Freescale Synchronous Audio Interface (SAI). The SAI is based on I2S module that used communicating with audio codecs, which provides a synchronous audio interface that supports fullduplex serial interfaces with frame synchronization such as I2S, AC97, TDM, and codec/DSP interfaces. Required properties: - compatible: Compatible list, contains "fsl,vf610-sai". - reg: Offset and length of the register set for the device. - clocks: Must contain an entry for each entry in clock-names. - clock-names : Must include the "sai" entry. - dmas : Generic dma devicetree binding as described in Documentation/devicetree/bindings/dma/dma.txt. - dma-names : Two dmas have to be defined, "tx" and "rx". - pinctrl-names: Must contain a "default" entry. - pinctrl-NNN: One property must exist for each entry in pinctrl-names. See ../pinctrl/pinctrl-bindings.txt for details of the property values. - big-endian-regs: If this property is absent, the little endian mode will be in use as default, or the big endian mode will be in use for all the device registers. - big-endian-data: If this property is absent, the little endian mode will be in use as default, or the big endian mode will be in use for all the fifo data. Example: sai2: sai@40031000 { compatible = "fsl,vf610-sai"; reg = <0x40031000 0x1000>; pinctrl-names = "default"; pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_sai2_1>; clocks = <&clks VF610_CLK_SAI2>; clock-names = "sai"; dma-names = "tx", "rx"; dmas = <&edma0 0 VF610_EDMA_MUXID0_SAI2_TX>, <&edma0 0 VF610_EDMA_MUXID0_SAI2_RX>; big-endian-regs; big-endian-data; };