## SECTION=bytecode_engines menuconfig NODEJS_PACKAGES tristate select HOST_YARN select NODEJS prompt "Node.js packages (target) " help Reproducibly install Node.js packages that will be available system-wide on the target. You MUST specify at least one Node.js package in the submenu that is shown after enabling this option. if NODEJS_PACKAGES config NODEJS_PACKAGES_LIST string prompt "Node.js packages to install" help A white-space separated list of Node.js packages including their versions (e.g. express@4.17.x or socket.io@'>=2.1.0 <=2.3.0'). NPM semvers are fully supported, see [1]. The packages are managed with Yarn and are guaranteed to be reproducible and immutable as long as the download location stays accessible or the offline cache is not altered. If the list of Node.js packages to be installed has been populated for the first time or if it has been modified later on one needs to (re-)build this package to download the desired Node.js packages and update the offline cache. Afterwards it is highly recommended to commit the path '${PTXDIST_WORKSPACE}/local_src/nodejs_packages/' into the version control system and to lock the package cache. As a prerequisite the path '${PTXDIST_WORKSPACE}/local_src/nodejs_ packages/' must exist in the BSP *before* building this package. [1] https://legacy.yarnpkg.com/en/docs/dependency-versions/ config NODEJS_PACKAGES_LICENSE string prompt "Licenses of to be installed Node.js packages" default "unknown" help Manually compiled list of licenses that the to be installed Node.js packages are distributed under, see description of the variable *_LICENSE in [1]. ATTENTION: be aware of the fact that Node.js packages usually depend on additional Node.js packages that Yarn installs as well and that this propagates recursively resulting in an unknown number of Node.js packages on the target with an unknown set of licenses that they may be utilized under. Hence you carefully need to examine all of them individually to create a reliable list of licenses. [1] https://www.ptxdist.org/doc/dev_manual.html#some-notes-about-licenses config NODEJS_PACKAGES_OFFLINE bool prompt "Lock offline cache for offline/production use" help This option locks the offline cache for installing the Node.js packages and allows their installation during the build of the BSP without any need for internet connectivity. Enabling this option is highly recommended for production use. Do NOT forget to commit the path '${PTXDIST_WORKSPACE}/local_src/ nodejs_packages/' into the BSP's version control system! endif