includes: - file: ptxdist.ref ptxdist_debug_pci: description: | In DistroKit, we have platforms with and without PCI. For x86_64, we don't want to have lspci, although PCI is available in the kernel. variants: - condition: kconfig.PTXPlatformConfig()['ARCH_X86'] value: False - condition: kconfig.PTXPlatformConfig()['ARCH_ARM64'] value: False - value: True kernel_dtb_partitions: description: | A fixed-partitions node is needed for qemu on mips and for some upstream devicetrees in v7a_noneon. variants: - condition: kconfig.PTXPlatformConfig()['ARCH_MIPS'] value: True - condition: kconfig.PTXPlatformConfig().options.get('PLATFORM') == "v7a_noneon" value: True - value: False kernel_initrd: description: | Initrd support is not needed on most embedded systems. For v7a and v8a, we use an initrd for the fastboot usecase. variants: - condition: kconfig.PTXPlatformConfig().options['PLATFORM'] in ('v8a', 'v7a') value: True - value: False optee_disabled_features: description: | OP-TEE is used as secure monitor on STM32MP13x providing power management and clock/reset control support. We don't use it as part of a trusted boot setup, so we prefer debuggability over reduction of the attack surface. condition: kconfig.OPTEEConfig()['CFG_STM32MP13'] present: - CFG_DEBUG_INFO - CFG_ENABLE_EMBEDDED_TESTS - CFG_TEE_CORE_TA_TRACE rootfs_unused_libraries: description: | - libatomic is needed on mips and rpi1 by libcrypto, but for simplicity ship it on all platforms optional: - !!re '/usr/lib/libatomic\.so.*' # vim: filetype=yaml shiftwidth=2 expandtab