// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2007 Sascha Hauer , Pengutronix #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define TABSPACE 8 struct line { int length; struct line *next; struct line *prev; char *data; }; static struct line *buffer; static struct line *lastscrline; static int screenwidth = 80; static int screenheight = 25; static int cursx = 0; /* position on screen */ static int cursy = 0; static int textx = 0; /* position in text */ static struct line *curline; /* line where the cursor is */ static struct line *scrline; /* the first line on screen */ static int scrcol = 0; /* the first column on screen */ static void pos(int x, int y) { printf("\x1b[%d;%dH", y + 2, x + 1); } static char *screenline(char *line, int *pos) { int i, outpos = 0; static char lbuf[1024]; memset(lbuf, 0, 1024); if (!line) { lbuf[0] = '~'; return lbuf; } for (i = 0; outpos < 1024; i++) { if (i == textx && pos) *pos = outpos; if (!line[i]) break; if (line[i] == '\t') { lbuf[outpos++] = ' '; while (outpos % TABSPACE) lbuf[outpos++] = ' '; continue; } lbuf[outpos++] = line[i]; } return lbuf; } static int setpos(char *line, int position) { int i = 0; int linepos = 0; while(line[linepos]) { if (line[linepos] == '\t') while ((i + 1) % TABSPACE) i++; if (i >= position) return linepos; linepos++; i++; } return linepos; } static void refresh_line(struct line *line, int ypos) { char *str = screenline(line->data, NULL) + scrcol; pos(0, ypos); str[screenwidth] = 0; printf("%s\x1b[K", str); pos(cursx, cursy); } /* * Most sane terminal programs can do ansi screen scrolling. * Unfortunately one of the most popular programs cannot: * minicom. * Grmpf! */ static int smartscroll = 0; static void refresh(int full) { int i; struct line *l = scrline; if (!full) { if (smartscroll) { if (scrline->next == lastscrline) { printf("\x1b[1T"); refresh_line(scrline, 0); pos(0, screenheight); printf("%*s", screenwidth, ""); return; } if (scrline->prev == lastscrline) { printf("\x1b[1S"); for (i = 0; i < screenheight - 1; i++) { l = l->next; if (!l) return; } refresh_line(l, screenheight - 1); return; } } else { refresh(1); return; } } for (i = 0; i < screenheight; i++) { refresh_line(l, i); l = l->next; if (!l) break; } i++; while (i < screenheight) { pos(0, i++); printf("~"); } } static void line_free(struct line *line) { free(line->data); free(line); } static struct line *line_realloc(int len, struct line *line) { int size = 32; if (!line) line = xzalloc(sizeof(struct line)); while (size < len) size <<= 1; line->data = xrealloc(line->data, size); return line; } static int edit_read_file(const char *path) { struct line *line; struct line *lastline = NULL; char *filebuffer; char *linestr, *lineend; struct stat s; if (!stat(path, &s)) { filebuffer = read_file(path, NULL); if (!filebuffer) { printf("could not read %s: %s\n", path, errno_str()); return -1; } linestr = filebuffer; while (1) { if (!*linestr) break; lineend = strchr(linestr, '\n'); if (!lineend && !*linestr) break; if (lineend) *lineend = 0; line = line_realloc(strlen(linestr) + 1, NULL); if (!buffer) buffer = line; memcpy(line->data, linestr, strlen(linestr) + 1); line->prev = lastline; if (lastline) lastline->next = line; line->next = NULL; lastline = line; if (!lineend) break; linestr = lineend + 1; } free(filebuffer); } if (!buffer) { buffer = line_realloc(0, NULL); buffer->data[0] = 0; } return 0; } static void free_buffer(void) { struct line *line, *tmp; line = buffer; while(line) { tmp = line->next; line_free(line); line = tmp; } } static int save_file(const char *path) { struct line *line, *tmp; int fd; int ret = 0; fd = open(path, O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | O_CREAT); if (fd < 0) { printf("could not open file for writing: %s\n", errno_str()); return fd; } line = buffer; while(line) { tmp = line->next; ret = write_full(fd, line->data, strlen(line->data)); if (ret < 0) goto out; ret = write_full(fd, "\n", 1); if (ret < 0) goto out; line = tmp; } ret = 0; out: close(fd); return ret; } static void insert_char(char c) { int pos = textx; char *line; int end = strlen(curline->data); line_realloc(strlen(curline->data) + 2, curline); line = curline->data; while (end >= pos) { line[end + 1] = line[end]; end--; } line[pos] = c; textx++; refresh_line(curline, cursy); } static void delete_char(int pos) { char *line = curline->data; int end = strlen(line); while (pos < end) { line[pos] = line[pos + 1]; pos++; } refresh_line(curline, cursy); } static void split_line(void) { int length = strlen(curline->data + textx); struct line *newline = line_realloc(length + 1, NULL); struct line *tmp; memcpy(newline->data, curline->data + textx, length + 1); curline->data[textx] = 0; tmp = curline->next; curline->next = newline; newline->prev = curline; newline->next = tmp; if (tmp) tmp->prev = newline; textx = 0; cursy++; curline = curline->next; refresh(1); } static void merge_line(struct line *line) { struct line *tmp; line_realloc(strlen(line->data) + strlen(line->next->data) + 1, line); tmp = line->next; line->next = line->next->next; if (line->next) line->next->prev = line; strcat(line->data, tmp->data); line_free(tmp); refresh(1); } #define ESC "\033" static void getwinsize(void) { int i = 0, r; char buf[100]; char *endp; printf(ESC "7" ESC "[r" ESC "[999;999H" ESC "[6n"); while ((r = getchar()) != 'R') { buf[i] = r; i++; } screenheight = simple_strtoul(buf + 2, &endp, 10); screenwidth = simple_strtoul(endp + 1, NULL, 10); pos(0, 0); } static void statusbar(const char *str) { pos(0, screenheight+1); printf("%*c\r%s", screenwidth, ' ', str); pos(cursx, cursy); } static int read_modal_key(bool is_modal) { static enum { MODE_INSERT, MODE_NORMAL } mode = MODE_NORMAL; static int backlog[2] = { -1, -1 }; int c; if (backlog[0] >= 0) { /* pop a character */ c = backlog[0]; backlog[0] = backlog[1]; backlog[1] = -1; } else { c = read_key(); } if (is_modal && mode == MODE_INSERT && (c == -1 || c == CTL_CH('c'))) { mode = MODE_NORMAL; statusbar(""); return -EAGAIN; } if (!is_modal || mode == MODE_INSERT) return c; switch (c) { case -1: /* invalid escape, e.g. two escapes in a row */ break; case 'i': statusbar("-- INSERT --"); mode = MODE_INSERT; break; case 'h': return BB_KEY_LEFT; case 'j': return BB_KEY_DOWN; case 'k': return BB_KEY_UP; case 'a': statusbar("-- INSERT --"); mode = MODE_INSERT; /* fall through */ case 'l': return BB_KEY_RIGHT; case 'O': backlog[0] = '\n'; backlog[1] = BB_KEY_UP; /* fall through */ case 'I': statusbar("-- INSERT --"); mode = MODE_INSERT; /* fall through */ case '^': case '0': return BB_KEY_HOME; case 'g': c = read_key(); if (c != 'g') break; backlog[0] = CTL_CH('u'); backlog[1] = CTL_CH('u'); /* fall through */ case CTL_CH('u'): return BB_KEY_PAGEUP; case 'G': backlog[0] = CTL_CH('d'); backlog[1] = CTL_CH('d'); /* fall through */ case CTL_CH('d'): return BB_KEY_PAGEDOWN; case 'o': backlog[0] = '\n'; /* fall through */ case 'A': statusbar("-- INSERT --"); mode = MODE_INSERT; /* fall through */ case '$': return BB_KEY_END; case CTL_CH('c'): statusbar("Type ZQ to abandon all changes and exit vi." "Type ZZ to exit while saving them."); break; case 'x': return BB_KEY_DEL; case 'X': return '\b'; case BB_KEY_PAGEUP: case BB_KEY_PAGEDOWN: case BB_KEY_HOME: case BB_KEY_END: case BB_KEY_UP: case BB_KEY_DOWN: case BB_KEY_RIGHT: case BB_KEY_LEFT: return c; case ':': statusbar("ERROR: command mode not supported"); break; case 'Z': c = read_key(); if (c == 'Z') return CTL_CH('d'); if (c == 'Q') return CTL_CH('c'); default: statusbar("ERROR: not implemented"); break; } return -EAGAIN; } static int do_edit(int argc, char *argv[]) { bool is_vi = false; int lastscrcol; int i; int linepos; int c; int ret = COMMAND_SUCCESS; if (argc != 2) return COMMAND_ERROR_USAGE; screenwidth = 80; /* * The EFI simple text output protocol wraps to the next line and scrolls * down when we write to the right bottom screen position. Reduce the number * of rows by one to work around this. */ if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_EFI_BOOTUP)) screenheight = 24; else screenheight = 25; /* check if we are not called as "edit" */ if (*argv[0] != 'e') { smartscroll = 1; getwinsize(); /* check if we are called as "vi" */ if (*argv[0] == 'v') is_vi = true; } buffer = NULL; if(edit_read_file(argv[1])) return 1; cursx = 0; cursy = 0; textx = 0; scrcol = 0; curline = buffer; scrline = curline; lastscrline = scrline; lastscrcol = 0; printf("\x1b[2J"); pos(0, -1); if (is_vi) { screenheight -= 2; printf("\x1b[7m%*c\x1b[0m", screenwidth , ' '); pos(0, screenheight-1); printf("\x1b[7m%*c\x1b[0m", screenwidth , ' '); printf("\r\x1b[7m%-25s\x1b[0m", argv[1]); } else { printf("\x1b[7m %-25s : Save and quit : quit \x1b[0m", argv[1]); } printf("\x1b[2;%dr", screenheight); pos(0, 0); screenheight--; /* status line */ refresh(1); while (1) { int curlen = strlen(curline->data); if (textx > curlen) textx = curlen; if (textx < 1) textx = 0; screenline(curline->data, &linepos); if (linepos > scrcol + screenwidth) scrcol = linepos - screenwidth; if (scrcol > linepos) scrcol = linepos; cursx = linepos - scrcol; while (cursy >= screenheight) { cursy--; scrline = scrline->next; } while (cursy < 0) { cursy++; scrline = scrline->prev; } if (scrline != lastscrline || scrcol != lastscrcol) refresh(0); lastscrcol = scrcol; lastscrline = scrline; pos(cursx, cursy); again: c = read_modal_key(is_vi); if (c == -EAGAIN) goto again; switch (c) { case BB_KEY_UP: if (!curline->prev) continue; curline = curline->prev; cursy--; textx = setpos(curline->data, linepos); break; case BB_KEY_DOWN: if (!curline->next) continue; curline = curline->next; cursy++; textx = setpos(curline->data, linepos); break; case BB_KEY_RIGHT: textx++; break; case BB_KEY_LEFT: textx--; break; case BB_KEY_HOME: textx = 0; break; case BB_KEY_END: textx = curlen; break; case BB_KEY_PAGEUP: for (i = 0; i < screenheight - 1; i++) { if (!curline->prev) break; cursy--; curline = curline->prev; } textx = setpos(curline->data, linepos); break; case BB_KEY_PAGEDOWN: for (i = 0; i < screenheight - 1; i++) { if (!curline->next) break; cursy++; curline = curline->next; } textx = setpos(curline->data, linepos); break; case BB_KEY_DEL: if (textx == curlen) { if (curline->next) merge_line(curline); } else delete_char(textx); break; case '\r': case '\n': split_line(); break; case 127: case '\b': if (textx > 0) { textx--; delete_char(textx); } else { if (!curline->prev) break; curline = curline->prev; cursy--; textx = strlen(curline->data); merge_line(curline); } break; case CTL_CH('d'): ret = save_file(argv[1]); goto out; case CTL_CH('c'): goto out; default: if ((signed char)c != -1) insert_char(c); } } out: free_buffer(); printf("\x1b[2J\x1b[r"); printf("\n"); return ret; } static const char * const edit_aliases[] = { "sedit", "vi", NULL}; BAREBOX_CMD_HELP_START(edit) BAREBOX_CMD_HELP_TEXT("Use cursor keys, Ctrl-C to exit and Ctrl-D to exit-with-save.") BAREBOX_CMD_HELP_END BAREBOX_CMD_START(edit) .cmd = do_edit, .aliases = edit_aliases, BAREBOX_CMD_DESC("a small full-screen editor") BAREBOX_CMD_OPTS("FILE") BAREBOX_CMD_GROUP(CMD_GRP_CONSOLE) BAREBOX_CMD_HELP(cmd_edit_help) BAREBOX_CMD_END