## SECTION=system_libraries # boost configuration menuconfig BOOST tristate select LIBC_M if BOOST_LIBS select LIBC_RT if BOOST_LIBS select LIBC_PTHREAD if BOOST_LIBS select GCCLIBS_CXX if BOOST_LIBS select GCCLIBS_GCC_S if BOOST_LIBS select ZLIB if BOOST_IOSTREAMS select BZIP2 if BOOST_IOSTREAMS select BZIP2_LIBBZ2 if BOOST_IOSTREAMS select XZ if BOOST_IOSTREAMS select ZSTD if BOOST_IOSTREAMS select PYTHON3 if BOOST_PYTHON3 prompt "boost " help Boost provides free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries. The project emphasizes libraries that work well with the C++ Standard Library. Boost libraries are intended to be widely useful, and usable across a broad spectrum of applications. The Boost license encourages both commercial and non-commercial use. The boost team aims to establish "existing practice" and provide reference implementations so that Boost libraries are suitable for eventual standardization. Ten Boost libraries are already included in the C++ Standards Committee`s Library Technical Report ( TR1) and in the new C++11 Standard. C++11 also includes several more Boost libraries in addition to those from TR1. More Boost libraries are proposed for TR2. For details see the project homepage: http://www.boost.org/ if BOOST config BOOST_LIBS bool comment "Boost Libraries" config BOOST_ATOMIC bool select BOOST_LIBS prompt "atomic" help Boost atomic library config BOOST_CHRONO bool select BOOST_LIBS select BOOST_SYSTEM prompt "chrono" help Boost chrono library config BOOST_CONTAINER bool select BOOST_LIBS prompt "container" help Boost container library config BOOST_CONTRACT bool select BOOST_LIBS prompt "contract" help Boost contract library config BOOST_CONTEXT bool select BOOST_LIBS prompt "context" help Boost context library config BOOST_COROUTINE bool select BOOST_LIBS select BOOST_CHRONO select BOOST_CONTEXT select BOOST_SYSTEM select BOOST_THREAD prompt "coroutine (deprecated)" help Boost coroutine library This library is deprecated in favor of the header-only coroutine2 library config BOOST_DATE_TIME bool select BOOST_LIBS prompt "date_time" help Boost date time library config BOOST_EXCEPTION bool select BOOST_LIBS prompt "exception" help Boost exception library config BOOST_FIBER bool select BOOST_LIBS select BOOST_CONTEXT prompt "fiber" help Boost fiber library config BOOST_FILESYSTEM bool select BOOST_LIBS prompt "filesystem" help Boost filesystem library config BOOST_GRAPH bool select BOOST_LIBS select BOOST_REGEX prompt "graph" help Boost graph library config BOOST_GRAPH_PARALLEL bool select BOOST_LIBS select BOOST_MPI select BOOST_SERIALIZATION # BOOST_MPI needs openmpi depends on BROKEN prompt "graph_parallel" help Boost graph_parallel library config BOOST_HEADERS bool prompt "headers" help boost headers library config BOOST_IOSTREAMS bool select BOOST_LIBS prompt "iostreams" help Boost iostream library config BOOST_JSON bool prompt "json" help boost json library config BOOST_LOCALE bool select BOOST_LIBS prompt "locale" help Boost locale library config BOOST_LOG bool select BOOST_LIBS select BOOST_ATOMIC select BOOST_CHRONO select BOOST_DATE_TIME select BOOST_FILESYSTEM select BOOST_REGEX select BOOST_SYSTEM select BOOST_THREAD prompt "log" help Boost log library config BOOST_MATH bool select BOOST_LIBS prompt "math" help Boost Math library config BOOST_MPI bool select BOOST_LIBS select BOOST_SERIALIZATION # BOOST_MPI needs openmpi depends on BROKEN prompt "mpi" help Boost MPI library config BOOST_NOWIDE bool prompt "nowide" help boost nowide library config BOOST_PROGRAM_OPTIONS bool select BOOST_LIBS prompt "program options" help Boost program option parser config BOOST_RANDOM bool select BOOST_LIBS select BOOST_SYSTEM prompt "random" help Boost random library config BOOST_REGEX bool select BOOST_LIBS prompt "regex" help Boost regex library config BOOST_SERIALIZATION bool select BOOST_LIBS prompt "serialization" help Boost serialization library config BOOST_STACKTRACE bool select BOOST_LIBS prompt "stacktrace" help Boost stacktrace library config BOOST_SYSTEM bool select BOOST_LIBS prompt "system" help Boost system library config BOOST_TEST bool select BOOST_LIBS select BOOST_SYSTEM select BOOST_TIMER prompt "test" help Boost test framework config BOOST_THREAD bool select BOOST_LIBS select BOOST_SYSTEM prompt "thread" help Portable C++ multi-threading library config BOOST_TIMER bool select BOOST_LIBS select BOOST_CHRONO select BOOST_SYSTEM prompt "timer" help Boost timer library config BOOST_TYPE_ERASURE bool select BOOST_LIBS select BOOST_CHRONO select BOOST_SYSTEM select BOOST_THREAD prompt "type_erasure" help boost type_erasure library config BOOST_URL bool prompt "url" help boost url library config BOOST_WAVE bool select BOOST_LIBS select BOOST_CHRONO select BOOST_DATE_TIME select BOOST_FILESYSTEM select BOOST_SYSTEM select BOOST_THREAD prompt "wave" help Boost wave library config BOOST_PYTHON select BOOST_LIBS bool choice prompt "python" default BOOST_NOPYTHON config BOOST_NOPYTHON bool prompt "no python support" help Select this option if you don't want to build boost.python. config BOOST_PYTHON3 bool # fails to build with Python 3.11 depends on BROKEN prompt "python3" select BOOST_PYTHON help Select this option if you want to use boost.python in combination with python3. endchoice endif