path: root/lib/zstd/common/huf.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/zstd/common/huf.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 356 deletions
diff --git a/lib/zstd/common/huf.h b/lib/zstd/common/huf.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 88c5586646..0000000000
--- a/lib/zstd/common/huf.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,356 +0,0 @@
-/* ******************************************************************
- * huff0 huffman codec,
- * part of Finite State Entropy library
- * Copyright (c) Yann Collet, Facebook, Inc.
- *
- * You can contact the author at :
- * - Source repository :
- *
- * This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
- * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
- * in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
- * You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.
-****************************************************************** */
-#ifndef HUF_H_298734234
-#define HUF_H_298734234
-/* *** Dependencies *** */
-#include "zstd_deps.h" /* size_t */
-/* *** library symbols visibility *** */
-/* Note : when linking with -fvisibility=hidden on gcc, or by default on Visual,
- * HUF symbols remain "private" (internal symbols for library only).
- * Set macro FSE_DLL_EXPORT to 1 if you want HUF symbols visible on DLL interface */
-#if defined(FSE_DLL_EXPORT) && (FSE_DLL_EXPORT==1) && defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 4)
-# define HUF_PUBLIC_API __attribute__ ((visibility ("default")))
-#elif defined(FSE_DLL_EXPORT) && (FSE_DLL_EXPORT==1) /* Visual expected */
-# define HUF_PUBLIC_API __declspec(dllexport)
-#elif defined(FSE_DLL_IMPORT) && (FSE_DLL_IMPORT==1)
-# define HUF_PUBLIC_API __declspec(dllimport) /* not required, just to generate faster code (saves a function pointer load from IAT and an indirect jump) */
-# define HUF_PUBLIC_API
-/* ========================== */
-/* *** simple functions *** */
-/* ========================== */
-/* HUF_compress() :
- * Compress content from buffer 'src', of size 'srcSize', into buffer 'dst'.
- * 'dst' buffer must be already allocated.
- * Compression runs faster if `dstCapacity` >= HUF_compressBound(srcSize).
- * `srcSize` must be <= `HUF_BLOCKSIZE_MAX` == 128 KB.
- * @return : size of compressed data (<= `dstCapacity`).
- * Special values : if return == 0, srcData is not compressible => Nothing is stored within dst !!!
- * if HUF_isError(return), compression failed (more details using HUF_getErrorName())
- */
-HUF_PUBLIC_API size_t HUF_compress(void* dst, size_t dstCapacity,
- const void* src, size_t srcSize);
-/* HUF_decompress() :
- * Decompress HUF data from buffer 'cSrc', of size 'cSrcSize',
- * into already allocated buffer 'dst', of minimum size 'dstSize'.
- * `originalSize` : **must** be the ***exact*** size of original (uncompressed) data.
- * Note : in contrast with FSE, HUF_decompress can regenerate
- * RLE (cSrcSize==1) and uncompressed (cSrcSize==dstSize) data,
- * because it knows size to regenerate (originalSize).
- * @return : size of regenerated data (== originalSize),
- * or an error code, which can be tested using HUF_isError()
- */
-HUF_PUBLIC_API size_t HUF_decompress(void* dst, size_t originalSize,
- const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize);
-/* *** Tool functions *** */
-#define HUF_BLOCKSIZE_MAX (128 * 1024) /*< maximum input size for a single block compressed with HUF_compress */
-HUF_PUBLIC_API size_t HUF_compressBound(size_t size); /*< maximum compressed size (worst case) */
-/* Error Management */
-HUF_PUBLIC_API unsigned HUF_isError(size_t code); /*< tells if a return value is an error code */
-HUF_PUBLIC_API const char* HUF_getErrorName(size_t code); /*< provides error code string (useful for debugging) */
-/* *** Advanced function *** */
-/* HUF_compress2() :
- * Same as HUF_compress(), but offers control over `maxSymbolValue` and `tableLog`.
- * `maxSymbolValue` must be <= HUF_SYMBOLVALUE_MAX .
- * `tableLog` must be `<= HUF_TABLELOG_MAX` . */
-HUF_PUBLIC_API size_t HUF_compress2 (void* dst, size_t dstCapacity,
- const void* src, size_t srcSize,
- unsigned maxSymbolValue, unsigned tableLog);
-/* HUF_compress4X_wksp() :
- * Same as HUF_compress2(), but uses externally allocated `workSpace`.
- * `workspace` must have minimum alignment of 4, and be at least as large as HUF_WORKSPACE_SIZE */
-#define HUF_WORKSPACE_SIZE ((6 << 10) + 256)
-HUF_PUBLIC_API size_t HUF_compress4X_wksp (void* dst, size_t dstCapacity,
- const void* src, size_t srcSize,
- unsigned maxSymbolValue, unsigned tableLog,
- void* workSpace, size_t wkspSize);
-#endif /* HUF_H_298734234 */
-/* ******************************************************************
- * WARNING !!
- * The following section contains advanced and experimental definitions
- * which shall never be used in the context of a dynamic library,
- * because they are not guaranteed to remain stable in the future.
- * Only consider them in association with static linking.
- * *****************************************************************/
-/* *** Dependencies *** */
-#include "mem.h" /* U32 */
-#include "fse.h"
-/* *** Constants *** */
-#define HUF_TABLELOG_MAX 12 /* max runtime value of tableLog (due to static allocation); can be modified up to HUF_ABSOLUTEMAX_TABLELOG */
-#define HUF_TABLELOG_DEFAULT 11 /* default tableLog value when none specified */
-#define HUF_TABLELOG_ABSOLUTEMAX 15 /* absolute limit of HUF_MAX_TABLELOG. Beyond that value, code does not work */
-# error "HUF_TABLELOG_MAX is too large !"
-/* ****************************************
-* Static allocation
-/* HUF buffer bounds */
-#define HUF_CTABLEBOUND 129
-#define HUF_BLOCKBOUND(size) (size + (size>>8) + 8) /* only true when incompressible is pre-filtered with fast heuristic */
-#define HUF_COMPRESSBOUND(size) (HUF_CTABLEBOUND + HUF_BLOCKBOUND(size)) /* Macro version, useful for static allocation */
-/* static allocation of HUF's Compression Table */
-/* this is a private definition, just exposed for allocation and strict aliasing purpose. never EVER access its members directly */
-struct HUF_CElt_s {
- U16 val;
- BYTE nbBits;
-}; /* typedef'd to HUF_CElt */
-typedef struct HUF_CElt_s HUF_CElt; /* consider it an incomplete type */
-#define HUF_CTABLE_SIZE_U32(maxSymbolValue) ((maxSymbolValue)+1) /* Use tables of U32, for proper alignment */
-#define HUF_CTABLE_SIZE(maxSymbolValue) (HUF_CTABLE_SIZE_U32(maxSymbolValue) * sizeof(U32))
-#define HUF_CREATE_STATIC_CTABLE(name, maxSymbolValue) \
- HUF_CElt name[HUF_CTABLE_SIZE_U32(maxSymbolValue)] /* no final ; */
-/* static allocation of HUF's DTable */
-typedef U32 HUF_DTable;
-#define HUF_DTABLE_SIZE(maxTableLog) (1 + (1<<(maxTableLog)))
-#define HUF_CREATE_STATIC_DTABLEX1(DTable, maxTableLog) \
- HUF_DTable DTable[HUF_DTABLE_SIZE((maxTableLog)-1)] = { ((U32)((maxTableLog)-1) * 0x01000001) }
-#define HUF_CREATE_STATIC_DTABLEX2(DTable, maxTableLog) \
- HUF_DTable DTable[HUF_DTABLE_SIZE(maxTableLog)] = { ((U32)(maxTableLog) * 0x01000001) }
-/* ****************************************
-* Advanced decompression functions
-size_t HUF_decompress4X1 (void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize); /*< single-symbol decoder */
-size_t HUF_decompress4X2 (void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize); /*< double-symbols decoder */
-size_t HUF_decompress4X_DCtx (HUF_DTable* dctx, void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize); /*< decodes RLE and uncompressed */
-size_t HUF_decompress4X_hufOnly(HUF_DTable* dctx, void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize); /*< considers RLE and uncompressed as errors */
-size_t HUF_decompress4X_hufOnly_wksp(HUF_DTable* dctx, void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize, void* workSpace, size_t wkspSize); /*< considers RLE and uncompressed as errors */
-size_t HUF_decompress4X1_DCtx(HUF_DTable* dctx, void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize); /*< single-symbol decoder */
-size_t HUF_decompress4X1_DCtx_wksp(HUF_DTable* dctx, void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize, void* workSpace, size_t wkspSize); /*< single-symbol decoder */
-size_t HUF_decompress4X2_DCtx(HUF_DTable* dctx, void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize); /*< double-symbols decoder */
-size_t HUF_decompress4X2_DCtx_wksp(HUF_DTable* dctx, void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize, void* workSpace, size_t wkspSize); /*< double-symbols decoder */
-/* ****************************************
- * HUF detailed API
- * ****************************************/
-/*! HUF_compress() does the following:
- * 1. count symbol occurrence from source[] into table count[] using FSE_count() (exposed within "fse.h")
- * 2. (optional) refine tableLog using HUF_optimalTableLog()
- * 3. build Huffman table from count using HUF_buildCTable()
- * 4. save Huffman table to memory buffer using HUF_writeCTable()
- * 5. encode the data stream using HUF_compress4X_usingCTable()
- *
- * The following API allows targeting specific sub-functions for advanced tasks.
- * For example, it's possible to compress several blocks using the same 'CTable',
- * or to save and regenerate 'CTable' using external methods.
- */
-unsigned HUF_optimalTableLog(unsigned maxTableLog, size_t srcSize, unsigned maxSymbolValue);
-size_t HUF_buildCTable (HUF_CElt* CTable, const unsigned* count, unsigned maxSymbolValue, unsigned maxNbBits); /* @return : maxNbBits; CTable and count can overlap. In which case, CTable will overwrite count content */
-size_t HUF_writeCTable (void* dst, size_t maxDstSize, const HUF_CElt* CTable, unsigned maxSymbolValue, unsigned huffLog);
-size_t HUF_writeCTable_wksp(void* dst, size_t maxDstSize, const HUF_CElt* CTable, unsigned maxSymbolValue, unsigned huffLog, void* workspace, size_t workspaceSize);
-size_t HUF_compress4X_usingCTable(void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* src, size_t srcSize, const HUF_CElt* CTable);
-size_t HUF_estimateCompressedSize(const HUF_CElt* CTable, const unsigned* count, unsigned maxSymbolValue);
-int HUF_validateCTable(const HUF_CElt* CTable, const unsigned* count, unsigned maxSymbolValue);
-typedef enum {
- HUF_repeat_none, /*< Cannot use the previous table */
- HUF_repeat_check, /*< Can use the previous table but it must be checked. Note : The previous table must have been constructed by HUF_compress{1, 4}X_repeat */
- HUF_repeat_valid /*< Can use the previous table and it is assumed to be valid */
- } HUF_repeat;
-/* HUF_compress4X_repeat() :
- * Same as HUF_compress4X_wksp(), but considers using hufTable if *repeat != HUF_repeat_none.
- * If it uses hufTable it does not modify hufTable or repeat.
- * If it doesn't, it sets *repeat = HUF_repeat_none, and it sets hufTable to the table used.
- * If preferRepeat then the old table will always be used if valid. */
-size_t HUF_compress4X_repeat(void* dst, size_t dstSize,
- const void* src, size_t srcSize,
- unsigned maxSymbolValue, unsigned tableLog,
- void* workSpace, size_t wkspSize, /*< `workSpace` must be aligned on 4-bytes boundaries, `wkspSize` must be >= HUF_WORKSPACE_SIZE */
- HUF_CElt* hufTable, HUF_repeat* repeat, int preferRepeat, int bmi2);
-/* HUF_buildCTable_wksp() :
- * Same as HUF_buildCTable(), but using externally allocated scratch buffer.
- * `workSpace` must be aligned on 4-bytes boundaries, and its size must be >= HUF_CTABLE_WORKSPACE_SIZE.
- */
-size_t HUF_buildCTable_wksp (HUF_CElt* tree,
- const unsigned* count, U32 maxSymbolValue, U32 maxNbBits,
- void* workSpace, size_t wkspSize);
-/*! HUF_readStats() :
- * Read compact Huffman tree, saved by HUF_writeCTable().
- * `huffWeight` is destination buffer.
- * @return : size read from `src` , or an error Code .
- * Note : Needed by HUF_readCTable() and HUF_readDTableXn() . */
-size_t HUF_readStats(BYTE* huffWeight, size_t hwSize,
- U32* rankStats, U32* nbSymbolsPtr, U32* tableLogPtr,
- const void* src, size_t srcSize);
-/*! HUF_readStats_wksp() :
- * Same as HUF_readStats() but takes an external workspace which must be
- * 4-byte aligned and its size must be >= HUF_READ_STATS_WORKSPACE_SIZE.
- * If the CPU has BMI2 support, pass bmi2=1, otherwise pass bmi2=0.
- */
-size_t HUF_readStats_wksp(BYTE* huffWeight, size_t hwSize,
- U32* rankStats, U32* nbSymbolsPtr, U32* tableLogPtr,
- const void* src, size_t srcSize,
- void* workspace, size_t wkspSize,
- int bmi2);
-/* HUF_readCTable() :
- * Loading a CTable saved with HUF_writeCTable() */
-size_t HUF_readCTable (HUF_CElt* CTable, unsigned* maxSymbolValuePtr, const void* src, size_t srcSize, unsigned *hasZeroWeights);
-/* HUF_getNbBits() :
- * Read nbBits from CTable symbolTable, for symbol `symbolValue` presumed <= HUF_SYMBOLVALUE_MAX
- * Note 1 : is not inlined, as HUF_CElt definition is private
- * Note 2 : const void* used, so that it can provide a statically allocated table as argument (which uses type U32) */
-U32 HUF_getNbBits(const void* symbolTable, U32 symbolValue);
- * HUF_decompress() does the following:
- * 1. select the decompression algorithm (X1, X2) based on pre-computed heuristics
- * 2. build Huffman table from save, using HUF_readDTableX?()
- * 3. decode 1 or 4 segments in parallel using HUF_decompress?X?_usingDTable()
- */
-/* HUF_selectDecoder() :
- * Tells which decoder is likely to decode faster,
- * based on a set of pre-computed metrics.
- * @return : 0==HUF_decompress4X1, 1==HUF_decompress4X2 .
- * Assumption : 0 < dstSize <= 128 KB */
-U32 HUF_selectDecoder (size_t dstSize, size_t cSrcSize);
- * The minimum workspace size for the `workSpace` used in
- * HUF_readDTableX1_wksp() and HUF_readDTableX2_wksp().
- *
- * The space used depends on HUF_TABLELOG_MAX, ranging from ~1500 bytes when
- * HUF_TABLE_LOG_MAX=12 to ~1850 bytes when HUF_TABLE_LOG_MAX=15.
- * Buffer overflow errors may potentially occur if code modifications result in
- * a required workspace size greater than that specified in the following
- * macro.
- */
-#define HUF_DECOMPRESS_WORKSPACE_SIZE ((2 << 10) + (1 << 9))
-size_t HUF_readDTableX1 (HUF_DTable* DTable, const void* src, size_t srcSize);
-size_t HUF_readDTableX1_wksp (HUF_DTable* DTable, const void* src, size_t srcSize, void* workSpace, size_t wkspSize);
-size_t HUF_readDTableX2 (HUF_DTable* DTable, const void* src, size_t srcSize);
-size_t HUF_readDTableX2_wksp (HUF_DTable* DTable, const void* src, size_t srcSize, void* workSpace, size_t wkspSize);
-size_t HUF_decompress4X_usingDTable(void* dst, size_t maxDstSize, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize, const HUF_DTable* DTable);
-size_t HUF_decompress4X1_usingDTable(void* dst, size_t maxDstSize, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize, const HUF_DTable* DTable);
-size_t HUF_decompress4X2_usingDTable(void* dst, size_t maxDstSize, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize, const HUF_DTable* DTable);
-/* ====================== */
-/* single stream variants */
-/* ====================== */
-size_t HUF_compress1X (void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* src, size_t srcSize, unsigned maxSymbolValue, unsigned tableLog);
-size_t HUF_compress1X_wksp (void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* src, size_t srcSize, unsigned maxSymbolValue, unsigned tableLog, void* workSpace, size_t wkspSize); /*< `workSpace` must be a table of at least HUF_WORKSPACE_SIZE_U32 unsigned */
-size_t HUF_compress1X_usingCTable(void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* src, size_t srcSize, const HUF_CElt* CTable);
-/* HUF_compress1X_repeat() :
- * Same as HUF_compress1X_wksp(), but considers using hufTable if *repeat != HUF_repeat_none.
- * If it uses hufTable it does not modify hufTable or repeat.
- * If it doesn't, it sets *repeat = HUF_repeat_none, and it sets hufTable to the table used.
- * If preferRepeat then the old table will always be used if valid. */
-size_t HUF_compress1X_repeat(void* dst, size_t dstSize,
- const void* src, size_t srcSize,
- unsigned maxSymbolValue, unsigned tableLog,
- void* workSpace, size_t wkspSize, /*< `workSpace` must be aligned on 4-bytes boundaries, `wkspSize` must be >= HUF_WORKSPACE_SIZE */
- HUF_CElt* hufTable, HUF_repeat* repeat, int preferRepeat, int bmi2);
-size_t HUF_decompress1X1 (void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize); /* single-symbol decoder */
-size_t HUF_decompress1X2 (void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize); /* double-symbol decoder */
-size_t HUF_decompress1X_DCtx (HUF_DTable* dctx, void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize);
-size_t HUF_decompress1X_DCtx_wksp (HUF_DTable* dctx, void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize, void* workSpace, size_t wkspSize);
-size_t HUF_decompress1X1_DCtx(HUF_DTable* dctx, void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize); /*< single-symbol decoder */
-size_t HUF_decompress1X1_DCtx_wksp(HUF_DTable* dctx, void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize, void* workSpace, size_t wkspSize); /*< single-symbol decoder */
-size_t HUF_decompress1X2_DCtx(HUF_DTable* dctx, void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize); /*< double-symbols decoder */
-size_t HUF_decompress1X2_DCtx_wksp(HUF_DTable* dctx, void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize, void* workSpace, size_t wkspSize); /*< double-symbols decoder */
-size_t HUF_decompress1X_usingDTable(void* dst, size_t maxDstSize, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize, const HUF_DTable* DTable); /*< automatic selection of sing or double symbol decoder, based on DTable */
-size_t HUF_decompress1X1_usingDTable(void* dst, size_t maxDstSize, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize, const HUF_DTable* DTable);
-size_t HUF_decompress1X2_usingDTable(void* dst, size_t maxDstSize, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize, const HUF_DTable* DTable);
-/* BMI2 variants.
- * If the CPU has BMI2 support, pass bmi2=1, otherwise pass bmi2=0.
- */
-size_t HUF_decompress1X_usingDTable_bmi2(void* dst, size_t maxDstSize, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize, const HUF_DTable* DTable, int bmi2);
-size_t HUF_decompress1X1_DCtx_wksp_bmi2(HUF_DTable* dctx, void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize, void* workSpace, size_t wkspSize, int bmi2);
-size_t HUF_decompress4X_usingDTable_bmi2(void* dst, size_t maxDstSize, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize, const HUF_DTable* DTable, int bmi2);
-size_t HUF_decompress4X_hufOnly_wksp_bmi2(HUF_DTable* dctx, void* dst, size_t dstSize, const void* cSrc, size_t cSrcSize, void* workSpace, size_t wkspSize, int bmi2);
-size_t HUF_readDTableX1_wksp_bmi2(HUF_DTable* DTable, const void* src, size_t srcSize, void* workSpace, size_t wkspSize, int bmi2);