## SECTION=networking menuconfig OPENLDAP tristate prompt "openldap " select ZLIB select LIBC_CRYPT if OPENLDAP_SLAPD select LIBC_RESOLV select LIBC_PTHREAD select OPENSSL if OPENLDAP_TLS_OPENSSL select GNUTLS if OPENLDAP_TLS_GNUTLS help OpenLDAP Software is an open source implementation of the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. The suite includes: - slapd: stand-alone LDAP daemon (server) - libraries implementing the LDAP protocol, and - utilities, tools, and sample clients. if OPENLDAP config OPENLDAP_SLAPD bool prompt "slapd support" help Enable/disable building and installation of slapd (the server). choice prompt "TLS/SSL support " config OPENLDAP_TLS_DISABLED bool "disabled" config OPENLDAP_TLS_OPENSSL bool "openssl" config OPENLDAP_TLS_GNUTLS depends on BROKEN bool "gnutls" endchoice config OPENLDAP_INSTALL_UTILITIES bool prompt "install utilities" help Installs various utilities: ldapadd, ldapcompare, ldapdelete, ldapexop, ldapmodify, ldapmodrdn, ldappasswd, ldapsearch, ldapurl, ldapwhoami. endif