#!/usr/bin/make -f # # Makefile to build all ptxconfigs # Copyright (C) 2007 Carsten Schlote # 2008 Marc Kleine-Budde # SHELL := /bin/bash # # config # PTX_AUTOBUILD_DESTDIR := ${PWD}/inst export PTX_AUTOBUILD_DESTDIR BENICE := true # BUILDDATE := $(shell date +%y%m%d-%H%M) # VERSION := $(shell \ # version=$$(pwd | sed -e "s~.*/OSELAS.Toolchain-~~"); \ # case "$${version}" in \ # (*trunk*) \ # svnversion | \ # sed \ # -e "s/^/trunk-/" \ # -e "s/:/./g";; \ # (*) \ # echo "$${version}";; \ # esac \ # ) VERSION := $(shell pwd | sed -e "s~.*/OSELAS.Toolchain-~~") ARCH := $(shell \ case "$$(uname -m)" in \ (x86_64) echo amd64;; \ (i[1-9]86) echo i386;; \ (ppc) echo powerpc;; \ (*) ;; \ esac \ ) ifeq ($(ARCH),) $(error failed to detect arch, or arch is unsupported) endif PTXDIST := ./p --force ifdef BENICE NICE += nice -20 endif CONFIGDIR := ptxconfigs CONFIGFILES := $(wildcard $(CONFIGDIR)/*.ptxconfig) $(wildcard $(CONFIGDIR)/*/*.ptxconfig) CONFIGS := $(notdir $(basename $(CONFIGFILES))) CONFIGS_ := $(subst _,-,$(CONFIGS)) define gen_2config $(eval 2CONFIG_$(subst _,-,$(1)) := $(1)) endef define gen_2configfile $(eval 2CONFIGFILE_$(subst _,-,$(notdir $(basename $(1)))) := $(1)) endef define gen_2instdir $(eval 2INSTDIR_$(subst _,-,$(notdir $(basename $(1)))) := \ $(shell PTX_AUTOBUILD_DESTDIR='' source "$(1)" && echo "$${PTXCONF_SYSROOT_CROSS}")) endef $(foreach cfg,$(CONFIGS),$(call gen_2config,$(cfg))) $(foreach cfgfile,$(CONFIGFILES),$(call gen_2configfile,$(cfgfile))) $(foreach cfgfile,$(CONFIGFILES),$(call gen_2instdir,$(cfgfile))) STATEDIR := gstate DISTDIR := dist PREFIX := $(DISTDIR)/oselas.toolchain-$(VERSION)- CONFIGS_PREFIX := $(foreach config,$(CONFIGS_),$(addprefix $(PREFIX),$(config))) DEB_PREFIX := $(PREFIX) DEB_SUFFIX := _$(VERSION)_$(ARCH).deb TBZ2_PREFIX := $(PREFIX) TBZ2_SUFFIX := _$(ARCH).tar.bz2 DEBS := $(foreach config,$(CONFIGS_PREFIX),$(addsuffix $(DEB_SUFFIX),$(config))) TBZ2S := $(foreach config,$(CONFIGS_PREFIX),$(addsuffix $(TBZ2_SUFFIX),$(config))) all: $(TBZ2S) $(DEBS) $(DEB_PREFIX)%$(DEB_SUFFIX): $(STATEDIR)/%.build | mkdirs @scripts/make_deb.sh -d "$(@)" -s "$(PTX_AUTOBUILD_DESTDIR)/$(2INSTDIR_$(*))" $(TBZ2_PREFIX)%$(TBZ2_SUFFIX): $(STATEDIR)/%.build | mkdirs @echo 'tar -C "$(PTX_AUTOBUILD_DESTDIR)/opt" -cvjf "$(@)" "$(patsubst /opt/%,%,$(2INSTDIR_$(*)))"' | fakeroot $(STATEDIR)/%.build: | mkdirs @echo "building ${*}" $(NICE) $(PTXDIST) go --ptxconfig=$(2CONFIGFILE_$(*)) mkdirs: @mkdir -p $(STATEDIR) $(DISTDIR) print-%: @echo "$* is \"$($(*))\""