/* * File: Blob.h * * Copyright (c) Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. All rights reserved. * See included license file for license details. */ #if !defined(_Blob_h_) #define _Blob_h_ #include "stdafx.h" /*! * \brief Manages a binary object of arbitrary length. * * The data block is allocated with malloc() instead of the new * operator so that we can use realloc() to resize it. */ class Blob { public: //! \brief Default constructor. Blob(); //! \brief Constructor. Blob(const uint8_t * data, unsigned length); //! \brief Copy constructor. Blob(const Blob & other); //! \brief Destructor. virtual ~Blob(); //! \name Operations //@{ //! \brief Replaces the blob's data. void setData(const uint8_t * data, unsigned length); //! \brief Change the size of the blob's data. void setLength(unsigned length); //! \brief Adds data to the end of the blob. void append(const uint8_t * newData, unsigned newDataLength); //! \brief Disposes of the data. void clear(); //! \brief Tell the blob that it no longer owns its data. void relinquish(); //@} //! \name Accessors //@{ uint8_t * getData() { return m_data; } const uint8_t * getData() const { return m_data; } unsigned getLength() const { return m_length; } //@} //! \name Operators //@{ operator uint8_t * () { return m_data; } operator const uint8_t * () const { return m_data; } //@} protected: uint8_t * m_data; //!< The binary data held by this object. unsigned m_length; //!< Number of bytes pointed to by #m_data. }; #endif // _Blob_h_