path: root/patches/crda-3.18/0002-Pregenerate-keys-ssl.c.patch
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'patches/crda-3.18/0002-Pregenerate-keys-ssl.c.patch')
1 files changed, 168 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/patches/crda-3.18/0002-Pregenerate-keys-ssl.c.patch b/patches/crda-3.18/0002-Pregenerate-keys-ssl.c.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eba0f335e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/patches/crda-3.18/0002-Pregenerate-keys-ssl.c.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+From: Jan Luebbe <>
+Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2012 15:33:36 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] Pregenerate keys-ssl.c
+Note: The content is different for 32 and 64 bit systems so we need two
+Signed-off-by: Markus Pargmann <>
+Signed-off-by: Michael Olbrich <>
+ keys-ssl.c.32 | 70 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ keys-ssl.c.64 | 70 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ 2 files changed, 140 insertions(+)
+ create mode 100644 keys-ssl.c.32
+ create mode 100644 keys-ssl.c.64
+diff --git a/keys-ssl.c.32 b/keys-ssl.c.32
+new file mode 100644
+index 000000000000..024afeb20577
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/keys-ssl.c.32
+@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
++#include <stdint.h>
++#include <openssl/bn.h>
++static BN_ULONG e_0[1] = {
++ 0x00010001,
++#include <stdint.h>
++#include <openssl/bn.h>
++static BN_ULONG n_0[64] = {
++ 0x16a0d8e1, 0x63a27054, 0xc8ba757b, 0xdc9fca11,
++ 0xcbcb35e3, 0xb9c06510, 0xba941433, 0x39e3dfeb,
++ 0x6c1fce9d, 0x7bbae38a, 0xfefabba7, 0x205a5a73,
++ 0x97839a2e, 0x53ea3e5a, 0x61dc0170, 0xfec8f5b6,
++ 0xd29a1004, 0xefe311d8, 0xa5156bb8, 0x8c6a92d0,
++ 0x7a6eb5cc, 0x9067cc76, 0x0bd5b1ff, 0xd103580b,
++ 0x8f3a2daf, 0x4a563e84, 0x46b0943e, 0xacd7cadb,
++ 0xebd1e198, 0x5fabb688, 0x5916f173, 0x7e70c1d3,
++ 0x5d6ca84e, 0xaaa8acc8, 0xe20fd4dc, 0x1685c157,
++ 0xad933f64, 0xf9e9c9c7, 0xc5f59824, 0xbe6272ed,
++ 0x53447bd1, 0x585d9a7d, 0x5b3bc30d, 0x011a5b3f,
++ 0xffbbf0e9, 0xf312b966, 0x482c131b, 0x2203fb37,
++ 0x0dc38eab, 0x3e7c157d, 0xb39fcc8d, 0xb04de1d6,
++ 0x07fc0d84, 0x4d9f0137, 0xe13b5ac5, 0xb075a241,
++ 0x8e56e153, 0x0a9a9d48, 0xf97054eb, 0xf2cff393,
++ 0x376024f2, 0x2a2ead68, 0x88d35dce, 0xd6579971,
++#include <stdint.h>
++#include <openssl/bn.h>
++static BN_ULONG e_1[1] = {
++ 0x00010001,
++#include <stdint.h>
++#include <openssl/bn.h>
++static BN_ULONG n_1[64] = {
++ 0xc4ff951d, 0xa066f4da, 0xd5e1c45f, 0xe6e0d246,
++ 0x84e3c7a1, 0xe7fb4616, 0xf6e26899, 0x11151b7a,
++ 0xc5ee7852, 0x6c3f93fb, 0xd0d8dec8, 0x96790b2b,
++ 0xa129207c, 0xb1722bf4, 0x044137b1, 0x3673e797,
++ 0x2912661e, 0x18327707, 0x9a5ed820, 0xd37e005c,
++ 0x7568a1ea, 0x655b7f25, 0xa29c63c6, 0xe731f136,
++ 0xeeecac1e, 0x3036d253, 0xa5cb80c7, 0x85ef7a7f,
++ 0x45ebba27, 0x2ad91b73, 0xccd3df7d, 0x715756f6,
++ 0x36fa6823, 0x28900fac, 0x469b935f, 0xf1026fe9,
++ 0x21f0531f, 0x98b8d156, 0xb22dea88, 0x180b2895,
++ 0xa9fd602d, 0x8ad9fe76, 0x19da1044, 0x510cd145,
++ 0x1184fbca, 0x0b09f968, 0x1cfd24d5, 0x578b9616,
++ 0x146b61c4, 0x3b1b0817, 0x323d718b, 0x205bd497,
++ 0x1eb31270, 0x2d7e66f4, 0x52c2032a, 0x389f7c6a,
++ 0x3fd9d759, 0x7c68dd6f, 0x71257e90, 0xac7ea583,
++ 0x2c413815, 0xf239d766, 0x28843903, 0xb540e39c,
++struct pubkey {
++ struct bignum_st e, n;
++#define KEY(data) { \
++ .d = data, \
++ .top = sizeof(data)/sizeof(data[0]), \
++#define KEYS(e,n) { KEY(e), KEY(n), }
++__attribute__((unused)) static struct pubkey keys[] = {
++ KEYS(e_0, n_0),
++ KEYS(e_1, n_1),
+diff --git a/keys-ssl.c.64 b/keys-ssl.c.64
+new file mode 100644
+index 000000000000..15110e56058d
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/keys-ssl.c.64
+@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
++#include <stdint.h>
++#include <openssl/bn.h>
++static BN_ULONG e_0[1] = {
++ 0x0000000000010001,
++#include <stdint.h>
++#include <openssl/bn.h>
++static BN_ULONG n_0[32] = {
++ 0x63a2705416a0d8e1, 0xdc9fca11c8ba757b,
++ 0xb9c06510cbcb35e3, 0x39e3dfebba941433,
++ 0x7bbae38a6c1fce9d, 0x205a5a73fefabba7,
++ 0x53ea3e5a97839a2e, 0xfec8f5b661dc0170,
++ 0xefe311d8d29a1004, 0x8c6a92d0a5156bb8,
++ 0x9067cc767a6eb5cc, 0xd103580b0bd5b1ff,
++ 0x4a563e848f3a2daf, 0xacd7cadb46b0943e,
++ 0x5fabb688ebd1e198, 0x7e70c1d35916f173,
++ 0xaaa8acc85d6ca84e, 0x1685c157e20fd4dc,
++ 0xf9e9c9c7ad933f64, 0xbe6272edc5f59824,
++ 0x585d9a7d53447bd1, 0x011a5b3f5b3bc30d,
++ 0xf312b966ffbbf0e9, 0x2203fb37482c131b,
++ 0x3e7c157d0dc38eab, 0xb04de1d6b39fcc8d,
++ 0x4d9f013707fc0d84, 0xb075a241e13b5ac5,
++ 0x0a9a9d488e56e153, 0xf2cff393f97054eb,
++ 0x2a2ead68376024f2, 0xd657997188d35dce,
++#include <stdint.h>
++#include <openssl/bn.h>
++static BN_ULONG e_1[1] = {
++ 0x0000000000010001,
++#include <stdint.h>
++#include <openssl/bn.h>
++static BN_ULONG n_1[32] = {
++ 0xa066f4dac4ff951d, 0xe6e0d246d5e1c45f,
++ 0xe7fb461684e3c7a1, 0x11151b7af6e26899,
++ 0x6c3f93fbc5ee7852, 0x96790b2bd0d8dec8,
++ 0xb1722bf4a129207c, 0x3673e797044137b1,
++ 0x183277072912661e, 0xd37e005c9a5ed820,
++ 0x655b7f257568a1ea, 0xe731f136a29c63c6,
++ 0x3036d253eeecac1e, 0x85ef7a7fa5cb80c7,
++ 0x2ad91b7345ebba27, 0x715756f6ccd3df7d,
++ 0x28900fac36fa6823, 0xf1026fe9469b935f,
++ 0x98b8d15621f0531f, 0x180b2895b22dea88,
++ 0x8ad9fe76a9fd602d, 0x510cd14519da1044,
++ 0x0b09f9681184fbca, 0x578b96161cfd24d5,
++ 0x3b1b0817146b61c4, 0x205bd497323d718b,
++ 0x2d7e66f41eb31270, 0x389f7c6a52c2032a,
++ 0x7c68dd6f3fd9d759, 0xac7ea58371257e90,
++ 0xf239d7662c413815, 0xb540e39c28843903,
++struct pubkey {
++ struct bignum_st e, n;
++#define KEY(data) { \
++ .d = data, \
++ .top = sizeof(data)/sizeof(data[0]), \
++#define KEYS(e,n) { KEY(e), KEY(n), }
++__attribute__((unused)) static struct pubkey keys[] = {
++ KEYS(e_0, n_0),
++ KEYS(e_1, n_1),