# -*-makefile-*- # # Copyright (C) 2014 by Michael Olbrich # # See CREDITS for details about who has contributed to this project. # # For further information about the PTXdist project and license conditions # see the README file. # # # We provide this package # HOST_PACKAGES-$(PTXCONF_HOST_COREUTILS) += host-coreutils # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Prepare # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOST_COREUTILS_SKIP := \ base64 basename cat chcon chgrp chmod chown chroot cksum comm cp \ csplit cut date dd df dir dircolors dirname du echo env expand \ expr factor false fmt fold groups head hostid id install join \ kill link logname ls md5sum mkdir mkfifo mknod mktemp mv nice nl \ nohup nproc numfmt od paste pathchk pinky pr printenv printf ptx \ pwd readlink realpath rm rmdir runcon seq sha1sum sha224sum \ sha256sum sha384sum sha512sum shred shuf sleep sort split stat \ stdbuf stty sum sync tac tail tee test [ timeout touch tr true \ truncate tsort tty uname unexpand uniq unlink uptime users vdir \ wc who whoami yes # # autoconf # HOST_COREUTILS_CONF_TOOL := autoconf HOST_COREUTILS_CONF_OPT := \ $(HOST_AUTOCONF) \ --disable-silent-rules \ --enable-threads=posix \ --disable-assert \ --disable-rpath \ --disable-libsmack \ --disable-xattr \ --disable-libcap \ --enable-install-program=ln \ --enable-no-install-program=$(subst $(space),$(comma),$(strip $(HOST_COREUTILS_SKIP))) \ --disable-nls \ --without-openssl \ --without-gmp # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Install # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- $(STATEDIR)/host-coreutils.install: @$(call targetinfo) @$(call world/install, HOST_COREUTILS) @find $(HOST_COREUTILS_PKGDIR) -type f -executable ! -name ln | xargs rm @$(call touch) # vim: syntax=make