/* * File: StSRecordFile.h * * Copyright (c) Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. All rights reserved. * See included license file for license details. */ #if !defined(_StSRecordFile_h_) #define _StSRecordFile_h_ //#include #include "stdafx.h" #include #include #include #include enum { //! The required first character of an S-record. SRECORD_START_CHAR = 'S', //! The minimum length of a S-record. This is the type (2) + count (2) + addr (4) + cksum (2). SRECORD_MIN_LENGTH = 10, //! Index of the first character of the address field. SRECORD_ADDRESS_START_CHAR_INDEX = 4 }; /*! * \brief S-record parser. * * This class takes an input stream and parses it as an S-record file. While * the individual records that comprise the file are available for access, the * class also provides a higher-level view of the contents. It processes the * individual records and builds an image of what the memory touched by the * file looks like. Then you can access the contiguous sections of memory. */ class StSRecordFile { public: /*! * Structure representing each individual line of the S-record input data. */ struct SRecord { unsigned m_type; //!< Record number type, such as 9 for "S9", 3 for "S3" and so on. unsigned m_count; //!< Number of character pairs (bytes) from address through checksum. uint32_t m_address; //!< The address specified as part of the S-record. unsigned m_dataCount; //!< Number of bytes of data. uint8_t * m_data; //!< Pointer to data, or NULL if no data for this record type. uint8_t m_checksum; //!< The checksum byte present in the S-record. }; //! Iterator type. typedef std::vector::const_iterator const_iterator; public: //! \brief Constructor. StSRecordFile(std::istream & inStream); //! \brief Destructor. virtual ~StSRecordFile(); //! \name File name //@{ virtual void setName(const std::string & inName) { m_name = inName; } virtual std::string getName() const { return m_name; } //@} //! \name Parsing //@{ //! \brief Determine if the file is an S-record file. virtual bool isSRecordFile(); //! \brief Parses the entire S-record input stream. virtual void parse(); //@} //! \name Record access //@{ //! \return the number of S-records that have been parsed from the input stream. inline unsigned getRecordCount() const { return static_cast(m_records.size()); } //! \return iterator for inline const_iterator getBegin() const { return m_records.begin(); } inline const_iterator getEnd() const { return m_records.end(); } //@} //! \name Operators //@{ inline const SRecord & operator [] (unsigned inIndex) { return m_records[inIndex]; } //@} protected: std::istream& m_stream; //!< The input stream for the S-record data. std::vector m_records; //!< Vector of S-records in the input data. std::string m_name; //!< File name. (optional) //! \name Parsing utilities //@{ virtual void parseLine(std::string & inLine); bool isHexDigit(char c); int hexDigitToInt(char digit); int readHexByte(std::string & inString, int inIndex); //@} }; /*! * \brief Simple exception thrown to indicate an error in the input SRecord data format. */ class StSRecordParseException : public std::runtime_error { public: //! \brief Default constructor. StSRecordParseException(const std::string & inMessage) : std::runtime_error(inMessage) {} }; #endif // _StSRecordFile_h_