# # basic config # # boot source: 'disk' or 'net' kernel=disk root=disk # data for the NFS case nfsroot="/path/to/nfs_root" # data for the disk case kernel_device=/dev/biosdisk0.1 rootpart_disk=/dev/sda1 rootpart_fs=ext2 baudrate=115200 serial=ttyS0 # use UART for console bootargs="console=$serial,$baudrate" autoboot_timeout=3 # use 'dhcp' to do dhcp in uboot and in kernel # ip=dhcp # or set your networking parameters here # eth0.ipaddr= # eth0.netmask= # eth0.gateway=a.b.c.d # eth0.serverip= # eth0.ethaddr=aa.bb.cc.dd.ee.ff