#include # enter salsa20_encrypt_bytes ENTRY(salsa20_encrypt_bytes) mov %rsp,%r11 and $31,%r11 add $256,%r11 sub %r11,%rsp # x = arg1 mov %rdi,%r8 # m = arg2 mov %rsi,%rsi # out = arg3 mov %rdx,%rdi # bytes = arg4 mov %rcx,%rdx # unsigned>? bytes - 0 cmp $0,%rdx # comment:fp stack unchanged by jump # goto done if !unsigned> jbe ._done # comment:fp stack unchanged by fallthrough # start: ._start: # r11_stack = r11 movq %r11,0(%rsp) # r12_stack = r12 movq %r12,8(%rsp) # r13_stack = r13 movq %r13,16(%rsp) # r14_stack = r14 movq %r14,24(%rsp) # r15_stack = r15 movq %r15,32(%rsp) # rbx_stack = rbx movq %rbx,40(%rsp) # rbp_stack = rbp movq %rbp,48(%rsp) # in0 = *(uint64 *) (x + 0) movq 0(%r8),%rcx # in2 = *(uint64 *) (x + 8) movq 8(%r8),%r9 # in4 = *(uint64 *) (x + 16) movq 16(%r8),%rax # in6 = *(uint64 *) (x + 24) movq 24(%r8),%r10 # in8 = *(uint64 *) (x + 32) movq 32(%r8),%r11 # in10 = *(uint64 *) (x + 40) movq 40(%r8),%r12 # in12 = *(uint64 *) (x + 48) movq 48(%r8),%r13 # in14 = *(uint64 *) (x + 56) movq 56(%r8),%r14 # j0 = in0 movq %rcx,56(%rsp) # j2 = in2 movq %r9,64(%rsp) # j4 = in4 movq %rax,72(%rsp) # j6 = in6 movq %r10,80(%rsp) # j8 = in8 movq %r11,88(%rsp) # j10 = in10 movq %r12,96(%rsp) # j12 = in12 movq %r13,104(%rsp) # j14 = in14 movq %r14,112(%rsp) # x_backup = x movq %r8,120(%rsp) # bytesatleast1: ._bytesatleast1: # unsigned>= 32 shr $32,%rdi # x3 = j2 movq 64(%rsp),%rsi # x2 = x3 mov %rsi,%rcx # (uint64) x3 >>= 32 shr $32,%rsi # x5 = j4 movq 72(%rsp),%r8 # x4 = x5 mov %r8,%r9 # (uint64) x5 >>= 32 shr $32,%r8 # x5_stack = x5 movq %r8,160(%rsp) # x7 = j6 movq 80(%rsp),%r8 # x6 = x7 mov %r8,%rax # (uint64) x7 >>= 32 shr $32,%r8 # x9 = j8 movq 88(%rsp),%r10 # x8 = x9 mov %r10,%r11 # (uint64) x9 >>= 32 shr $32,%r10 # x11 = j10 movq 96(%rsp),%r12 # x10 = x11 mov %r12,%r13 # x10_stack = x10 movq %r13,168(%rsp) # (uint64) x11 >>= 32 shr $32,%r12 # x13 = j12 movq 104(%rsp),%r13 # x12 = x13 mov %r13,%r14 # (uint64) x13 >>= 32 shr $32,%r13 # x15 = j14 movq 112(%rsp),%r15 # x14 = x15 mov %r15,%rbx # (uint64) x15 >>= 32 shr $32,%r15 # x15_stack = x15 movq %r15,176(%rsp) # i = 20 mov $20,%r15 # mainloop: ._mainloop: # i_backup = i movq %r15,184(%rsp) # x5 = x5_stack movq 160(%rsp),%r15 # a = x12 + x0 lea (%r14,%rdx),%rbp # (uint32) a <<<= 7 rol $7,%ebp # x4 ^= a xor %rbp,%r9 # b = x1 + x5 lea (%rdi,%r15),%rbp # (uint32) b <<<= 7 rol $7,%ebp # x9 ^= b xor %rbp,%r10 # a = x0 + x4 lea (%rdx,%r9),%rbp # (uint32) a <<<= 9 rol $9,%ebp # x8 ^= a xor %rbp,%r11 # b = x5 + x9 lea (%r15,%r10),%rbp # (uint32) b <<<= 9 rol $9,%ebp # x13 ^= b xor %rbp,%r13 # a = x4 + x8 lea (%r9,%r11),%rbp # (uint32) a <<<= 13 rol $13,%ebp # x12 ^= a xor %rbp,%r14 # b = x9 + x13 lea (%r10,%r13),%rbp # (uint32) b <<<= 13 rol $13,%ebp # x1 ^= b xor %rbp,%rdi # a = x8 + x12 lea (%r11,%r14),%rbp # (uint32) a <<<= 18 rol $18,%ebp # x0 ^= a xor %rbp,%rdx # b = x13 + x1 lea (%r13,%rdi),%rbp # (uint32) b <<<= 18 rol $18,%ebp # x5 ^= b xor %rbp,%r15 # x10 = x10_stack movq 168(%rsp),%rbp # x5_stack = x5 movq %r15,160(%rsp) # c = x6 + x10 lea (%rax,%rbp),%r15 # (uint32) c <<<= 7 rol $7,%r15d # x14 ^= c xor %r15,%rbx # c = x10 + x14 lea (%rbp,%rbx),%r15 # (uint32) c <<<= 9 rol $9,%r15d # x2 ^= c xor %r15,%rcx # c = x14 + x2 lea (%rbx,%rcx),%r15 # (uint32) c <<<= 13 rol $13,%r15d # x6 ^= c xor %r15,%rax # c = x2 + x6 lea (%rcx,%rax),%r15 # (uint32) c <<<= 18 rol $18,%r15d # x10 ^= c xor %r15,%rbp # x15 = x15_stack movq 176(%rsp),%r15 # x10_stack = x10 movq %rbp,168(%rsp) # d = x11 + x15 lea (%r12,%r15),%rbp # (uint32) d <<<= 7 rol $7,%ebp # x3 ^= d xor %rbp,%rsi # d = x15 + x3 lea (%r15,%rsi),%rbp # (uint32) d <<<= 9 rol $9,%ebp # x7 ^= d xor %rbp,%r8 # d = x3 + x7 lea (%rsi,%r8),%rbp # (uint32) d <<<= 13 rol $13,%ebp # x11 ^= d xor %rbp,%r12 # d = x7 + x11 lea (%r8,%r12),%rbp # (uint32) d <<<= 18 rol $18,%ebp # x15 ^= d xor %rbp,%r15 # x15_stack = x15 movq %r15,176(%rsp) # x5 = x5_stack movq 160(%rsp),%r15 # a = x3 + x0 lea (%rsi,%rdx),%rbp # (uint32) a <<<= 7 rol $7,%ebp # x1 ^= a xor %rbp,%rdi # b = x4 + x5 lea (%r9,%r15),%rbp # (uint32) b <<<= 7 rol $7,%ebp # x6 ^= b xor %rbp,%rax # a = x0 + x1 lea (%rdx,%rdi),%rbp # (uint32) a <<<= 9 rol $9,%ebp # x2 ^= a xor %rbp,%rcx # b = x5 + x6 lea (%r15,%rax),%rbp # (uint32) b <<<= 9 rol $9,%ebp # x7 ^= b xor %rbp,%r8 # a = x1 + x2 lea (%rdi,%rcx),%rbp # (uint32) a <<<= 13 rol $13,%ebp # x3 ^= a xor %rbp,%rsi # b = x6 + x7 lea (%rax,%r8),%rbp # (uint32) b <<<= 13 rol $13,%ebp # x4 ^= b xor %rbp,%r9 # a = x2 + x3 lea (%rcx,%rsi),%rbp # (uint32) a <<<= 18 rol $18,%ebp # x0 ^= a xor %rbp,%rdx # b = x7 + x4 lea (%r8,%r9),%rbp # (uint32) b <<<= 18 rol $18,%ebp # x5 ^= b xor %rbp,%r15 # x10 = x10_stack movq 168(%rsp),%rbp # x5_stack = x5 movq %r15,160(%rsp) # c = x9 + x10 lea (%r10,%rbp),%r15 # (uint32) c <<<= 7 rol $7,%r15d # x11 ^= c xor %r15,%r12 # c = x10 + x11 lea (%rbp,%r12),%r15 # (uint32) c <<<= 9 rol $9,%r15d # x8 ^= c xor %r15,%r11 # c = x11 + x8 lea (%r12,%r11),%r15 # (uint32) c <<<= 13 rol $13,%r15d # x9 ^= c xor %r15,%r10 # c = x8 + x9 lea (%r11,%r10),%r15 # (uint32) c <<<= 18 rol $18,%r15d # x10 ^= c xor %r15,%rbp # x15 = x15_stack movq 176(%rsp),%r15 # x10_stack = x10 movq %rbp,168(%rsp) # d = x14 + x15 lea (%rbx,%r15),%rbp # (uint32) d <<<= 7 rol $7,%ebp # x12 ^= d xor %rbp,%r14 # d = x15 + x12 lea (%r15,%r14),%rbp # (uint32) d <<<= 9 rol $9,%ebp # x13 ^= d xor %rbp,%r13 # d = x12 + x13 lea (%r14,%r13),%rbp # (uint32) d <<<= 13 rol $13,%ebp # x14 ^= d xor %rbp,%rbx # d = x13 + x14 lea (%r13,%rbx),%rbp # (uint32) d <<<= 18 rol $18,%ebp # x15 ^= d xor %rbp,%r15 # x15_stack = x15 movq %r15,176(%rsp) # x5 = x5_stack movq 160(%rsp),%r15 # a = x12 + x0 lea (%r14,%rdx),%rbp # (uint32) a <<<= 7 rol $7,%ebp # x4 ^= a xor %rbp,%r9 # b = x1 + x5 lea (%rdi,%r15),%rbp # (uint32) b <<<= 7 rol $7,%ebp # x9 ^= b xor %rbp,%r10 # a = x0 + x4 lea (%rdx,%r9),%rbp # (uint32) a <<<= 9 rol $9,%ebp # x8 ^= a xor %rbp,%r11 # b = x5 + x9 lea (%r15,%r10),%rbp # (uint32) b <<<= 9 rol $9,%ebp # x13 ^= b xor %rbp,%r13 # a = x4 + x8 lea (%r9,%r11),%rbp # (uint32) a <<<= 13 rol $13,%ebp # x12 ^= a xor %rbp,%r14 # b = x9 + x13 lea (%r10,%r13),%rbp # (uint32) b <<<= 13 rol $13,%ebp # x1 ^= b xor %rbp,%rdi # a = x8 + x12 lea (%r11,%r14),%rbp # (uint32) a <<<= 18 rol $18,%ebp # x0 ^= a xor %rbp,%rdx # b = x13 + x1 lea (%r13,%rdi),%rbp # (uint32) b <<<= 18 rol $18,%ebp # x5 ^= b xor %rbp,%r15 # x10 = x10_stack movq 168(%rsp),%rbp # x5_stack = x5 movq %r15,160(%rsp) # c = x6 + x10 lea (%rax,%rbp),%r15 # (uint32) c <<<= 7 rol $7,%r15d # x14 ^= c xor %r15,%rbx # c = x10 + x14 lea (%rbp,%rbx),%r15 # (uint32) c <<<= 9 rol $9,%r15d # x2 ^= c xor %r15,%rcx # c = x14 + x2 lea (%rbx,%rcx),%r15 # (uint32) c <<<= 13 rol $13,%r15d # x6 ^= c xor %r15,%rax # c = x2 + x6 lea (%rcx,%rax),%r15 # (uint32) c <<<= 18 rol $18,%r15d # x10 ^= c xor %r15,%rbp # x15 = x15_stack movq 176(%rsp),%r15 # x10_stack = x10 movq %rbp,168(%rsp) # d = x11 + x15 lea (%r12,%r15),%rbp # (uint32) d <<<= 7 rol $7,%ebp # x3 ^= d xor %rbp,%rsi # d = x15 + x3 lea (%r15,%rsi),%rbp # (uint32) d <<<= 9 rol $9,%ebp # x7 ^= d xor %rbp,%r8 # d = x3 + x7 lea (%rsi,%r8),%rbp # (uint32) d <<<= 13 rol $13,%ebp # x11 ^= d xor %rbp,%r12 # d = x7 + x11 lea (%r8,%r12),%rbp # (uint32) d <<<= 18 rol $18,%ebp # x15 ^= d xor %rbp,%r15 # x15_stack = x15 movq %r15,176(%rsp) # x5 = x5_stack movq 160(%rsp),%r15 # a = x3 + x0 lea (%rsi,%rdx),%rbp # (uint32) a <<<= 7 rol $7,%ebp # x1 ^= a xor %rbp,%rdi # b = x4 + x5 lea (%r9,%r15),%rbp # (uint32) b <<<= 7 rol $7,%ebp # x6 ^= b xor %rbp,%rax # a = x0 + x1 lea (%rdx,%rdi),%rbp # (uint32) a <<<= 9 rol $9,%ebp # x2 ^= a xor %rbp,%rcx # b = x5 + x6 lea (%r15,%rax),%rbp # (uint32) b <<<= 9 rol $9,%ebp # x7 ^= b xor %rbp,%r8 # a = x1 + x2 lea (%rdi,%rcx),%rbp # (uint32) a <<<= 13 rol $13,%ebp # x3 ^= a xor %rbp,%rsi # b = x6 + x7 lea (%rax,%r8),%rbp # (uint32) b <<<= 13 rol $13,%ebp # x4 ^= b xor %rbp,%r9 # a = x2 + x3 lea (%rcx,%rsi),%rbp # (uint32) a <<<= 18 rol $18,%ebp # x0 ^= a xor %rbp,%rdx # b = x7 + x4 lea (%r8,%r9),%rbp # (uint32) b <<<= 18 rol $18,%ebp # x5 ^= b xor %rbp,%r15 # x10 = x10_stack movq 168(%rsp),%rbp # x5_stack = x5 movq %r15,160(%rsp) # c = x9 + x10 lea (%r10,%rbp),%r15 # (uint32) c <<<= 7 rol $7,%r15d # x11 ^= c xor %r15,%r12 # c = x10 + x11 lea (%rbp,%r12),%r15 # (uint32) c <<<= 9 rol $9,%r15d # x8 ^= c xor %r15,%r11 # c = x11 + x8 lea (%r12,%r11),%r15 # (uint32) c <<<= 13 rol $13,%r15d # x9 ^= c xor %r15,%r10 # c = x8 + x9 lea (%r11,%r10),%r15 # (uint32) c <<<= 18 rol $18,%r15d # x10 ^= c xor %r15,%rbp # x15 = x15_stack movq 176(%rsp),%r15 # x10_stack = x10 movq %rbp,168(%rsp) # d = x14 + x15 lea (%rbx,%r15),%rbp # (uint32) d <<<= 7 rol $7,%ebp # x12 ^= d xor %rbp,%r14 # d = x15 + x12 lea (%r15,%r14),%rbp # (uint32) d <<<= 9 rol $9,%ebp # x13 ^= d xor %rbp,%r13 # d = x12 + x13 lea (%r14,%r13),%rbp # (uint32) d <<<= 13 rol $13,%ebp # x14 ^= d xor %rbp,%rbx # d = x13 + x14 lea (%r13,%rbx),%rbp # (uint32) d <<<= 18 rol $18,%ebp # x15 ^= d xor %rbp,%r15 # x15_stack = x15 movq %r15,176(%rsp) # i = i_backup movq 184(%rsp),%r15 # unsigned>? i -= 4 sub $4,%r15 # comment:fp stack unchanged by jump # goto mainloop if unsigned> ja ._mainloop # (uint32) x2 += j2 addl 64(%rsp),%ecx # x3 <<= 32 shl $32,%rsi # x3 += j2 addq 64(%rsp),%rsi # (uint64) x3 >>= 32 shr $32,%rsi # x3 <<= 32 shl $32,%rsi # x2 += x3 add %rsi,%rcx # (uint32) x6 += j6 addl 80(%rsp),%eax # x7 <<= 32 shl $32,%r8 # x7 += j6 addq 80(%rsp),%r8 # (uint64) x7 >>= 32 shr $32,%r8 # x7 <<= 32 shl $32,%r8 # x6 += x7 add %r8,%rax # (uint32) x8 += j8 addl 88(%rsp),%r11d # x9 <<= 32 shl $32,%r10 # x9 += j8 addq 88(%rsp),%r10 # (uint64) x9 >>= 32 shr $32,%r10 # x9 <<= 32 shl $32,%r10 # x8 += x9 add %r10,%r11 # (uint32) x12 += j12 addl 104(%rsp),%r14d # x13 <<= 32 shl $32,%r13 # x13 += j12 addq 104(%rsp),%r13 # (uint64) x13 >>= 32 shr $32,%r13 # x13 <<= 32 shl $32,%r13 # x12 += x13 add %r13,%r14 # (uint32) x0 += j0 addl 56(%rsp),%edx # x1 <<= 32 shl $32,%rdi # x1 += j0 addq 56(%rsp),%rdi # (uint64) x1 >>= 32 shr $32,%rdi # x1 <<= 32 shl $32,%rdi # x0 += x1 add %rdi,%rdx # x5 = x5_stack movq 160(%rsp),%rdi # (uint32) x4 += j4 addl 72(%rsp),%r9d # x5 <<= 32 shl $32,%rdi # x5 += j4 addq 72(%rsp),%rdi # (uint64) x5 >>= 32 shr $32,%rdi # x5 <<= 32 shl $32,%rdi # x4 += x5 add %rdi,%r9 # x10 = x10_stack movq 168(%rsp),%r8 # (uint32) x10 += j10 addl 96(%rsp),%r8d # x11 <<= 32 shl $32,%r12 # x11 += j10 addq 96(%rsp),%r12 # (uint64) x11 >>= 32 shr $32,%r12 # x11 <<= 32 shl $32,%r12 # x10 += x11 add %r12,%r8 # x15 = x15_stack movq 176(%rsp),%rdi # (uint32) x14 += j14 addl 112(%rsp),%ebx # x15 <<= 32 shl $32,%rdi # x15 += j14 addq 112(%rsp),%rdi # (uint64) x15 >>= 32 shr $32,%rdi # x15 <<= 32 shl $32,%rdi # x14 += x15 add %rdi,%rbx # out = out_backup movq 136(%rsp),%rdi # m = m_backup movq 144(%rsp),%rsi # x0 ^= *(uint64 *) (m + 0) xorq 0(%rsi),%rdx # *(uint64 *) (out + 0) = x0 movq %rdx,0(%rdi) # x2 ^= *(uint64 *) (m + 8) xorq 8(%rsi),%rcx # *(uint64 *) (out + 8) = x2 movq %rcx,8(%rdi) # x4 ^= *(uint64 *) (m + 16) xorq 16(%rsi),%r9 # *(uint64 *) (out + 16) = x4 movq %r9,16(%rdi) # x6 ^= *(uint64 *) (m + 24) xorq 24(%rsi),%rax # *(uint64 *) (out + 24) = x6 movq %rax,24(%rdi) # x8 ^= *(uint64 *) (m + 32) xorq 32(%rsi),%r11 # *(uint64 *) (out + 32) = x8 movq %r11,32(%rdi) # x10 ^= *(uint64 *) (m + 40) xorq 40(%rsi),%r8 # *(uint64 *) (out + 40) = x10 movq %r8,40(%rdi) # x12 ^= *(uint64 *) (m + 48) xorq 48(%rsi),%r14 # *(uint64 *) (out + 48) = x12 movq %r14,48(%rdi) # x14 ^= *(uint64 *) (m + 56) xorq 56(%rsi),%rbx # *(uint64 *) (out + 56) = x14 movq %rbx,56(%rdi) # bytes = bytes_backup movq 152(%rsp),%rdx # in8 = j8 movq 88(%rsp),%rcx # in8 += 1 add $1,%rcx # j8 = in8 movq %rcx,88(%rsp) # unsigned>? unsigned ja ._bytesatleast65 # comment:fp stack unchanged by jump # goto bytesatleast64 if !unsigned< jae ._bytesatleast64 # m = out mov %rdi,%rsi # out = ctarget movq 128(%rsp),%rdi # i = bytes mov %rdx,%rcx # while (i) { *out++ = *m++; --i } rep movsb # comment:fp stack unchanged by fallthrough # bytesatleast64: ._bytesatleast64: # x = x_backup movq 120(%rsp),%rdi # in8 = j8 movq 88(%rsp),%rsi # *(uint64 *) (x + 32) = in8 movq %rsi,32(%rdi) # r11 = r11_stack movq 0(%rsp),%r11 # r12 = r12_stack movq 8(%rsp),%r12 # r13 = r13_stack movq 16(%rsp),%r13 # r14 = r14_stack movq 24(%rsp),%r14 # r15 = r15_stack movq 32(%rsp),%r15 # rbx = rbx_stack movq 40(%rsp),%rbx # rbp = rbp_stack movq 48(%rsp),%rbp # comment:fp stack unchanged by fallthrough # done: ._done: # leave add %r11,%rsp mov %rdi,%rax mov %rsi,%rdx ret # bytesatleast65: ._bytesatleast65: # bytes -= 64 sub $64,%rdx # out += 64 add $64,%rdi # m += 64 add $64,%rsi # comment:fp stack unchanged by jump # goto bytesatleast1 jmp ._bytesatleast1 ENDPROC(salsa20_encrypt_bytes) # enter salsa20_keysetup ENTRY(salsa20_keysetup) mov %rsp,%r11 and $31,%r11 add $256,%r11 sub %r11,%rsp # k = arg2 mov %rsi,%rsi # kbits = arg3 mov %rdx,%rdx # x = arg1 mov %rdi,%rdi # in0 = *(uint64 *) (k + 0) movq 0(%rsi),%r8 # in2 = *(uint64 *) (k + 8) movq 8(%rsi),%r9 # *(uint64 *) (x + 4) = in0 movq %r8,4(%rdi) # *(uint64 *) (x + 12) = in2 movq %r9,12(%rdi) # unsigned