Drivers for the second video output of the GE B850v3: STDP4028-ge-b850v3-fw bridges (LVDS-DP) STDP2690-ge-b850v3-fw bridges (DP-DP++) The video processing pipeline on the second output on the GE B850v3: Host -> LVDS|--(STDP4028)--|DP -> DP|--(STDP2690)--|DP++ -> Video output Each bridge has a dedicated flash containing firmware for supporting the custom design. The result is that, in this design, neither the STDP4028 nor the STDP2690 behave as the stock bridges would. The compatible strings include the suffix "-ge-b850v3-fw" to make it clear that the driver is for the bridges with the firmware specific for the GE B850v3. The hardware do not provide control over the video processing pipeline, as the two bridges behaves as a single one. The only interfaces exposed by the hardware are EDID, HPD, and interrupts. stdp4028-ge-b850v3-fw required properties: - compatible : "megachips,stdp4028-ge-b850v3-fw" - reg : I2C bus address - interrupt-parent : phandle of the interrupt controller that services interrupts to the device - interrupts : one interrupt should be described here, as in <0 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH> - ports : One input port(reg = <0>) and one output port(reg = <1>) stdp2690-ge-b850v3-fw required properties: compatible : "megachips,stdp2690-ge-b850v3-fw" - reg : I2C bus address - ports : One input port(reg = <0>) and one output port(reg = <1>) Example: &mux2_i2c2 { status = "okay"; clock-frequency = <100000>; stdp4028@73 { compatible = "megachips,stdp4028-ge-b850v3-fw"; #address-cells = <1>; #size-cells = <0>; reg = <0x73>; interrupt-parent = <&gpio2>; interrupts = <0 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; ports { #address-cells = <1>; #size-cells = <0>; port@0 { reg = <0>; stdp4028_in: endpoint { remote-endpoint = <&lvds0_out>; }; }; port@1 { reg = <1>; stdp4028_out: endpoint { remote-endpoint = <&stdp2690_in>; }; }; }; }; stdp2690@72 { compatible = "megachips,stdp2690-ge-b850v3-fw"; #address-cells = <1>; #size-cells = <0>; reg = <0x72>; ports { #address-cells = <1>; #size-cells = <0>; port@0 { reg = <0>; stdp2690_in: endpoint { remote-endpoint = <&stdp4028_out>; }; }; port@1 { reg = <1>; stdp2690_out: endpoint { /* Connector for external display */ }; }; }; }; };