## SECTION=image menuconfig IMAGE_RAUC tristate prompt "Generate RAUC Update Bundle " select HOST_GENIMAGE select HOST_RAUC select IMAGE_ROOT_TGZ select CODE_SIGNING help This generates a RAUC update bundle for the selected platform using genimage. By default, this will create a simple bundle for updating a 'rootfs' slot with the content from PTXdist's root file system .tgz image. To customize the bundle, copy and adapt the genimage configuration in configs/images/rauc.config. if IMAGE_RAUC config IMAGE_RAUC_DESCRIPTION prompt "RAUC Bundle Description" string default "" help Optional description that will be placed in the bundle's metadata. choice prompt "Bundle format" default IMAGE_RAUC_BUNDLE_FORMAT_VERITY config IMAGE_RAUC_BUNDLE_FORMAT_PLAIN bool "plain" help The old bundle format, which since rauc 1.5 is now known as 'plain'. config IMAGE_RAUC_BUNDLE_FORMAT_VERITY bool "verity" help The improved 'verity' bundle format config IMAGE_RAUC_BUNDLE_FORMAT_CRYPT bool "crypt" help The 'crypt' bundle format for fully encryptable bundles Note that you must run 'rauc encrypt' on a crypt bundle to generate a fully encrypted bundle. endchoice config IMAGE_RAUC_INTERMEDIATE bool "include intermediate certificates" help Include intermediate certificates in the bundle signature that can be used to close the trust chain during bundle signature verification. The certificates must be stored in the CA of the "update-intermediate" role of the code signing provider. endif