path: root/commands/gpio.c
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diff --git a/commands/gpio.c b/commands/gpio.c
index 4f2d93ee7d..08ecc152d9 100644
--- a/commands/gpio.c
+++ b/commands/gpio.c
@@ -107,65 +107,3 @@ BAREBOX_CMD_START(gpio_direction_output)
- * @page gpio_for_users GPIO Handling
-@section regular_gpio General usage information
-These commands are available if the symbol @b CONFIG_GENERIC_GPIO and @b
-CONFIG_CMD_GPIO are enabled in Kconfig.
-@note All gpio related commands take a number to identify the pad. This
-number is architecture dependent and may not directly correlate with the
-pad numbers. Due to this, it is also possible that the numbers changes
-between @b barebox releases.
-@section gpio_dir_out Use Pad as GPIO Output
-# gpio_direction_output <gpio_no> <initial_value>
-- gpio_no: Architecture dependend GPIO number
-- initial_value: Output value
-<p> To avoid glitches on the pad the routines will first set up the
-pad's value and afterwards switch the pad to output (if the silicon is
-able to do so). If the pad is already configured in non-GPIO mode (if
-available), this command may silently fail. </p>
-@section gpio_dir_in Use Pad as GPIO Input
-# gpio_direction_input <gpio_no>
-- gpio_no: Architecture dependent GPIO number
-<p> If the pad is already configured in non-GPIO mode (if available),
-this command may silently fail. </p>
-@section gpio_get_value Read Input Value from GPIO Pin
-# gpio_get_value <gpio_no>
-<p> Reads the current value of a GPIO pin and return the value as a
-shell return code. There is no visible output on stdout. You can check
-the return value by using "echo $?". </p>
-<p> A return code other than '0' or '1' specifies an error code. </p>
-<p> If the pad is not configured in GPIO mode, this command may silently
-fail and return garbage. </p>
-@section gpio_set_value Set Output Value on GPIO Pin
-# gpio_set_value <gpio_no> <value>
-- gpio_no: Architecture dependent GPIO number
-- value: Output value
-<p> Set a new output value on pad with GPIO number \<gpio_no>. </p>
-<p> If the pad is not configured in GPIO-mode, this command may silently
-fail. </p>