#!/usr/bin/python import errno import os import re import sys import hashlib from collections import defaultdict from pprint import pprint # TODO: handle commands with the same name in multiple files # TODO: handle #ifdefs HELP_START = re.compile(r"""^BAREBOX_CMD_HELP_START\s*\((\w+)\)?\s*$""") HELP_TEXT = re.compile(r"""^BAREBOX_CMD_HELP_TEXT\s*\("(.*?)"\)?\s*$""") HELP_OPT = re.compile(r"""^BAREBOX_CMD_HELP_OPT\s*\("(.+?)",\s*"(.+?)"\)?\s*$""") HELP_END = re.compile(r"""^BAREBOX_CMD_HELP_END\s*$""") CMD_START = re.compile(r"""^BAREBOX_CMD_START\s*\((.+)\)\s*$""") CMD_FUNC = re.compile(r"""^\s*\.cmd\s*=\s*(.+?),\s*$""") CMD_DESC = re.compile(r"""^\s*BAREBOX_CMD_DESC\s*\("(.*?)"\)?\s*$""") CMD_OPTS = re.compile(r"""^\s*BAREBOX_CMD_OPTS\s*\("(.*?)"\)?\s*$""") CMD_GROUP = re.compile(r"""^\s*BAREBOX_CMD_GROUP\s*\((.+)\)\s*$""") CMD_END = re.compile(r"""^BAREBOX_CMD_END\s*$""") CONT = re.compile(r"""\s*"(.*?)"\s*\)?\s*$""") CMDS = {} def parse_c(name): cmd = None last = None for line in file(name, 'r'): x = HELP_START.match(line) if x: cmd = CMDS.setdefault(x.group(1), defaultdict(list)) cmd.setdefault("files", set()).add(name) continue x = CMD_START.match(line) if x: cmd = CMDS.setdefault(x.group(1), defaultdict(list)) cmd.setdefault("files", set()).add(name) continue if cmd is None: continue x = HELP_TEXT.match(line) if x: if 'h_opts' not in cmd: last = cmd['h_pre'] else: last = cmd['h_post'] last.append(x.group(1).decode("string_escape").strip()) continue x = HELP_OPT.match(line) if x: last = cmd['h_opts'] last.append([ x.group(1).decode("string_escape"), x.group(2).decode("string_escape") ]) continue x = CMD_FUNC.match(line) if x: last = cmd['c_func'] last.append(x.group(1)) continue x = CMD_DESC.match(line) if x: last = cmd['c_desc'] last.append(x.group(1).decode("string_escape")) continue x = CMD_OPTS.match(line) if x: last = cmd['c_opts'] last.append(x.group(1).decode("string_escape")) continue x = CMD_GROUP.match(line) if x: last = cmd['c_group'] last.append(x.group(1).split('_')[-1].lower()) continue x = CONT.match(line) if x: if last is None: raise Exception("Parse error in %s: %r" % (name, line)) if isinstance(last[-1], str): last[-1] += x.group(1).decode("string_escape") elif isinstance(last[-1], list): last[-1][1] += x.group(1).decode("string_escape") continue x = HELP_END.match(line) if x: cmd = last = None x = CMD_END.match(line) if x: cmd = last = None def gen_rst(name, cmd): out = [] out.append('.. index:: %s (command)' % name) out.append('') out.append('.. _command_%s:' % name) out.append('') if 'c_desc' in cmd: out.append("%s - %s" % (name, ''.join(cmd['c_desc']).strip())) else: out.append("%s" % (name,)) out.append('='*len(out[-1])) out.append('') if 'c_opts' in cmd: out.append('Usage') out.append('^'*len(out[-1])) out.append('``%s %s``' % (name, ''.join(cmd['c_opts']).strip())) out.append('') if 'h_pre' in cmd: pre = cmd['h_pre'] if pre and pre[-1] == "Options:": del pre[-1] if pre and pre[-1] == "": del pre[-1] if pre: out.append('Synopsis') out.append('^'*len(out[-1])) out.append('\n'.join(cmd['h_pre']).strip()) out.append('') if 'h_opts' in cmd: out.append('Options') out.append('^'*len(out[-1])) for o, d in cmd['h_opts']: o = o.strip() d = d.strip() if o: out.append('%s\n %s' % (o, d)) else: out.append(' %s' % (d,)) out.append('') if 'h_post' in cmd: post = cmd['h_post'] if post and post[0] == "": del post[0] if post: out.append('Description') out.append('^'*len(out[-1])) out.append('\n'.join(cmd['h_post']).strip()) out.append('') out.append('.. generated from: %s' % ', '.join(cmd['files'])) if 'c_func' in cmd: out.append('.. command function: %s' % ', '.join(cmd['c_func'])) return '\n'.join(out) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(sys.argv[1]): for name in files: if name.endswith('.c'): source = os.path.join(root, name) parse_c(source) for name in CMDS.keys(): CMDS[name] = dict(CMDS[name]) for name, cmd in CMDS.items(): #pprint({name: cmd}) rst = gen_rst(name, cmd) subdir = os.path.join(sys.argv[2], cmd['c_group'][0]) try: os.makedirs(subdir) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir(subdir): pass else: raise target = os.path.join(subdir, name+'.rst') # Only write the new rst if it differs from the old one. Wroto hash_old = hashlib.sha1() try: f = open(target, 'rb') hash_old.update(f.read()) except: pass hash_new = hashlib.sha1() hash_new.update(rst) if hash_old.hexdigest() == hash_new.hexdigest(): continue file(target, 'w').write(rst)