diff options
authorUwe Kleine-König <>2013-02-07 18:09:29 +0100
committerUwe Kleine-König <>2013-02-07 18:09:29 +0100
commitf5d59c5cc84becf568a41ea9ae24def70b157833 (patch)
parentbddd893d6b56e36ee91af47e7310326e1dffed79 (diff)
OSELAS.BSP-EnergyMicro-Gecko: add geckoboot loader
6 files changed, 257 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/configs/ptxconfig b/configs/ptxconfig
index db6ba7e..1a01372 100644
--- a/configs/ptxconfig
+++ b/configs/ptxconfig
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
# PTXdist 2013.01.0
diff --git a/local_src/geckoboot-2013.01.0/.gitignore b/local_src/geckoboot-2013.01.0/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8993d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/local_src/geckoboot-2013.01.0/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/local_src/geckoboot-2013.01.0/Makefile b/local_src/geckoboot-2013.01.0/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..880dd03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/local_src/geckoboot-2013.01.0/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+all: geckoboot.bin
+CFLAGS += -Wa,-mimplicit-it=always
+%.bin: %.o
+ $(OBJCOPY) -O binary $< $@
+ -rm geckoboot.bin
+ -rm geckoboot.o
+.PHONY: all clean install
+.PRECIOUS: geckoboot.o
diff --git a/local_src/geckoboot-2013.01.0/geckoboot.S b/local_src/geckoboot-2013.01.0/geckoboot.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb2c66f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/local_src/geckoboot-2013.01.0/geckoboot.S
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+#define UARTBASE 0x4000e400
+#define DTB_SRC 0x80000
+#define DTB_DST 0x10000000
+#define LINUX_ENTRY 0x8c000000
+#define BC_REGISTER 0x80000000
+ .syntax unified
+ .thumb
+ .int 0x10001000 @ Initial SP value
+ .int reset + 1
+ /* init external RAM, serial port, EBI and stuff */
+ adr r0, reginit
+ ldr r1, [r0]
+ ldr r2, [r0, #4]
+ str r2, [r1]
+ add r0, r0, #8
+ cmp r0, #(reginit_end)
+ blo 1b
+ /* init some BC registers */
+ adr r0, bcinit
+ ldrh r1, [r0]
+ ldrh r2, [r0, #2]
+ add r1, r1, #BC_REGISTER
+ strh r2, [r1]
+ add r0, r0, 4
+ cmp r0, #(bcinit_end)
+ blo 1b
+ /* give mux some time to enable the level shifter */
+ ldr r0, =0x4000
+1: subs r0, r0, #1
+ bne 1b
+ /* First sign of life */
+ ldr r0, =(UARTBASE + 0x34)
+ mov r1, #'G'
+ str r1, [r0]
+ /* only boot into Linux when PB2 is pressed */
+ ldr r0, =(BC_REGISTER)
+1: ldr r1, [r0, #8] @ BC_REGISTER->UIF_PB
+ tst r1, #2
+ bne 1b
+ /* Copy oftree to RAM */
+ ldr r0, =(DTB_DST)
+ ldr r1, =(DTB_SRC)
+ ldr r2, [r1, #4]
+ rev r2, r2
+ bl memcpy
+ /* boot Linux */
+ mov r0, #0
+ ldr r1, =#0xf11
+ ldr r2, =(DTB_DST)
+ mov r3, #0
+ mov r4, #0
+ mov r5, #0
+ mov r6, #0
+ ldr r7, =(LINUX_ENTRY + 1)
+ bx r7
+ @ copies r2 bytes from r1 to r0 with r2 > 0
+ ldrb r3, [r1], #1
+ strb r3, [r0], #1
+ subs r2, r2, #1
+ bhi memcpy
+ bx lr
+ .ltorg
+ .align 3
+ .type reginit, %object
+ .int 0x400c8020, 0x00000004 @ CMU_OSCENCMD = HFXOEN
+ .int 0x400c8008, 0x00000100 @ CMU_HFPERCLKDIV, reset default
+ .int 0x43900814, 0x00000001 @ CMU_HFCORECLKEN0 |= EBI via bitband
+ .int 0x439008b4, 0x00000001 @ CMU_HFPERCLKEN0 |= GPIO via bitband
+ .int 0x43900890, 0x00000001 @ CMU_HFPERCLKEN0 |= UART1 via bitband
+ /* XXX: these should be enabled in Linux */
+ .int 0x43900884, 0x00000001 @ CMU_HFPERCLKEN0 |= USART1 via bitband
+ .int 0x439008c0, 0x00000001 @ CMU_HFPERCLKEN0 |= ADC via bitband
+ /* pinmuxing */
+ .int 0x40006000, 0x00000000 @ GPIO_PA_CTRL, reset default
+ .int 0x40006014, 0x0000807f @ GPIO_PA_DOUTCLR; EBI AD8..15 set dataout to 0
+ .int 0x40006004, 0x04444444 @ GPIO_PA_MODEL; EBI AD9..15 set mode=pushpull
+ .int 0x40006008, 0x40000000 @ GPIO_PA_MODEH; EBI AD8 set mode=pushpull
+ .int 0x40006024, 0x00000000 @ GPIO_PB_CTRL, reset default
+/* XXX join following two */
+ .int 0x40006038, 0x00008000 @ GPIO_PB_DOUTCLR; EBI mode on PB15 MCU_EBI_CONNECT (0)
+ .int 0x40006038, 0x0000007f @ GPIO_PB_DOUTCLR; EBI A16-22
+ .int 0x40006028, 0x04444444 @ GPIO_PB_MODEL; EBI A16-22
+ .int 0x40006034, 0x00000200 @ GPIO_PB_DOUTSET; set UART_TX to avoid false start
+ .int 0x4000602c, 0x40000140 @ GPIO_PB_MODEH; MCU_EBI_CONNECT -> output, UART_TX, UART_RX
+ .int 0x40006048, 0x00000000 @ GPIO_PC_CTRL, reset default
+ .int 0x4000605c, 0x00000001 @ GPIO_PC_DOUTCLR; PC11 (EBI_ALE)
+ .int 0x40006050, 0x00004000 @ GPIO_PC_MODEH; PC11: Push-pull output
+ .int 0x4000606c, 0x00000000 @ GPIO_PD_CTRL, reset default
+ .int 0x4000607c, 0x00003e08 @ GPIO_PD_DOUTSET, EBI CS0-3, spiconnect set dataout to 1; ETH_SPI_#CS (D3)
+ .int 0x40006080, 0x00000007 @ GPIO_PD_DOUTCLR, ETH_SPI_{TX, RX, CLK}
+ .int 0x40006070, 0x00004414 @ GPIO_PD_MODEL; ETH_SPI_
+ .int 0x40006074, 0x00444440 @ GPIO_PD_MODEH; EBI CS0-3, spiconnect set mode=pushpull
+ .int 0x40006090, 0x00000000 @ GPIO_PE_CTRL, reset default
+ .int 0x400060a4, 0x0000ff00 @ GPIO_PE_DOUTCLR; EBI AD0..7 set dataout to 0
+ .int 0x40006098, 0x44444444 @ GPIO_PE_MODEH; EBI AD0..7 set mode=pushpull
+ .int 0x400060b4, 0x00000000 @ GPIO_PF_CTRL, reset default
+ .int 0x400060c8, 0x000003c0 @ GPIO_PF_DOUTCLR; EBI Wen+Ren set dataout to 0
+ .int 0x400060b8, 0x44000000 @ GPIO_PF_MODEL; EBI Byte Lane 0 support BL0/BL1
+ .int 0x400060bc, 0x00000044 @ GPIO_PF_MODEH; EBI WEN, REN
+ .int 0x40006100, 0x00000004 @ GPIO_EXTIPSELL: select port E for irq 0
+ .int 0x4000610c, 0x00000001 @ GPIO_EXTIFALL: trigger for falling FPGA irq line
+ .int 0x4000611c, 0x0000ffff @ GPIO_IFC: clear all irqs
+ .int 0x40006110, 0x00000001 @ GPIO_IEN: enable irq 0
+ /* EBI */
+ .int 0x40008000, 0x4f00d051 @ EBI_CTRL, enable ITS, mode0=mode2=mode3=D16A16ALE, bl0-3, noidle[023]
+ /* EBI PSRAM */
+ .int 0x40008028, 0x10000000 @ EBI_ADDRTIMING2; HALFALE
+ .int 0x4000802c, 0x20000400 @ EBI_RDTIMING2; Prefetch, StrobeCycles = 4, HoldCycles = SetupCycles = 0
+ .int 0x40008030, 0x00000200 @ EBI_WRTIMING2; StrobeCycles = 2, HoldCycles = SetupCycles = 0
+ .int 0x40008034, 0x00000008 @ EBI_POLARITY2, ARDY_, ALE, WE_, RE_, CS_, BL_
+ /* Board Control FPGA */
+ .int 0x40008004, 0x10000303 @ EBI_ADDRTIMING; HALFALE, HoldCycles = SetupCycles = 3
+ .int 0x40008008, 0x00030703 @ EBI_RDTIMING; StrobeCycles = 7, HoldCycles = SetupCycles = 3
+ .int 0x4000800c, 0x00030703 @ EBI_WRTIMING; StrobeCycles = 7, HoldCycles = SetupCycles = 3
+ .int 0x40008010, 0x00000008 @ EBI_POLARITY, ARDY_, ALE, WE_, RE_, CS_, BL_
+ /* external NOR flash */
+ .int 0x40008038, 0x10000000 @ EBI_ADDRTIMING3; HALFALE, HoldCycles = SetupCycles = 0
+#define PRE
+#ifdef PRE
+ .int 0x4000803c, 0x00000700 @ EBI_RDTIMING3; StrobeCycles = 7, HoldCycles = SetupCycles = 0
+ .int 0x40008040, 0x00000200 @ EBI_WRTIMING3; StrobeCycles = 2, HoldCycles = SetupCycles =0
+ /* reference: kits/common/bsp/bsp_dk_3201.c: 5 strobe cycles, hold=setup=0 */
+ .int 0x4000803c, 0x00000700 @ EBI_RDTIMING3; StrobeCycles = 7, HoldCycles = SetupCycles = 0
+ .int 0x40008040, 0x00000700 @ EBI_WRTIMING3; StrobeCycles = 7, HoldCycles = SetupCycles =0
+ .int 0x40008044, 0x00000008 @ EBI_POLARITY3, ARDY_, ALE, WE_, RE_, CS_, BL_
+ .int 0x40008014, 0x105e00bb @ EBI_ROUTE
+ .int 0x40008000, 0x4f00dd51 @ EBI_CTRL, enable ITS, mode0=mode2=mode3=D16A16ALE, bl0-3, noidle[023], bank[023]en
+ .int UARTBASE + 0x00, 0x00000000 @ UART1_CTRL
+ .int UARTBASE + 0x04, 0x00001005 @ UART1_FRAME
+ .int UARTBASE + 0x14, 0x00001900 @ UART1_CLKDIV
+ .int UARTBASE + 0x0c, 0x00000c04 @ UART1_CMD
+ .int UARTBASE + 0x54, 0x00000003 + (UARTLOCATION << 8) @ UART1_ROUTE
+ .int 0x400c8024, 0x00000002 @ CMU_CMD = HFCLKSEL_HFXO
+ .size reginit, . - reginit
+ .align 3
+ .type bcinit, %object
+ .short 0x0018, 0x1300 @ enable UART mux and ETH
+ .short 0x0014, 0x0001 @ /
+ .short 0x001a, 0x0001 @ ETH
+ .size bcinit, . - bcinit
diff --git a/rules/ b/rules/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0dc7d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rules/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+## SECTION=project_specific
+ tristate
+ prompt "geckoboot"
+ help
diff --git a/rules/geckoboot.make b/rules/geckoboot.make
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74c8af5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rules/geckoboot.make
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+# -*-makefile-*-
+# Copyright (C) 2013 by Uwe Kleine-Koenig <>
+# See CREDITS for details about who has contributed to this project.
+# For further information about the PTXdist project and license conditions
+# see the README file.
+# We provide this package
+# Paths and names
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Target-Install
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ @$(call targetinfo)
+ @$(call install_init, geckoboot)
+ @$(call install_fixup, geckoboot,PRIORITY,optional)
+ @$(call install_fixup, geckoboot,SECTION,base)
+ @$(call install_fixup, geckoboot,AUTHOR,"Uwe Kleine-Koenig <>")
+ @$(call install_fixup, geckoboot,DESCRIPTION,missing)
+# @$(call install_copy, geckoboot, 0, 0, 0755, $(GECKOBOOT_DIR)/foobar, /dev/null)
+ @$(call install_finish, geckoboot)
+ @install -D -m 644 $(GECKOBOOT_DIR)/geckoboot.bin $(IMAGEDIR)/geckoboot-image
+ @$(call touch)