/** @page first_steps First Steps This section demonstrates the first steps with the 'sandbox' platform. @a barebox usually needs an environment for storing its configuration. You can generate an environment using the example environment contained in arch/sandbox/board/env: @code # ./scripts/bareboxenv -s -p 0x10000 arch/sandbox/board/env/ env.bin @endcode To get some files to play with you can generate a cramfs image: @code # mkcramfs somedir/ cramfs.bin @endcode The @a barebox image is a normal Linux executable, so it can be started just like every other program: @code # ./barebox -e env.bin -i cramfs.bin barebox 2010.10.0 (Oct 29 2010 - 13:47:17) loading environment from /dev/env0 barebox\> / @endcode Specifying -[ie] \ tells @a barebox to map the file as a device under @p /dev. Files given with '-e' will appear as @p /dev/env[n]. Files given with '-i' will appear as @p /dev/fd[n]. If @a barebox finds a valid configuration sector on @p /dev/env0, it will be loaded into @p /env and executes @p /env/init if existing. The default environment from the example above will show up a menu asking for the relevant settings. If you have started @a barebox as root you will find a new tap device on your host which you can configure using ifconfig. Once configured with valid network addresses, barebox can be used to ping the host machine or to fetch files with tftp. \todo Add more about tun/tap configuration If you have mapped a cramfs image, try mounting it with @code # mkdir /cram # mount /dev/fd0 cramfs /cram @endcode Memory can be examined using @p md/mw commands. They both understand the -f \ option to tell the commands that they should work on the specified files instead of @p /dev/mem (which holds the complete address space). Note that if you call 'md /dev/fd0' (without -f), @a barebox will segfault on the host, because it will interpret @p /dev/fd0 as a number. */