected ARP opcode 0x%x\n", ntohs(arp->ar_op)); return -EINVAL; } bad: net_bad_packet(pkt, len); return -EINVAL; } static int net_handle_udp(unsigned char *pkt, int len) { struct iphdr *ip = (struct iphdr *)(pkt + ETHER_HDR_SIZE); struct net_connection *con; struct udphdr *udp; int port; udp = (struct udphdr *)(ip + 1); port = ntohs(udp->uh_dport); list_for_each_entry(con, &connection_list, list) { if (con->proto == IPPROTO_UDP && port == ntohs(con->udp->uh_sport)) { con->handler(con->priv, pkt, len); return 0; } } return -EINVAL; } static struct iphdr *ip_verify_size(unsigned char *pkt, int *total_len_nic) { struct iphdr *ip = (struct iphdr *)(pkt + ETHER_HDR_SIZE); int total_len_pkt; total_len_pkt = ntohs(ip->tot_len) + ETHER_HDR_SIZE; /* Only trust the packet's size if it's within bounds */ if (*total_len_nic < sizeof(struct ethernet) + sizeof(struct iphdr) || *total_len_nic < total_len_pkt) { net_bad_packet(pkt, *total_len_nic); return NULL; } #ifdef DEBUG /* Hitting this warning means we have trailing bytes after the IP * payload that are not needed for padding. * * This may be an indication that the NIC driver is doing funny * offloading stuff it shouldn't, but can also mean that some sender * in the network likes to waste bit time for nought. * * We can't differentiate between the two, so we just print the * warning when DEBUG is defined, so developers may investigate the * reason without annoying users about something that might not even * be barebox's fault. */ if (WARN_ON_ONCE(*total_len_nic > total_len_pkt && *total_len_nic > 64)) { net_bad_packet(pkt, *total_len_nic); } #endif *total_len_nic = total_len_pkt; return ip; } static int ping_reply(struct eth_device *edev, unsigned char *pkt, int len) { struct ethernet *et = (struct ethernet *)pkt; struct icmphdr *icmp; struct iphdr *ip; unsigned char *packet; int ret; memcpy(et->et_dest, et->et_src, 6); memcpy(et->et_src, edev->ethaddr, 6); et->et_protlen = htons(PROT_IP); icmp = net_eth_to_icmphdr(pkt); ip = ip_verify_size(pkt, &len); if (!ip) return -EILSEQ; icmp->type = ICMP_ECHO_REPLY; icmp->checksum = 0; icmp->checksum = ~net_checksum((unsigned char *)icmp, len - sizeof(struct iphdr) - ETHER_HDR_SIZE); ip->check = 0; ip->frag_off = htons(0x4000); ip->ttl = 255; net_copy_ip((void *)&ip->daddr, &ip->saddr); net_copy_ip((void *)&ip->saddr, &edev->ipaddr); ip->check = ~net_checksum((unsigned char *)ip, sizeof(struct iphdr)); packet = net_alloc_packet(); if (!packet) return 0; memcpy(packet, pkt, len); ret = eth_send(edev, packet, len); net_free_packet(packet); return ret; } static int net_handle_icmp(struct eth_device *edev, unsigned char *pkt, int len) { struct net_connection *con; struct icmphdr *icmp; pr_debug("%s\n", __func__); icmp = net_eth_to_icmphdr(pkt); if (icmp->type == ICMP_ECHO_REQUEST) ping_reply(edev, pkt, len); list_for_each_entry(con, &connection_list, list) { if (con->proto == IPPROTO_ICMP) { con->handler(con->priv, pkt, len); return 0; } } return 0; } static int net_handle_ip(struct eth_device *edev, unsigned char *pkt, int len) { struct iphdr *ip = (struct iphdr *)(pkt + ETHER_HDR_SIZE); IPaddr_t tmp; pr_debug("%s\n", __func__); ip = ip_verify_size(pkt, &len); if (!ip) { pr_debug("%s: bad len\n", __func__); return 0; } if ((ip->hl_v & 0xf0) != 0x40) goto bad; /* Can't deal w/ fragments. * Either a fragment offset (13 bits), or * MF (More Fragments) from fragment flags (3 bits). * MF - because first fragment has fragment offset 0 */ if (ip->frag_off & htons(0x3fff)) goto bad; if (!net_checksum_ok((unsigned char *)ip, sizeof(struct iphdr))) goto bad; tmp = net_read_ip(&ip->daddr); if (edev->ipaddr && tmp != edev->ipaddr && tmp != IP_BROADCAST) return 0; switch (ip->protocol) { case IPPROTO_ICMP: return net_handle_icmp(edev, pkt, len); case IPPROTO_UDP: return net_handle_udp(pkt, len); } return 0; bad: net_bad_packet(pkt, len); return 0; } int net_receive(struct eth_device *edev, unsigned char *pkt, int len) { struct ethernet *et = (struct ethernet *)pkt; int et_protlen = ntohs(et->et_protlen); int ret; led_trigger_network(LED_TRIGGER_NET_RX); if (len < ETHER_HDR_SIZE) { ret = 0; goto out; } if (edev->rx_monitor) edev->rx_monitor(edev, pkt, len); if (edev->rx_preprocessor) { ret = edev->rx_preprocessor(edev, &pkt, &len); if (ret == -ENOMSG) return 0; if (ret) { pr_debug("%s: rx_preprocessor failed %pe\n", __func__, ERR_PTR(ret)); return ret; } } switch (et_protlen) { case PROT_ARP: ret = net_handle_arp(edev, pkt, len); break; case PROT_IP: ret = net_handle_ip(edev, pkt, len); break; default: pr_debug("%s: got unknown protocol type: %d\n", __func__, et_protlen); ret = 1; break; } out: return ret; } void net_free_packets(void **packets, unsigned count) { while (count-- > 0) net_free_packet(packets[count]); } int net_alloc_packets(void **packets, int count) { void *packet; int i; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { packet = net_alloc_packet(); if (!packet) goto free; packets[i] = packet; } return 0; free: net_free_packets(packets, i); return -ENOMEM; } static int net_init(void) { globalvar_add_simple_ip("net.nameserver", &net_nameserver); globalvar_add_simple_string("net.domainname", &net_domainname); globalvar_add_simple_string("net.server", &net_server); globalvar_add_simple_ip("net.gateway", &net_gateway); return 0; } postcore_initcall(net_init); BAREBOX_MAGICVAR(global.net.nameserver, "The DNS server used for resolving host names"); BAREBOX_MAGICVAR(global.net.domainname, "Domain name used for DNS requests"); BAREBOX_MAGICVAR(global.net.server, "Standard server used for NFS/TFTP");