Texas Instruments AM335x ======================== The Texas Instruments AM335x SoCs have a two-stage boot process. The first stage loader, also known as MLO is loaded by the ROM code. The MLO loads the second stage loader from the same medium. Building barebox ---------------- The TI AM335x boards in barebox are covered by the ``am335x_mlo_defconfig`` for the MLO and ``am335x_defconfig`` for the regular barebox image. The resulting images will be placed under ``images/``: :: barebox-am33xx-afi-gf.img barebox-am33xx-afi-gf-mlo.img barebox-am33xx-beaglebone.img barebox-am33xx-beaglebone-mlo.img barebox-am33xx-phytec-phycore.img barebox-am33xx-phytec-phycore-mlo-1x128m16.img barebox-am33xx-phytec-phycore-mlo-1x256m16.img barebox-am33xx-phytec-phycore-mlo-1x512m16.img Some boards come in different variants, make sure to pick the correct one. Starting and updating barebox ----------------------------- SPI NOR and NAND ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The regular board images can be started from another bootloader, see :ref:`second_stage`. The board should provide update handlers to update (or initially install) barebox on SPI NOR or NAND, see :ref:`update`. SD/MMC ^^^^^^ To start barebox from SD/MMC prepare a card with a FAT filesystem. Copy the MLO file for your board to the card and name it ``MLO``. Copy the regular image for your board to the card and name it ``barebox.bin``.