import enum import attr import pytest import subprocess import os import shutil import sys from labgrid import target_factory, step, driver from labgrid.strategy import Strategy, StrategyError class Status(enum.Enum): unknown = 0 off = 1 barebox = 2 qemu_dry_run = 3 qemu_interactive = 4 @target_factory.reg_driver @attr.s(eq=False) class BareboxTestStrategy(Strategy): """BareboxTestStrategy - Strategy to switch to barebox""" bindings = { "power": "PowerProtocol", "console": "ConsoleProtocol", "barebox": "BareboxDriver", } status = attr.ib(default=Status.unknown) qemu = None def __attrs_post_init__(self): super().__attrs_post_init__() if isinstance(self.console, driver.QEMUDriver): self.qemu = self.console self.patchtools() @step(args=['status']) def transition(self, status, *, step): if not isinstance(status, Status): status = Status[status] if status == Status.unknown: raise StrategyError("can not transition to {}".format(status)) elif status == self.status: step.skip("nothing to do") return # nothing to do elif status == elif status == Status.barebox: self.transition( # pylint: disable=missing-kwoa # cycle power self.power.cycle() # interrupt barebox else: raise StrategyError( "no transition found from {} to {}". format(self.status, status) ) self.status = status def force(self, state): self.transition( # pylint: disable=missing-kwoa if state == "qemu_dry_run" or state == "qemu_interactive": cmd = self.get_qemu_base_args() cmd.append("-serial") cmd.append("mon:stdio") cmd.append("-trace") cmd.append("file=/dev/null") with open("/dev/tty", "r+b", buffering=0) as tty: tty.write(bytes("running: \n{}\n".format(quote_cmd(cmd)), "UTF-8")) if state == "qemu_dry_run": pytest.exit('Dry run. Terminating.'), stdin=tty, stdout=tty, stderr=tty) pytest.exit('Interactive session terminated') else: pytest.exit('Can only force to: qemu_dry_run, qemu_interactive') def get_qemu_base_args(self): if self.qemu is None: pytest.exit('interactive mode only supported with QEMUDriver') try: # cmd = self.qemu.get_qemu_base_args() except AttributeError: self.qemu.on_activate() orig = self.qemu._cmd cmd = [] list_iter = enumerate(orig) for i, opt in list_iter: if opt == "-S": continue opt2 = double_opt(opt, orig, i) if (opt2.startswith("-chardev socket,id=serialsocket") or opt2 == "-serial chardev:serialsocket" or opt2 == "-qmp stdio"): # skip over two elements at once next(list_iter, None) continue cmd.append(opt) return cmd def patchtools(self): # if self.qemu is None: return if 'tools' not in['tools'] = {}["tools"][self.qemu.qemu_bin] = \ shutil.which(self.qemu.qemu_bin) def append_qemu_args(self, *args): if self.qemu is None: pytest.exit('Qemu option supplied for non-Qemu target') for arg in args: self.console.extra_args += " " + arg def quote_cmd(cmd): quoted = map(lambda s : s if s.find(" ") == -1 else "'" + s + "'", cmd) return " ".join(quoted) def double_opt(opt, orig, i): if opt == orig[-1]: return opt return " ".join([opt, orig[i + 1]])