/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * */ #include #include #include #include #include static LIST_HEAD(handler_list); int register_image_handler(struct image_handler *handler) { list_add_tail(&handler->list, &handler_list); return 0; } static struct image_handler *bootm_find_handler(enum filetype filetype, struct image_data *data) { struct image_handler *handler; list_for_each_entry(handler, &handler_list, list) { if (filetype != filetype_uimage && handler->filetype == filetype) return handler; if (filetype == filetype_uimage && handler->ih_os == data->os->header.ih_os) return handler; } return NULL; } static int bootm_open_os_uimage(struct image_data *data) { int ret; data->os = uimage_open(data->os_file); if (!data->os) return -EINVAL; if (data->verify) { ret = uimage_verify(data->os); if (ret) { printf("Checking data crc failed with %s\n", strerror(-ret)); uimage_close(data->os); return ret; } } uimage_print_contents(data->os); if (data->os->header.ih_arch != IH_ARCH) { printf("Unsupported Architecture 0x%x\n", data->os->header.ih_arch); uimage_close(data->os); return -EINVAL; } if (data->os_address == UIMAGE_SOME_ADDRESS) data->os_address = data->os->header.ih_load; if (data->os_address != UIMAGE_INVALID_ADDRESS) { data->os_res = uimage_load_to_sdram(data->os, 0, data->os_address); if (!data->os_res) { uimage_close(data->os); return -ENOMEM; } } return 0; } static int bootm_open_initrd_uimage(struct image_data *data) { int ret; if (!data->initrd_file) return 0; if (strcmp(data->os_file, data->initrd_file)) { data->initrd = uimage_open(data->initrd_file); if (!data->initrd) return -EINVAL; if (data->verify) { ret = uimage_verify(data->initrd); if (ret) { printf("Checking data crc failed with %s\n", strerror(-ret)); } } uimage_print_contents(data->initrd); } else { data->initrd = data->os; } return 0; } static int bootm_open_oftree(struct image_data *data, const char *oftree, int num) { enum filetype ft; struct fdt_header *fdt; size_t size; printf("Loading devicetree from '%s'\n", oftree); ft = file_name_detect_type(oftree); if ((int)ft < 0) { printf("failed to open %s: %s\n", oftree, strerror(-(int)ft)); return ft; } if (ft == filetype_uimage) { #ifdef CONFIG_CMD_BOOTM_OFTREE_UIMAGE struct uimage_handle *of_handle; int release = 0; if (!strcmp(data->os_file, oftree)) { of_handle = data->os; } else if (!strcmp(data->initrd_file, oftree)) { of_handle = data->initrd; } else { of_handle = uimage_open(oftree); if (!of_handle) return -ENODEV; uimage_print_contents(of_handle); release = 1; } fdt = uimage_load_to_buf(of_handle, num, &size); if (release) uimage_close(of_handle); #else return -EINVAL; #endif } else { fdt = read_file(oftree, &size); if (!fdt) { perror("open"); return -ENODEV; } } ft = file_detect_type(fdt, size); if (ft != filetype_oftree) { printf("%s is not an oftree but %s\n", oftree, file_type_to_string(ft)); } data->of_root_node = of_unflatten_dtb(NULL, fdt); if (!data->of_root_node) { pr_err("unable to unflatten devicetree\n"); return -EINVAL; } free(fdt); return 0; } static void bootm_print_info(struct image_data *data) { if (data->os_res) printf("OS image is at 0x%08x-0x%08x\n", data->os_res->start, data->os_res->end); else printf("OS image not yet relocated\n"); if (data->initrd_file) { enum filetype initrd_type = file_name_detect_type(data->initrd_file); printf("Loading initrd %s '%s'", file_type_to_string(initrd_type), data->initrd_file); if (initrd_type == filetype_uimage && data->initrd->header.ih_type == IH_TYPE_MULTI) printf(", multifile image %d", data->initrd_num); printf("\n"); if (data->initrd_res) printf("initrd is at 0x%08x-0x%08x\n", data->initrd_res->start, data->initrd_res->end); else printf("initrd image not yet relocated\n"); } } int bootm_boot(struct image_data *data) { struct image_handler *handler; int ret; enum filetype os_type, initrd_type = filetype_unknown; os_type = file_name_detect_type(data->os_file); if ((int)os_type < 0) { printf("could not open %s: %s\n", data->os_file, strerror(-os_type)); ret = (int)os_type; goto err_out; } if (!data->force && os_type == filetype_unknown) { printf("Unknown OS filetype (try -f)\n"); ret = -EINVAL; goto err_out; } if (os_type == filetype_uimage) { ret = bootm_open_os_uimage(data); if (ret) { printf("loading os image failed with %s\n", strerror(-ret)); goto err_out; } } if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_CMD_BOOTM_INITRD) && data->initrd_file) { initrd_type = file_name_detect_type(data->initrd_file); if ((int)initrd_type < 0) { printf("could not open %s: %s\n", data->initrd_file, strerror(-initrd_type)); ret = (int)initrd_type; goto err_out; } if (initrd_type == filetype_uimage) { ret = bootm_open_initrd_uimage(data); if (ret) { printf("loading initrd failed with %s\n", strerror(-ret)); goto err_out; } } } printf("\nLoading OS %s '%s'", file_type_to_string(os_type), data->os_file); if (os_type == filetype_uimage && data->os->header.ih_type == IH_TYPE_MULTI) printf(", multifile image %d", data->os_num); printf("\n"); if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_OFTREE)) { if (data->oftree_file) { ret = bootm_open_oftree(data, data->oftree_file, data->oftree_num); if (ret) goto err_out; } else { data->of_root_node = of_get_root_node(); if (data->of_root_node) printf("using internal devicetree\n"); } } if (data->os_address == UIMAGE_SOME_ADDRESS) data->os_address = UIMAGE_INVALID_ADDRESS; handler = bootm_find_handler(os_type, data); if (!handler) { printf("no image handler found for image type %s\n", file_type_to_string(os_type)); if (os_type == filetype_uimage) printf("and os type: %d\n", data->os->header.ih_os); ret = -ENODEV; goto err_out; } if (bootm_verbose(data)) { bootm_print_info(data); printf("Passing control to %s handler\n", handler->name); } ret = handler->bootm(data); err_out: if (data->os_res) release_sdram_region(data->os_res); if (data->initrd_res) release_sdram_region(data->initrd_res); if (data->initrd && data->initrd != data->os) uimage_close(data->initrd); if (data->os) uimage_close(data->os); return ret; }