#!/usr/bin/env perl # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 # Copyright (c) 2021 Ahmad Fatoum use strict; use warnings; use Cwd; use File::Basename; use File::Spec; use File::Temp 'tempdir'; use Getopt::Long; use List::Util 'first'; use Pod::Usage; use YAML::XS 'LoadFile'; my @QEMU_INTERACTIVE_OPTS = qw(-serial mon:stdio -trace file=/dev/null); my %targets; my $LG_BUILDDIR; if (exists $ENV{KBUILD_OUTPUT}) { $LG_BUILDDIR = $ENV{KBUILD_OUTPUT}; } elsif (-d 'build') { $LG_BUILDDIR = 'build'; } else { $LG_BUILDDIR = getcwd(); } for my $arch (glob dirname(__FILE__) . "/*/") { for my $cfg (glob "$arch/*.yaml") { my $linkdest = readlink $cfg // ''; my $yaml = LoadFile($cfg); defined $yaml && exists $yaml->{targets} && exists $yaml->{targets}{main} or die "Invalid structure for $cfg\n"; my $path = File::Spec->abs2rel($cfg, getcwd); $cfg = basename($cfg); $cfg =~ s/\.yaml$//; $linkdest =~ s{^.*?([^/]+)\.yaml$}{$1}; $targets{basename $arch}{$cfg} = $yaml->{targets}{main}; $targets{basename $arch}{$cfg}{path} = $path; $targets{basename $arch}{$cfg}{tools} = $yaml->{tools}; $targets{basename $arch}{$cfg}{images} = $yaml->{images}; $targets{basename $arch}{$cfg}{alias} = $linkdest if $linkdest && $linkdest ne $cfg; } } my %arch_aliases = (arm64 => 'arm', x86_64 => 'x86', i386 => 'x86', um => 'sandbox'); my ($dryrun, $help, @blks, $rng, $list, $shell, $runtime, @kconfig_add, $artifacts); my ($tuxmake, $emulate, $clean, $extraconsoles, $test, $verbosity) = (1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1); my ($kconfig_base, $kconfig_full) = (1, 0); my @OPTS; if (defined (my $idx = first { $ARGV[$_] eq '--' } 0 .. @ARGV - 1)) { @OPTS = splice @ARGV, 1 + $idx; } my @emulate_only = qw/blk console rng/; GetOptions( 'help|?|h' => \$help, 'dryrun|n' => \$dryrun, 'list|l' => \$list, 'tuxmake!' => \$tuxmake, 'verbosity=i' => \$verbosity, 'artifacts=s' => \$artifacts, 'runtime=s' => \$runtime, 'blk=s@' => \@blks, 'console+' => \$extraconsoles, 'rng' => \$rng, 'emulate!' => \$emulate, 'clean!' => \$clean, 'shell' => \$shell, 'kconfig-base!' => \$kconfig_base, 'kconfig-full!' => \$kconfig_full, 'kconfig-add|K=s@' => \@kconfig_add, 'test' => \$test, ) or pod2usage(2); pod2usage(1) if $help; if ($test && (@blks || $extraconsoles || $rng)) { die "Virtual devices on command-line not supported with --test\n"; } my @ARCH = split /\s/, $ENV{ARCH} // ''; @ARCH = @ARCH ? @ARCH : keys %targets; my $success = 0; for my $arch (@ARCH) { my @targets = @ARGV ? @ARGV : keys %{$targets{$arch}}; @targets != 1 && !$tuxmake and die "can't use --no-tuxmake with more than one config\n"; unless (defined $targets{$arch}) { die "Unknown ARCH=$arch. Supported values:\n", join(', ', keys %targets), "\n"; } for my $config (@targets) { $arch = $arch_aliases{$arch} // $arch; $config = fileparse($config, ".yaml"); unless (defined $targets{$arch}{$config}) { next; } if ($list) { print "ARCH=$arch $config\n"; $success += 1; next; } if (defined $targets{$arch}{$config}{alias}) { next if grep { /^$targets{$arch}{$config}{alias}$/ } @targets; $config = $targets{$arch}{$config}{alias}; redo; } print "# $config\n" if $dryrun; $success += process($arch, $config); } } $success > 0 or die "No suitable config found. $0 -l to list all built-in.\n"; sub process { my ($ARCH, $defconfig, %keys) = @_; my $target = $targets{$ARCH}{$defconfig}; if (!exists ($target->{runner}{tuxmake_arch})) { $target->{runner}{tuxmake_arch} = $ARCH; } my $dir; $dir = tempdir("bareboxbuild-XXXXXXXXXX", TMPDIR => 1, CLEANUP => $clean); report('mkdir', $dir); my %opts = ( target => $target, builddir => $tuxmake ? $dir : getcwd, defconfig => $defconfig, extra_opts => [map { s/\{config\}/$defconfig/gr } @OPTS], ); build(%opts) if $tuxmake; while (my ($k, $v) = each %{$target->{runner}{download}}) { if ($v =~ m{^[/.]}) { symlink_force($v, "$dir/$k"); } else { vsystem('curl', '-L', '--create-dirs', '-o', "$dir/$k", $v) == 0 or die "Failed to download resource `$v': $?\n"; } symlink_force("$dir/$k", "$LG_BUILDDIR/$k") unless $tuxmake; } if ($shell) { pushd($dir); system($ENV{SHELL} // "/bin/sh"); popd(); } return 1 unless $emulate; if ($tuxmake) { $ENV{KBUILD_OUTPUT} = $dir; print "export KBUILD_OUTPUT=$ENV{KBUILD_OUTPUT}\n" if $dryrun; } my $success = $test ? test(%opts) : emulate(%opts); report("rm", "-rd", $dir) if $clean && $tuxmake; print "\n\n" if $dryrun; return $success; } sub build { my %args = @_; my ($runner, $dir) = ($args{target}{runner}, $args{builddir}); $args{defconfig} =~ s/[^@]+@//g; my @TUXMAKE_ARGS = ('-a', $runner->{tuxmake_arch}, '-k', $args{defconfig}); if (defined $runner->{kconfig_add}) { for my $cfg (@{$runner->{kconfig_add}}) { push @TUXMAKE_ARGS, "--kconfig-add=$cfg" } } push @TUXMAKE_ARGS, "--kconfig-add=test/kconfig/base.cfg" if $kconfig_base || $kconfig_full; push @TUXMAKE_ARGS, "--kconfig-add=test/kconfig/full.cfg" if $kconfig_full; for (@kconfig_add) { push @TUXMAKE_ARGS, "--kconfig-add=$_"; } push @TUXMAKE_ARGS, "--runtime=$runtime" if $runtime; push @TUXMAKE_ARGS, '-q' if $verbosity == 0; push @TUXMAKE_ARGS, '-v' if $verbosity == 2; vsystem('tuxmake', @TUXMAKE_ARGS, '-b', $dir, '-o', $artifacts // "$dir/artifacts", 'default') == 0 or die "Error building: $?\n"; } sub emulate { my %args = @_; my %target = %{$args{target}}; my @OPTS = @{$args{extra_opts}}; if (defined $target{drivers}{QEMUDriver}) { my %qemu = %{$target{drivers}{QEMUDriver}}; my ($kernel, $bios, $dtb); my $qemu_virtio; my $i; $kernel = abs_configpath($qemu{kernel}, \%args); $bios = abs_configpath($qemu{bios}, \%args); $dtb = abs_configpath($qemu{dtb}, \%args); my @cmdline = ($target{tools}{$qemu{qemu_bin}}, '-M', $qemu{machine}, '-cpu', $qemu{cpu}, '-m', $qemu{memory}); push @cmdline, '-kernel', $kernel if defined $kernel; push @cmdline, '-bios', $bios if defined $bios; push @cmdline, '-dtb', $dtb if defined $dtb; push @cmdline, @QEMU_INTERACTIVE_OPTS; for (split /\s/, $qemu{extra_args}) { push @cmdline, $_; } if (has_feature(\%target, 'virtio-pci')) { $qemu_virtio = 'pci,disable-legacy=on,disable-modern=off'; push @{$target{features}}, 'pci'; push @{$target{features}}, 'virtio'; } elsif (has_feature(\%target, 'virtio-mmio')) { $qemu_virtio = 'device'; push @{$target{features}}, 'virtio'; } $i = 0; for my $blk (@blks) { if (has_feature(\%target, 'virtio')) { $blk = rel2abs($blk); push @cmdline, '-drive', "if=none,file=$blk,format=raw,id=hd$i", '-device', "virtio-blk-$qemu_virtio,drive=hd$i"; } else { die "--blk unsupported for target\n"; } $i++; } # note that barebox doesn't yet support multiple virtio consoles if ($extraconsoles) { $i = 0; if (defined $qemu_virtio) { push @cmdline, '-device', "virtio-serial-$qemu_virtio", '-chardev', "pty,id=virtcon$i", '-device', "virtconsole,chardev=virtcon$i,name=console.virtcon$i"; $i++; } if ($i < $extraconsoles) { # ns16550 serial driver only works with x86 so far if (has_feature(\%target, 'pci')) { for (; $i < $extraconsoles; $i++) { push @cmdline, '-chardev', "pty,id=pcicon$i", '-device', "pci-serial,chardev=pcicon$i"; } } else { warn "barebox currently supports only a single extra virtio console\n"; } } } if (defined $rng) { if (has_feature(\%target, 'virtio')) { push @cmdline, '-device', "virtio-rng-$qemu_virtio"; } else { die "--rng unsupported for target\n"; } } pushd($args{builddir}) if $tuxmake; vsystem(@cmdline, @OPTS) == 0 or die "Error running emulator: $?\n"; } elsif (defined $target{drivers}{TinyEMUDriver}) { my %temu = %{$target{drivers}{TinyEMUDriver}}; my $TEMU_CFG; my $i = 0; if (exists $temu{config}) { $temu{config} = rel2abs($temu{config}); open(my $fh, '<', "$temu{config}") or die "Could not open file '$temu{config}': $!"; $TEMU_CFG = do { local $/; <$fh> }; } print ("$temu{config}\n"); defined $TEMU_CFG or die "Unknown tinyemu-config\n"; open(my $fh, '>', "$args{builddir}/tinyemu.cfg") or die "Could not create file 'tinyemu.cfg': $!"; print $fh $TEMU_CFG; print "cat >'tinyemu.cfg' <{features}} } sub report { print join(' ', map { /\s/ ? "'$_'" : $_ } @_), "\n" if $dryrun; 0; } sub vsystem { if ($dryrun) { return report(@_); } else { my $ret = system @_; warn "vsystem: $!\n" if $ret == -1; return $ret >> 8; } } sub rel2abs { File::Spec->rel2abs(@_) } sub abs_configpath { my ($path, $args) = @_; return unless defined $path; $path = $args->{target}{images}{$path}; return unless defined $path; $path =~ s/\$LG_BUILDDIR\b/$LG_BUILDDIR/g; return rel2abs($path, $args->{builddir}) } sub symlink_force { unlink($_[1]); symlink($_[0], $_[1]); } my @oldcwd; sub pushd { my ($old, $new) = (getcwd, shift); report ("pushd", $new); push @oldcwd, $old; chdir $new; return $old; }; sub popd { report("popd"); chdir pop(@oldcwd) }; __END__ =head1 NAME emulate.pl - Build and run barebox under an emulator =head1 SYNOPSIS [ARCH=arch] emulate.pl [options] [defconfigs...] [--] [qemu/pytest-opts] =head1 OPTIONS Must be run from barebox source directory. If building out-of-tree, either set C or ensure the out-of-tree directory can be reached from a C symlink in the current working directory. =over 8 =item B<-?>, B<-h>, B<--help> Print this help message and exit =item B<-n>, B<--dryrun> Print commands and exit =item B<-l>, B<--list> Filter input with list of known targets =item B<--verbosity>=%u Specify output verbosity level for both tuxmake and pytest. Default value is 1. =item B<--no-tuxmake> Don't rerun tuxkmake. Assumes current working directory is finished build directory =item B<--artifacts>=%s Destination directory for the tuxmake artifacts. By default, this is the artifacts/ subdirectory in the temporary build directory and is not persisted (unless --no-clean is specified). =item B<--blk>=%s Pass block device to emulated barebox. Can be specified more than once =item B<--console> Pass one Virt I/O console to emulated barebox. =item B<--rng> instantiate Virt I/O random number generator =item B<--no-emulate> Don't emulate anything and exit directly after build =item B<--no-clean> Don't delete temporary working directory after =item B<--shell> Open shell in temporary working directory, after build, but before emulation =item B<--test> Instead of starting emulator interactively, run it under labgrid-pytest with the in-tree python tests. =item B<--runtime>=%s Runtime to use for the tuxmake builds. By default, builds are run natively on the build host. Supported: null, podman-local, podman, docker, docker-local. =item B<--no-kconfig-base> Don't apply test/kconfig/base.cfg. This may lead to more tests being skipped. =item B<--kconfig-full> Applies test/kconfig/full.cfg on top of base.cfg. This enables as much as possible to avoid skipping tests for disabled functionality. =item B<--kconfig-add>=%s, B<-K>=%s Extra kconfig fragments, merged on top of the defconfig and Kconfig fragments described by the YAML. In tree configuration fragment (e.g. `test/kconfig/virtio-pci.config`), path to local file, URL, `CONFIG_*=[y|m|n]`, or `# CONFIG_* is not set` are supported. Can be specified multiple times, and will be merged in the order given. =back =cut