path: root/scripts
diff options
authorMichael Olbrich <>2015-10-26 12:36:48 +0100
committerMichael Olbrich <>2015-10-27 11:11:02 +0100
commit53f32624afc40414e87d08736cff78ed0f473bf5 (patch)
treeb9f2bcf049a59a9a289565c35426d6ec5274e30c /scripts
parent745bac6697bd8f5a0547467de908c7cee8d0362e (diff)
improve PTXdist release for license reporting mechanism
Signed-off-by: Michael Olbrich <>
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts')
8 files changed, 972 insertions, 44 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/lib/ptxd_lib_dgen.awk b/scripts/lib/ptxd_lib_dgen.awk
index 531dba11d..5c8280ba2 100644
--- a/scripts/lib/ptxd_lib_dgen.awk
+++ b/scripts/lib/ptxd_lib_dgen.awk
@@ -277,6 +277,7 @@ function write_deps_pkg_active(this_PKG, this_pkg, prefix) {
print "$(STATEDIR)/" this_pkg " " "$(STATEDIR)/" this_pkg ".targetinstall" > DGEN_DEPS_POST;
print "$(STATEDIR)/" this_pkg ".report: " "$(STATEDIR)/" this_pkg ".extract" > DGEN_DEPS_POST;
+ print "$(STATEDIR)/" this_pkg ".release: " "$(STATEDIR)/" this_pkg ".extract" > DGEN_DEPS_POST;
# conditional dependencies
diff --git a/scripts/lib/ptxd_make_license_report.awk b/scripts/lib/ptxd_make_license_report.awk
index a8d3476c6..a1320abe7 100644
--- a/scripts/lib/ptxd_make_license_report.awk
+++ b/scripts/lib/ptxd_make_license_report.awk
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ $1 == "LICENSE" {
gsub("^host-", "", $3);
gsub("^cross-", "", $3);
names[$2] = $3
+ license_type[$2] = $5
function make_more_dot(pkg, file, level, deps, i) {
@@ -52,7 +53,7 @@ function make_more_dot(pkg, file, level, deps, i) {
function make_dot(pkg) {
- file = report_dir"/"raw_names[pkg]"/"
+ file = report_dir"/"license_type[pkg]"/"raw_names[pkg]"/"
delete hit_deps
printf "digraph \"%s\" {\n", pkg > file
printf "rankdir=LR;\n" > file
diff --git a/scripts/lib/ b/scripts/lib/
index ad90c99b9..d2083df91 100644
--- a/scripts/lib/
+++ b/scripts/lib/
@@ -9,21 +9,33 @@
ptxd_make_license_report_header() {
- local project_desc="$(ptxd_get_ptxconf PTXCONF_PROJECT_VENDOR) $(ptxd_get_ptxconf PTXCONF_PROJECT) $(ptxd_get_ptxconf PTXCONF_PROJECT_VERSION)"
+ local project_desc="$(ptxd_get_ptxconf PTXCONF_PROJECT_VENDOR)-$(ptxd_get_ptxconf PTXCONF_PROJECT)$(ptxd_get_ptxconf PTXCONF_PROJECT_VERSION)"
cat <<- EOF
- \documentclass[pointlessnumbers,bibtotocnumbered,openany,DIV14,paper=a4,twoside=false]{scrbook}
+ \documentclass[pointlessnumbers,bibtotocnumbered,openany,DIV14,paper=a4,twoside=false,listof=totoc]{scrbook}
- \usepackage{listings}
+ \usepackage{imakeidx}
- \usepackage{tocbibind}
+ \usepackage{spverbatim}
+ \usepackage{tocstyle}
+ \usetocstyle{KOMAlike}
+ %% Something like this may be needed depending on the package list
+ %\usepackage[CJK]{ucharclasses}
+ %\usepackage{fontspec}
+ %\newfontfamily\mycjk{VL-Gothic-Regular}
+ %\setTransitionsForCJK{\mycjk}{}
- \lstset{breaklines=true,basicstyle=\footnotesize\ttfamily}
+ \newif\iflicensereport
+ \licensereporttrue
+ \makeindex[name=attribution,intoc,title=attribution Package Index]
+ \makeindex[name=nosource,intoc,title=nosource Package Index]
+ \makeindex[name=nopatches,intoc,title=nopatches Package Index]
@@ -51,6 +63,8 @@ ptxd_make_license_report_header() {
+ \phantomsection
+ \pdfbookmark[1]{Contents}{toc}
@@ -58,6 +72,35 @@ export -f ptxd_make_license_report_header
ptxd_make_license_report_footer() {
cat <<- EOF
+ \appendix
+ \chapter{Flags\label{Flags}}
+ Note: This list of tags and the packages marked with them is meant
+ as a starting point for further work. It is by no means complete.
+ There are most likely packages that e.g. require attribution but
+ are missing the corresponding flag.
+ For individual packages, adding the flag name to
+ \textless{}PKG\textgreater\_LICENSE
+ sets the corresponding flag. To add flags to groups of packages,
+ e.g. based on the package license,
+ \emph{ptxd\_make\_world\_license\_expand()} can be overwritten and
+ expanded.
+ \section{nosource\label{nosource}}
+ For packages marked with the {\it nosource} flag, the source
+ archive(s) will not be part of the license compliance package.
+ \section{nopatches\label{nopatches}}
+ For packages marked with the {\it nopatches} flag, the patches
+ for this package will not be part of the license compliance
+ package.
+ \section{attribution\label{attribution}}
+ Packages marked with the {\it attribution} flag require some sort
+ of attribution. Please refer to the package license for further
+ details.
+ \printindex[attribution]
+ \printindex[nosource]
+ \printindex[nopatches]
@@ -80,41 +123,169 @@ ptxd_make_license_report_build() {
export -f ptxd_make_license_report_build
+# $1 list of packages (short names)
+# We are called twice here: once for the target packages, once for the host tools
+# Note: the 'package.list' contains license info for both runs
ptxd_make_license_report() {
local -a ptxd_reply
- local ptx_license_target_tex pkg
+ local ptx_license_target_tex pkg_lic pkg
+ local -A ptxd_package_license_association
+ # regenerate license info and sort out unused packages
+ for pkg in $(cat "${ptx_report_dir}/package.list"); do
+ ptxd_package_license_association[$(basename ${pkg})]=$(dirname ${pkg})
+ done
ptxd_in_path PTXDIST_PATH_SCRIPTS lib/ptxd_make_license_report.awk || return
+ echo -n "Extracting package's license information and dependencies..."
local make_license_report="${ptxd_reply}"
for pkg in "${@}"; do
- echo "LICENSE:$(ptxd_name_to_NAME ${pkg}):${pkg}:$(<"${ptx_report_dir}/${pkg}/license-name"):"
+ pkg_lic=${ptxd_package_license_association[${pkg}]}
+ if [ -z ${pkg_lic} ]; then
+ # sort out no used packages for this run
+ continue
+ fi
+ echo "LICENSE:$(ptxd_name_to_NAME ${pkg}):${pkg}:$(<"${ptx_report_dir}/${pkg_lic}/${pkg}/license-name"):${pkg_lic}:"
for config in ptx platform; do
PTXDIST_DEP_TARGET="build" ptxd_kconfig dep ${config} || return
) | gawk -f "${make_license_report}" &&
+ echo "done"
+ echo -n "Generating license dependencies graphs..."
echo "SHELL = bash"
echo "%.tex:"
echo ' @echo " DOT2TEX `ptxd_print_path $<`"'
echo ' @dot2tex --docpreamble="\usepackage[xetex]{hyperref}" --figonly -fpgf --autosize -o $@ $<'
for pkg in "${@}"; do
- echo "all: ${ptx_report_dir}/${pkg}/graph.tex"
+ pkg_lic="${ptxd_package_license_association[${pkg}]}"
+ if [ -z "${pkg_lic}" ]; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ echo "all: ${ptx_report_dir}/${pkg_lic}/${pkg}/graph.tex"
- } | make -f - ${PTXDIST_PARALLELMFLAGS_INTERN} all || return
+ } | make -f - ${PTXDIST_PARALLELMFLAGS_INTERN} all || return
+ echo "done"
- ptx_license_target_tex="${ptx_report_dir}/$(basename "${ptx_license_target%.pdf}.tex")"
+# combine all package related info into one document
+ ptx_license_target_tex="${ptx_report_dir}/${pkg_section}/$(basename "${ptx_license_target%.pdf}.tex")"
- for file in "${@}"; do
- echo "\\input{${file#${ptx_report_dir}/}/license-report.tex}"
+ for pkg in ${@}; do
+ pkg_lic="${ptxd_package_license_association[${pkg}]}"
+ if [ -z ${pkg_lic} ]; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ pkg_lic="${pkg_lic}/${pkg}"
+ echo "\\input{${pkg_lic#${ptx_report_dir}/${pkg_section}}/license-report.tex}"
) > "${ptx_license_target_tex}"
- ptxd_make_license_report_build &&
- mv "${ptx_license_target_tex%.tex}.pdf" "${ptx_license_target}"
+ ptxd_make_license_report_build
+# mv "${ptx_license_target_tex%.tex}.pdf" "${ptx_license_target}"
export -f ptxd_make_license_report
+ptxd_make_license_compliance_header() {
+ local project_desc="$(ptxd_get_ptxconf PTXCONF_PROJECT_VENDOR)-$(ptxd_get_ptxconf PTXCONF_PROJECT)$(ptxd_get_ptxconf PTXCONF_PROJECT_VERSION)"
+ cat <<- EOF
+ \documentclass[pointlessnumbers,bibtotocnumbered,openany,DIV14,paper=a4,twoside=false,listof=totoc]{scrbook}
+ \usepackage{graphicx}
+ \usepackage[xetex]{hyperref}
+ \usepackage{scrtime}
+ \usepackage{tikz}
+ \usepackage{adjustbox}
+ \usepackage{spverbatim}
+ \hypersetup{colorlinks=true,linkcolor=blue,urlcolor=blue}
+ \usepackage{tocstyle}
+ \usetocstyle{KOMAlike}
+ %% Something like this may be needed depending on the package list
+ %\usepackage[CJK]{ucharclasses}
+ %\usepackage{fontspec}
+ %\newfontfamily\mycjk{VL-Gothic-Regular}
+ %\setTransitionsForCJK{\mycjk}{}
+ \newif\iflicensereport
+ \licensereportfalse
+ \begin{document}
+ \thispagestyle{empty}
+ \begin{titlepage}
+ \null
+ \vfill
+ \begin{center}
+ {\Huge \textbf{Open Source Software Licenses}}
+ {\huge \vfill for project \vfill ${project_desc}}
+ {\LARGE \vfill created \today, \thistime}
+ \vskip 5cm
+ {\huge !Attention!}
+ \end{center}
+ \vskip 0.5cm
+ This list of licenses is automatically generated and asserts no claims to
+ completeness or correctness. It is not legally binding, and comes without
+ warranty of any kind. We advise a manual counter-check before
+ publication or legal use.
+ \vfill
+ \vfill
+ \end{titlepage}
+ \phantomsection
+ \pdfbookmark[1]{Contents}{toc}
+ \tableofcontents
+export -f ptxd_make_license_compliance_header
+ptxd_make_license_compliance_footer() {
+ cat <<- EOF
+ \end{document}
+export -f ptxd_make_license_compliance_footer
+ptxd_make_license_compliance() {
+ local -a ptxd_reply
+ local ptx_license_target_tex pkg_lic pkg
+ local -A ptxd_package_license_association
+ # regenerate license info and sort out unused packages
+ for pkg in $(cat "${ptx_report_dir}/package.list"); do
+ ptxd_package_license_association[$(basename ${pkg})]=$(dirname ${pkg})
+ done
+# combine all package related info into one document
+ ptx_license_target_tex="${ptx_report_dir}/${pkg_section}/$(basename "${ptx_license_target%.pdf}.tex")"
+ (
+ ptxd_make_license_compliance_header
+ for pkg in ${@}; do
+ pkg_lic="${ptxd_package_license_association[${pkg}]}"
+ if [ -z "${pkg_lic}" -o "${pkg_lic}" = "proprietary" ]; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ pkg_lic="${pkg_lic}/${pkg}"
+ echo "\\input{${pkg_lic#${ptx_report_dir}/${pkg_section}}/license-report.tex}"
+ done
+ ptxd_make_license_compliance_footer
+ ) > "${ptx_license_target_tex}"
+ ptxd_make_license_report_build &&
+ cp "${ptx_license_target_tex%.tex}.pdf" "${ptx_license_target}"
+export -f ptxd_make_license_compliance
diff --git a/scripts/lib/ b/scripts/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..301551050
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2015 by Michael Olbrich <>
+# See CREDITS for details about who has contributed to this project.
+# For further information about the PTXdist project and license conditions
+# see the README file.
+# WARNING: This file is generated with '' from
+# 'spdx_licenselist_v2.2.csv' and 'spdx_licenselist_v2.2_exceptions.csv'.
+# To regenerate this file export the license and exception sheets from the
+# original SPDX license list using '|' as field delimiter and run
+# ''.
+ptxd_make_spdx() {
+ license="${1}"
+ case "${license}" in
+ Glide) ;;
+ Abstyles) ;;
+ AFL-1.1) osi="true" ;;
+ AFL-1.2) osi="true" ;;
+ AFL-2.0) osi="true" ;;
+ AFL-2.1) osi="true" ;;
+ AFL-3.0) osi="true" ;;
+ AMPAS) ;;
+ APL-1.0) osi="true" ;;
+ Adobe-Glyph) ;;
+ APAFML) ;;
+ Adobe-2006) ;;
+ AGPL-1.0) ;;
+ Afmparse) ;;
+ Aladdin) ;;
+ ADSL) ;;
+ ANTLR-PD) ;;
+ Apache-1.0) ;;
+ Apache-1.1) osi="true" ;;
+ Apache-2.0) osi="true" ;;
+ AML) ;;
+ APSL-1.0) osi="true" ;;
+ APSL-1.1) osi="true" ;;
+ APSL-1.2) osi="true" ;;
+ APSL-2.0) osi="true" ;;
+ Artistic-1.0) osi="true" ;;
+ Artistic-1.0-Perl) osi="true" ;;
+ Artistic-1.0-cl8) osi="true" ;;
+ Artistic-2.0) osi="true" ;;
+ AAL) osi="true" ;;
+ Bahyph) ;;
+ Barr) ;;
+ Beerware) ;;
+ BitTorrent-1.0) ;;
+ BitTorrent-1.1) ;;
+ BSL-1.0) osi="true" ;;
+ Borceux) ;;
+ BSD-2-Clause) osi="true" ;;
+ BSD-2-Clause-FreeBSD) ;;
+ BSD-2-Clause-NetBSD) ;;
+ BSD-3-Clause) osi="true" ;;
+ BSD-3-Clause-Clear) ;;
+ BSD-4-Clause) ;;
+ BSD-Protection) ;;
+ BSD-3-Clause-Attribution) ;;
+ 0BSD) ;;
+ BSD-4-Clause-UC) ;;
+ bzip2-1.0.5) ;;
+ bzip2-1.0.6) ;;
+ Caldera) ;;
+ CECILL-1.0) ;;
+ CECILL-1.1) ;;
+ CECILL-2.0) ;;
+ CECILL-2.1) osi="true" ;;
+ CECILL-B) ;;
+ CECILL-C) ;;
+ ClArtistic) ;;
+ MIT-CMU) ;;
+ CNRI-Jython) ;;
+ CNRI-Python) osi="true" ;;
+ CNRI-Python-GPL-Compatible) ;;
+ CPOL-1.02) ;;
+ CDDL-1.0) osi="true" ;;
+ CDDL-1.1) ;;
+ CPAL-1.0) osi="true" ;;
+ CPL-1.0) osi="true" ;;
+ CATOSL-1.1) osi="true" ;;
+ Condor-1.1) ;;
+ CC-BY-1.0) ;;
+ CC-BY-2.0) ;;
+ CC-BY-2.5) ;;
+ CC-BY-3.0) ;;
+ CC-BY-4.0) ;;
+ CC-BY-ND-1.0) ;;
+ CC-BY-ND-2.0) ;;
+ CC-BY-ND-2.5) ;;
+ CC-BY-ND-3.0) ;;
+ CC-BY-ND-4.0) ;;
+ CC-BY-NC-1.0) ;;
+ CC-BY-NC-2.0) ;;
+ CC-BY-NC-2.5) ;;
+ CC-BY-NC-3.0) ;;
+ CC-BY-NC-4.0) ;;
+ CC-BY-NC-ND-1.0) ;;
+ CC-BY-NC-ND-2.0) ;;
+ CC-BY-NC-ND-2.5) ;;
+ CC-BY-NC-ND-3.0) ;;
+ CC-BY-NC-ND-4.0) ;;
+ CC-BY-NC-SA-1.0) ;;
+ CC-BY-NC-SA-2.0) ;;
+ CC-BY-NC-SA-2.5) ;;
+ CC-BY-NC-SA-3.0) ;;
+ CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0) ;;
+ CC-BY-SA-1.0) ;;
+ CC-BY-SA-2.0) ;;
+ CC-BY-SA-2.5) ;;
+ CC-BY-SA-3.0) ;;
+ CC-BY-SA-4.0) ;;
+ CC0-1.0) ;;
+ Crossword) ;;
+ CrystalStacker) ;;
+ CUA-OPL-1.0) osi="true" ;;
+ Cube) ;;
+ D-FSL-1.0) ;;
+ diffmark) ;;
+ WTFPL) ;;
+ DOC) ;;
+ Dotseqn) ;;
+ DSDP) ;;
+ dvipdfm) ;;
+ EPL-1.0) osi="true" ;;
+ ECL-1.0) osi="true" ;;
+ ECL-2.0) osi="true" ;;
+ eGenix) ;;
+ EFL-1.0) osi="true" ;;
+ EFL-2.0) osi="true" ;;
+ MIT-advertising) ;;
+ MIT-enna) ;;
+ Entessa) osi="true" ;;
+ ErlPL-1.1) ;;
+ EUDatagrid) osi="true" ;;
+ EUPL-1.0) ;;
+ EUPL-1.1) osi="true" ;;
+ Eurosym) ;;
+ Fair) osi="true" ;;
+ MIT-feh) ;;
+ Frameworx-1.0) osi="true" ;;
+ FreeImage) ;;
+ FTL) ;;
+ FSFUL) ;;
+ Giftware) ;;
+ GL2PS) ;;
+ Glulxe) ;;
+ AGPL-3.0) osi="true" ;;
+ GFDL-1.1) ;;
+ GFDL-1.2) ;;
+ GFDL-1.3) ;;
+ GPL-1.0) ;;
+ GPL-2.0) osi="true" ;;
+ GPL-3.0) osi="true" ;;
+ LGPL-2.1) osi="true" ;;
+ LGPL-3.0) osi="true" ;;
+ LGPL-2.0) osi="true" ;;
+ gnuplot) ;;
+ gSOAP-1.3b) ;;
+ HaskellReport) ;;
+ HPND) osi="true" ;;
+ IBM-pibs) ;;
+ IPL-1.0) osi="true" ;;
+ ICU) ;;
+ ImageMagick) ;;
+ iMatix) ;;
+ Imlib2) ;;
+ IJG) ;;
+ Intel-ACPI) ;;
+ Intel) osi="true" ;;
+ Interbase-1.0) ;;
+ IPA) osi="true" ;;
+ ISC) osi="true" ;;
+ JasPer-2.0) ;;
+ JSON) ;;
+ LPPL-1.3a) ;;
+ LPPL-1.0) ;;
+ LPPL-1.1) ;;
+ LPPL-1.2) ;;
+ LPPL-1.3c) osi="true" ;;
+ Latex2e) ;;
+ BSD-3-Clause-LBNL) ;;
+ Leptonica) ;;
+ LGPLLR) ;;
+ Libpng) ;;
+ libtiff) ;;
+ LPL-1.02) osi="true" ;;
+ LPL-1.0) osi="true" ;;
+ MakeIndex) ;;
+ MTLL) ;;
+ MS-PL) osi="true" ;;
+ MS-RL) osi="true" ;;
+ MirOS) osi="true" ;;
+ MITNFA) ;;
+ MIT) osi="true" ;;
+ Motosoto) osi="true" ;;
+ MPL-1.0) osi="true" ;;
+ MPL-1.1) osi="true" ;;
+ MPL-2.0) osi="true" ;;
+ MPL-2.0-no-copyleft-exception) osi="true" ;;
+ mpich2) ;;
+ Multics) osi="true" ;;
+ Mup) ;;
+ NASA-1.3) osi="true" ;;
+ Naumen) osi="true" ;;
+ NBPL-1.0) ;;
+ NetCDF) ;;
+ NGPL) osi="true" ;;
+ NOSL) ;;
+ NPL-1.0) ;;
+ NPL-1.1) ;;
+ Newsletr) ;;
+ NLPL) ;;
+ Nokia) osi="true" ;;
+ NPOSL-3.0) osi="true" ;;
+ Noweb) ;;
+ NRL) ;;
+ NTP) osi="true" ;;
+ Nunit) ;;
+ OCLC-2.0) osi="true" ;;
+ ODbL-1.0) ;;
+ PDDL-1.0) ;;
+ OGTSL) osi="true" ;;
+ OLDAP-2.2.2) ;;
+ OLDAP-1.1) ;;
+ OLDAP-1.2) ;;
+ OLDAP-1.3) ;;
+ OLDAP-1.4) ;;
+ OLDAP-2.0) ;;
+ OLDAP-2.0.1) ;;
+ OLDAP-2.1) ;;
+ OLDAP-2.2) ;;
+ OLDAP-2.2.1) ;;
+ OLDAP-2.3) ;;
+ OLDAP-2.4) ;;
+ OLDAP-2.5) ;;
+ OLDAP-2.6) ;;
+ OLDAP-2.7) ;;
+ OLDAP-2.8) ;;
+ OML) ;;
+ OPL-1.0) ;;
+ OSL-1.0) osi="true" ;;
+ OSL-1.1) ;;
+ OSL-2.0) osi="true" ;;
+ OSL-2.1) osi="true" ;;
+ OSL-3.0) osi="true" ;;
+ OpenSSL) ;;
+ PHP-3.0) osi="true" ;;
+ PHP-3.01) ;;
+ Plexus) ;;
+ PostgreSQL) osi="true" ;;
+ psfrag) ;;
+ psutils) ;;
+ Python-2.0) osi="true" ;;
+ QPL-1.0) osi="true" ;;
+ Qhull) ;;
+ Rdisc) ;;
+ RPSL-1.0) osi="true" ;;
+ RPL-1.1) osi="true" ;;
+ RPL-1.5) osi="true" ;;
+ RHeCos-1.1) ;;
+ RSCPL) osi="true" ;;
+ RSA-MD) ;;
+ Ruby) ;;
+ SAX-PD) ;;
+ Saxpath) ;;
+ SCEA) ;;
+ SWL) ;;
+ Sendmail) ;;
+ SGI-B-1.0) ;;
+ SGI-B-1.1) ;;
+ SGI-B-2.0) ;;
+ OFL-1.0) ;;
+ OFL-1.1) osi="true" ;;
+ SimPL-2.0) osi="true" ;;
+ Sleepycat) osi="true" ;;
+ SNIA) ;;
+ Spencer-86) ;;
+ Spencer-94) ;;
+ Spencer-99) ;;
+ SMLNJ) ;;
+ SugarCRM-1.1.3) ;;
+ SISSL) osi="true" ;;
+ SISSL-1.2) ;;
+ SPL-1.0) osi="true" ;;
+ Watcom-1.0) osi="true" ;;
+ TCL) ;;
+ Unlicense) ;;
+ TMate) ;;
+ TORQUE-1.1) ;;
+ TOSL) ;;
+ Unicode-TOU) ;;
+ UPL-1.0) osi="true" ;;
+ NCSA) osi="true" ;;
+ Vim) ;;
+ VSL-1.0) osi="true" ;;
+ W3C-19980720) ;;
+ W3C) osi="true" ;;
+ Wsuipa) ;;
+ Xnet) osi="true" ;;
+ X11) ;;
+ Xerox) ;;
+ XFree86-1.1) ;;
+ xinetd) ;;
+ xpp) ;;
+ XSkat) ;;
+ YPL-1.0) ;;
+ YPL-1.1) ;;
+ Zed) ;;
+ Zend-2.0) ;;
+ Zimbra-1.3) ;;
+ Zimbra-1.4) ;;
+ Zlib) osi="true" ;;
+ zlib-acknowledgement) ;;
+ ZPL-1.1) ;;
+ ZPL-2.0) osi="true" ;;
+ ZPL-2.1) ;;
+ 389-exception) exception="true" ;;
+ Autoconf-exception-2.0) exception="true" ;;
+ Autoconf-exception-3.0) exception="true" ;;
+ Bison-exception-2.2) exception="true" ;;
+ Classpath-exception-2.0) exception="true" ;;
+ CLISP-exception-2.0) exception="true" ;;
+ DigiRule-FOSS-exception) exception="true" ;;
+ eCos-exception-2.0) exception="true" ;;
+ Fawkes-Runtime-exception) exception="true" ;;
+ FLTK-exception) exception="true" ;;
+ Font-exception-2.0) exception="true" ;;
+ freertos-exception-2.0) exception="true" ;;
+ GCC-exception-2.0) exception="true" ;;
+ GCC-exception-3.1) exception="true" ;;
+ gnu-javamail-exception) exception="true" ;;
+ i2p-gpl-java-exception) exception="true" ;;
+ Libtool-exception) exception="true" ;;
+ LZMA-exception) exception="true" ;;
+ mif-exception) exception="true" ;;
+ Nokia-Qt-exception-1.1) exception="true" ;;
+ openvpn-openssl-exception) exception="true" ;;
+ Qwt-exception-1.0) exception="true" ;;
+ u-boot-exception-2.0) exception="true" ;;
+ WxWindows-exception-3.1) exception="true" ;;
+ *) return 1 ;;
+ esac
+export -f ptxd_make_spdx
diff --git a/scripts/lib/ b/scripts/lib/
index d32a166af..424502b97 100644
--- a/scripts/lib/
+++ b/scripts/lib/
@@ -240,11 +240,6 @@ ptxd_make_world_init() {
- # license dir
- #
- pkg_license_dir="${ptx_state_dir}/report/${pkg_label}"
- #
# path
local path_ptr="ptx_path_${pkg_type}"
diff --git a/scripts/lib/ b/scripts/lib/
index 5e590c204..a6743c134 100644
--- a/scripts/lib/
+++ b/scripts/lib/
@@ -27,9 +27,11 @@ ptxd_make_world_parse_license_files() {
unset orig_ifs
+ filename=""
+ encoding=""
while [ ${#} -ne 0 ]; do
@@ -40,6 +42,9 @@ ptxd_make_world_parse_license_files() {
+ "encoding="*)
+ encoding="${arg##encoding=}"
+ ;;
@@ -61,7 +66,14 @@ ptxd_make_world_parse_license_files() {
- if [ ! -e "${pkg_dir}/${file}" ]; then
+ if [[ "${file}" == /* ]]; then
+ filename="$(basename "${file}")"
+ else
+ filename="${file}"
+ file="${pkg_dir}/${file}"
+ fi
+ if [ ! -e "${file}" ]; then
ptxd_bailout "
license file '$(ptxd_print_path "${file}")'
@@ -116,12 +128,22 @@ export -f ptxd_make_latex_escape
ptxd_make_world_license_write() {
local guess
local pkg_chapter="$(ptxd_make_latex_escape ${pkg_label})"
+ local packages_url="${pkg_url}"
+ local packages_md5="${pkg_md5}"
+ local -a flags=( "${!pkg_license_flags[@]}" )
+ local -a index=( "${!pkg_license_flags[@]}" )
+ flags=( "${flags[@]/#/\\nameref\{}" )
+ flags=( "${flags[@]/%/\}}" )
+ index=( "${index[@]/#/\\index[}" )
+ index=( "${index[@]/%/]\{${pkg_chapter}\}}" )
case "${pkg_license}" in
pkg_chapter="${pkg_chapter} *** Proprietary License!"
+ packages_url="*not available*"
+ packages_md5="*not available*"
pkg_chapter="${pkg_chapter} *** Unknown License!"
@@ -136,69 +158,276 @@ ptxd_make_world_license_write() {
- \item[Package:] $(ptxd_make_latex_escape ${pkg_label}) $(ptxd_make_latex_escape ${pkg_version})
- \item[License:] $(ptxd_make_latex_escape ${pkg_license})
- \item[URL:] \begin{flushleft}$(ptxd_make_latex_escape ${pkg_url})\end{flushleft}
- \item[MD5:] {\ttfamily ${pkg_md5}}
+ \item[Package:] $(ptxd_make_latex_escape "${pkg_label}") $(ptxd_make_latex_escape "${pkg_version}")
+ \item[License:] $(ptxd_make_latex_escape "${pkg_license}")
+ \iflicensereport
+ ${index[*]}
+ \item[Flags:] $(ptxd_make_latex_escape "${flags[*]}")
+ \item[URL:] \begin{flushleft}$(ptxd_make_latex_escape "${packages_url}")\end{flushleft}
+ \item[MD5:] {\ttfamily ${packages_md5}}
+ \fi
if [ -n "${pkg_dot}" ]; then
cat <<- EOF
+ \iflicensereport
- \input{${pkg_tex}}}
- \caption{Dependency tree for $(ptxd_make_latex_escape ${pkg_label})}
+ \input{${pkg_tex#${ptx_report_dir}/}}}
+ \caption{Dependency tree for $(ptxd_make_latex_escape "${pkg_label}")}
+ \fi
for license in "${pkg_license_texts[@]}" - "${pkg_license_texts_guessed[@]}"; do
if [ "${license}" = "-" ]; then
- guess=" [automatically found]"
+ guess="\iflicensereport [automatically found]\fi"
title="$(basename "${license}")"
cat <<- EOF
- \section{$(ptxd_make_latex_escape ${title})${guess}}
- \begin{lstlisting}
+ \section{$(ptxd_make_latex_escape "${title}")${guess}}
+ \begin{small}
+ \begin{spverbatim}
- cat "${license}" | sed -e 's/\f/\n/g'
+ if [ -f "${license}.utf-8" ]; then
+ cat "${license}.utf-8"
+ else
+ cat "${license}"
+ fi | sed -e 's/\f/\n/g'
+ check_pipe_status || return
cat <<- EOF
- \end{lstlisting}
+ \end{spverbatim}
+ \end{small}
export -f ptxd_make_world_license_write
+# Copy all patches according to the series file
+# $1 full path to the series file
+# $2 source directory
+# $3 destination directory
+ptxd_make_world_copy_patch_files() {
+ local patch para junk
+ echo -n "Copy patches for package: '${pkg_label}'..."
+ while read patch para junk; do
+ local cat
+ case "${patch}" in
+ ""|"#"*) continue ;; # skip empty lines and comments
+ *) ;;
+ esac
+ cp ${2}/${patch} ${3} && check_pipe_status || return
+ pushd "${3}" > /dev/null &&
+ md5sum ${patch} >> MD5SUM 2>/dev/null &&
+ popd > /dev/null &&
+# copy only the plain content without the metadata
+ echo "${patch}" >> "${3}/series"
+ done < "${1}"
+ pushd "${3}" > /dev/null &&
+ md5sum series >> MD5SUM 2>/dev/null &&
+ popd > /dev/null &&
+ echo "done"
+ return 0
+export -f ptxd_make_world_copy_patch_files
+# If the package was patched, ensure the patches are part of the release report
+# $1 path to the extracted and patched sources [1]
+# $2 base directory where to copy the patches to (without the trailing 'patches')
+# [1] assumed here is the existance of the '.ptxdist' directory which contains
+# the selected patch stack if any
+ptxd_make_world_copy_patches() {
+ local patches_directory=""
+ local series_file=""
+ if [ -d "${1}/.ptxdist" ]; then
+ if [ -d "${1}/.ptxdist/patches" ]; then
+ patches_directory=`readlink -n "${1}/.ptxdist/patches"`
+ series_file=`readlink -n "${1}/.ptxdist/series"`
+ if [ -d ${patches_directory} ]; then
+ mkdir -p "${2}/patches" &&
+ ptxd_make_world_copy_patch_files "${series_file}" "${patches_directory}" "${2}/patches" ||
+ ptxd_bailout "
+Failed to copy the required patches from '${patches_directory}' to '${2}/patches'.
+ fi
+ else
+ ptxd_bailout "
+Patched sources do not follow the PTXdist style. '${1}/.ptxdist/patches' not found.
+ fi
+ fi
+ return 0
+export -f ptxd_make_world_copy_patches
+# Define a section the license type falls in
+# $1 License string or list of license strings from the package's rule file
+ local -A section
+ local orig_IFS="${IFS}"
+ IFS=$', '
+ for license in ${1}; do
+ local osi="false"
+ local exception="false"
+ # remove the 'or later' modifier
+ license="${license%+}"
+ if ptxd_make_spdx "${license}"; then
+ if [ "${osi}" == "true" ]; then
+ section[osi-conform]="true"
+ elif [ "${exception}" != "true" ]; then
+ section[misc]="true"
+ fi
+ continue;
+ fi
+ case "${license}" in
+ *proprietary*)
+ section[proprietary]="true"
+ ;;
+ *unknown*)
+ section[unknown]="true"
+ ;;
+ public_domain)
+ section[public_domain]="true"
+ ;;
+ ignore) # META packages
+ echo ignore
+ return 0
+ ;;
+ *)
+ section[other]="true"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ IFS="${orig_IFS}"
+ if [ ${#section[@]} -eq 1 ]; then
+ echo "${!section[@]}"
+ return 0
+ fi
+ if [ "${section[other]}" = "true" ]; then
+ echo "other"
+ else
+ echo "mixed"
+ fi
+ return 0
+export -f ptxd_create_section_from_license
+ptxd_make_world_license_add_flag() {
+ local flag="${1}"
+ pkg_license_flags["${flag}"]="true"
+ shopt -s extglob
+ pkg_license="${pkg_license/*([, ])${flag}}"
+ shopt -u extglob
+export -f ptxd_make_world_license_add_flag
+ptxd_make_world_license_flags() {
+ local orig_IFS="${IFS}"
+ IFS=$', '
+ for license in ${pkg_license}; do
+ case "${license}" in
+ *proprietary*)
+ ptxd_make_world_license_add_flag nosource
+ ptxd_make_world_license_add_flag nopatches
+ ;;
+ BSD-*-Clause*|MIT*|X11|Apache-*)
+ ptxd_make_world_license_add_flag attribution
+ ;;
+ nosource|nopatches|attribution)
+ ptxd_make_world_license_add_flag "${license}"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ IFS="${orig_IFS}"
+export -f ptxd_make_world_license_flags
+ptxd_make_world_license_init() {
+ ptxd_make_world_init || return
+ local name
+ pkg_license="${pkg_license:-unknown}"
+ ptxd_make_world_license_flags || return
+ pkg_section="$(ptxd_create_section_from_license "${pkg_license}")"
+ name="${pkg_label#host-}"
+ name="${name#cross-}"
+ pkg_license_dir="${ptx_report_dir}/${pkg_section}/${pkg_label}"
+ pkg_release_dir="${ptx_release_dir}/${pkg_section}/${name}"
+export -f ptxd_make_world_license_init
# extract and process all available license information
ptxd_make_world_license() {
- ptxd_make_world_init || return
+ declare -A pkg_license_flags
+ ptxd_make_world_license_init || return
local arg
- local -a ptxd_reply
local -a pkg_license_texts
local -a pkg_license_texts_guessed
- local pkg_dot=${pkg_license_dir}/
- local pkg_tex=${pkg_license_dir}/graph.tex
- pkg_license="${pkg_license:-unknown}"
+ local pkg_dot
+ local pkg_tex
+ local pkg_dot="${pkg_license_dir}/"
+ local pkg_tex="${pkg_license_dir}/graph.tex"
+ rm -rf "${pkg_license_dir}" || return
+ if [ "${pkg_section}" == "ignore" ]; then
+ echo "Package to be ignored: metapackage for example"
+ return 0
+ fi
- rm -rf "${pkg_license_dir}" &&
- mkdir -p "${pkg_license_dir}" &&
+ mkdir -p ${pkg_license_dir} &&
+ echo ${pkg_section}/${pkg_label} >> "${ptx_report_dir}/package.list" &&
- ptxd_make_world_license_expand
+ ptxd_make_world_license_expand &&
+ if [ -n "${pkg_license_files}" ]; then
+ mkdir -p "${pkg_license_dir}/license"
+ fi &&
+ echo "Copy licenses for package: '${pkg_section}/${pkg_label}'..." &&
for arg in ${pkg_license_files}; do
local file startline endline md5 guess
ptxd_make_world_parse_license_files "${arg}" &&
- local lic="${pkg_license_dir}/${file//\//_}" &&
- sed -n "${startline},${endline}p" "${pkg_dir}/${file}" > "${lic}" &&
+ local lic="${pkg_license_dir}/license/${filename//\//_}" &&
+ sed -n "${startline},${endline}p" "${file}" > "${lic}" &&
+ if [ -n "${encoding}" ]; then
+ iconv -f "${encoding}" -t "utf-8" -o "${lic}.utf-8" "${lic}"
+ fi &&
if ! echo "${md5} ${lic}" | md5sum --check > /dev/null 2>&1; then
ptxd_bailout "
@@ -207,16 +436,80 @@ checksum of license file '$(ptxd_print_path "${file}")'
changed: ${md5} -> $(md5sum "${lic}" | sed 's/ .*//')
fi &&
+ (
+ cd "${pkg_license_dir}/license" &&
+ md5sum `basename ${lic}` >> MD5SUM 2>/dev/null
+ ) &&
if [ -z "${guess}" ]; then
- fi
+ fi ||
+ ptxd_bailout "Failed to copy '$(ptxd_print_path "${file}")'"
done &&
ptxd_make_world_license_write | \
sed -e 's/%/\\%/g' > "${pkg_license_dir}/license-report.tex" &&
+ check_pipe_status &&
- echo "${pkg_license}" > "${pkg_license_dir}/license-name"
+ echo "${pkg_license}" > "${pkg_license_dir}/license-name" &&
+ if [ "${#pkg_license_flags[@]}" -gt 0 ]; then
+ echo "${!pkg_license_flags[@]}" > "${pkg_license_dir}/license-flags"
+ fi
export -f ptxd_make_world_license
+ptxd_make_world_release() {
+ declare -A pkg_license_flags
+ ptxd_make_world_license_init || return
+ local src
+ rm -rf "${pkg_release_dir}" || return
+ if [ "${pkg_license_flags[nosource]}" = "true" ]; then
+ echo "Package to be ignored: source release disabled"
+ echo
+ return
+ fi
+ mkdir -p ${pkg_release_dir} &&
+ # BSP local packages do not have ${pkg_srcs} filled
+ if [[ -z "${pkg_srcs}" && "${pkg_url}" =~ "file://${PTXDIST_WORKSPACE}" && -f "${pkg_url#file://}" ]]; then
+ # Use the URL for local archives
+ pkg_srcs="${pkg_url#file://}"
+ fi
+ if [ -z "${pkg_srcs}" ]; then
+ if [ -z "${pkg_url}" ]; then
+ # FIXME no sources! This is an error
+ # does not work, since some packages (udev for example, refer to systemd and has no own sources)
+ echo "Error: unable to detect source files/archives for package '${pkg_label}'" > "${pkg_release_dir}/source"
+ else
+ if [[ "${pkg_url}" =~ "file://${PTXDIST_WORKSPACE}" ]]; then
+ echo "Note: this package has BSP internal source code" > "${pkg_release_dir}/source"
+ else
+ if [[ "${pkg_url}" =~ "lndir://${PTXDIST_WORKSPACE}" ]]; then
+ echo "Note: this package has BSP internal source code" > "${pkg_release_dir}/source"
+ else
+ echo "Warning: direct/plain sources outside the BSP are unsupported!" > "${pkg_release_dir}/source"
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ else
+ for src in ${pkg_srcs}; do
+ # copy only if required
+ echo -n "Copy sources for package: '${pkg_label}', source: '$(basename "${src}")'..." &&
+ mkdir -p "${pkg_release_dir}/source" &&
+ cp ${src} "${pkg_release_dir}/source" &&
+ (
+ cd "${pkg_release_dir}/source" &&
+ md5sum `basename "${src}"` >> MD5SUM
+ ) &&
+ echo " done" || break
+ done
+ if [ "${pkg_license_flags[nopatches]}" != "true" ]; then
+ ptxd_make_world_copy_patches "${pkg_dir}" "${pkg_release_dir}"
+ fi
+ fi
+export -f ptxd_make_world_release
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
index b0be2c7e4..11167a897 100644
--- a/scripts/
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ CROSS_BUILDDIR=${PTXDIST_PLATFORMDIR}/build-cross
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..d601b1869
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2015 by Michael Olbrich <>
+# See CREDITS for details about who has contributed to this project.
+# For further information about the PTXdist project and license conditions
+# see the README file.
+output="$(dirname "$0")/lib/"
+if [ "${#}" -ne 2 ]; then
+ echo "usage: $0 <license-file> <exception-file>"
+ exit 1
+if [ ! -f "${license_file}" ]; then
+ echo "license file missing!"
+ exit 1
+if [ ! -f "${exception_file}" ]; then
+ echo "exception file missing!"
+ exit 1
+export IFS="${delim}"
+ sed '/^$/q' "$0"
+ cat <<EOF
+# WARNING: This file is generated with '$(basename "${0}")' from
+# '$(basename "${license_file}")' and '$(basename "${exception_file}")'.
+# To regenerate this file export the license and exception sheets from the
+# original SPDX license list using '${delim}' as field delimiter and run
+# '$(basename "${0}")'.
+ptxd_make_spdx() {
+ license="\${1}"
+ case "\${license}" in
+ last=
+ cols=0
+ echo "parsing license file ..." >&2
+ cat "${license_file}" | while read line; do
+ line="${last} ${line}"
+ last=
+ count="$(echo "${line}" | sed "s/[^${delim}]//g" | wc -c)"
+ if [ "${cols}" -eq 0 ]; then
+ cols="${count}"
+ fi
+ if [ "${count}" -lt "${cols}" ]; then
+ last="${line}"
+ continue
+ fi
+ if [ "${count}" -gt "${cols}" ]; then
+ echo "Too many columns: ${count}!" >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ set -- ${line}
+ if [ "${2}" = "License Identifier" -o -z "${2}" ]; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ echo -n " ${2}) "
+ if [ "${5}" = "YES" ]; then
+ echo -n 'osi="true" '
+ fi
+ echo ";;"
+ done
+ last=
+ cols=0
+ echo "parsing exception file ..." >&2
+ cat "${exception_file}" | while read line; do
+ line="${last} ${line}"
+ last=
+ count="$(echo "${line}" | sed "s/[^${delim}]//g" | wc -c)"
+ if [ "${cols}" -eq 0 ]; then
+ cols="${count}"
+ fi
+ if [ "${count}" -lt "${cols}" ]; then
+ last="${line}"
+ continue
+ fi
+ if [ "${count}" -gt "${cols}" ]; then
+ echo "Too many columns: ${count}!" >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ set -- ${line}
+ if [ "${2}" = "Exception Identifier" -o -z "${2}" ]; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ echo -n " ${2}) exception=\"true\" "
+ echo ";;"
+ done
+cat <<EOF
+ *) return 1 ;;
+ esac
+export -f ptxd_make_spdx
+) > "${output}"