## SECTION=initmethod menuconfig MACHINE_ID tristate prompt "create /etc/machine-id " select RC_ONCE if MACHINE_ID_RC_ONCE && RUNTIME select UTIL_LINUX if MACHINE_ID_RC_ONCE && !INITMETHOD_SYSTEMD select UTIL_LINUX_UUIDGEN if MACHINE_ID_RC_ONCE && !INITMETHOD_SYSTEMD help Enable this to make sure there is always a unique /etc/machine-id available in the system. if MACHINE_ID config MACHINE_ID_RC_ONCE bool "generate (bbinit) or save (systemd) machine-id using rc-once at first boot" default y help If not set /etc/machine-id will be installed from projectroot (default: empty file). Systemd: If /etc/machine-id exists and is empty, systemd will bind-mount a file containing the new machine-id over it and later try to commit it to disk (if /etc/ is writable). endif