TODO ==== [ ] unit tests - via web server - standalone test application [ ] D-Bus structs - There are no structs in JSON. Maybe an array and the type from the parameter signature. [ ] D-Bus signals - bridge need to save a state for each client - attach received signals to the state - client can fetch signals with a special call (?) - how to avoid denial of service issues? [ ] D-Bus dictionaries with non-string keys - how to map these? - "[[key, value], [key, value]]"? - JSON object and use the string prepresentation of the key [ ] calculate the D-Bus parameter signature - It can be derived from the introspection XML and then cached. - This could happen on demand on the bridge, or on the client. [ ] dynamically create bindings from the introspection XML - a qooxdoo class that created objects for a service. - with functions for each D-Bus message - events/listeners for signals (?)