## SECTION=bootloader menuconfig BAREBOX select BOOTLOADER select KERNEL if BAREBOX_BTCS prompt "barebox " bool help The famous bootloader formerly known as U-Boot V2. if BAREBOX config BAREBOX_VERSION prompt "barebox version" string default "2010.10.0" config BAREBOX_MD5 prompt "barebox source md5sum" string config BAREBOX_CONFIG prompt "config file" string default "barebox.config" help This entry specifies the .config file used to compile barebox. config BAREBOX_BTCS depends on BTCS bool "extra dependencies for BTCS" help Select this to enable some extra dependencies for btcs, which means "boot time critical service". config BAREBOX_ARCH_STRING string default "arm" if ARCH_ARM default "blackfin" if ARCH_BLACKFIN default "ppc" if ARCH_PPC default "x86" if ARCH_X86 config BAREBOX_EXTRA_ENV prompt "extend the builtin barebox environment" bool config BAREBOX_EXTRA_ENV_PATH prompt "env dir" string default "${PTXDIST_PLATFORMCONFIGDIR}/barebox-defaultenv" depends on BAREBOX_EXTRA_ENV endif