## SECTION=scripting_languages # php5 configuration menuconfig PHP5 tristate prompt "php5 " select APACHE2 if PHP5_SAPI_APXS2 select LIBXML2 if PHP5_XML_LIBXML2 select LIBXSLT if PHP5_XML_LIBXML2_XSLT select LIBICONV if PHP5_EXT_ICONV select MYSQL if PHP5_EXT_MYSQL select PHP5_XML if PHP5_EXT_SOAP if PHP5 config PHP5_INI bool prompt "install /etc/php5/php.ini" default y help Installs (if present) the "./projectroot/etc/php5/php.ini" file from your workspace, otherwise a generic one from the ptxdist directory. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # SAPI Modules # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- menu "SAPI Modules " config PHP5_SAPI_AOLSERVER bool prompt "aolserver" depends on BROKEN help Use AOLserver. config PHP5_SAPI_MOD_CHARSET bool prompt "mod_charset" help Enable transfer tables for mod_charset (Rus Apache) config PHP5_SAPI_APXS2FILTER bool prompt "apxs2filter" depends on !PHP5_SAPI_APXS2 help EXPERIMENTAL: Build shared Apache 2.0 Filter module. FILE is the optional pathname to the Apache apxs tool [apxs] config PHP5_SAPI_APXS2 bool prompt "apache mod_php (apxs2)" help Build shared Apache 2.0 Handler module. config PHP5_SAPI_CAUDIUM bool prompt "caudium" depends on BROKEN help Build PHP as a Pike module for use with Caudium. config PHP5_SAPI_CLI bool prompt "cli" help Build CLI (commandline interface) version of PHP config PHP5_SAPI_CONTINUITY bool prompt "continuity" depends on BROKEN help Build PHP as Continuity Server module. config PHP5_SAPI_EMBEDDED bool prompt "embedded" help Enable building of embedded SAPI library. config PHP5_SAPI_ISAPI bool prompt "isapi" depends on BROKEN help Build PHP as an ISAPI module for use with Zeus config PHP5_SAPI_MILTER bool prompt "milter" depends on BROKEN help Build PHP as Milter application. config PHP5_SAPI_NSAPI bool prompt "nsapi" depends on BROKEN help Build PHP as NSAPI module for Netscape/iPlanet/SunONE. config PHP5_SAPI_PHTTPD bool prompt "phttpd" depends on BROKEN help Build PHP as phttpd module. config PHP5_SAPI_PI3WEB bool prompt "pi3web" depends on BROKEN help Build PHP as Pi3Web module config PHP5_SAPI_ROXEN bool prompt "roxen" depends on BROKEN help Build PHP as a Pike module. DIR is the base Roxen config PHP5_SAPI_ROXEN_ZTS bool prompt "roxen-zts" depends on BROKEN help Build the Roxen module using Zend Thread Safety. config PHP5_SAPI_THTTPD bool prompt "thttpd" depends on BROKEN help Build PHP as thttpd module config PHP5_SAPI_TUX bool prompt "tux" depends on BROKEN help Build PHP as a TUX module. config PHP5_SAPI_WEBJAMES bool prompt "webjames" depends on BROKEN help Build PHP as a WebJames module (RISC OS only). config PHP5_SAPI_CGI bool prompt "cgi" depends on !PHP5_SAPI_APXS2 help Build CGI version of PHP. config PHP5_SAPI_FORCE_CGI_REDIRECT bool depends on PHP5_SAPI_CGI prompt "force-cgi-redirect" help Enable the security check for internal server redirects. You should use this if you are running the CGI version with Apache. config PHP5_SAPI_DISCARD_PATH bool depends on PHP5_SAPI_CGI prompt "discard path" help If this is enabled, the PHP CGI binary can safely be placed outside of the web tree and people will not be able to circumvent .htaccess security config PHP5_SAPI_FASTCGI bool depends on PHP5_SAPI_CGI depends on !PHP5_SAPI_DISCARD_PATH prompt "fastcgi" help If this is enabled, the cgi module will be built with support for fastcgi also config PHP5_SAPI_PATH_INFO_CHECK bool depends on PHP5_SAPI_CGI prompt "path info check" help If this is disabled, paths such as /info.php/test?a=b will fail to work config PHP5_SAPI_FALLBACK bool default y depends on \ !PHP5_SAPI_AOLSERVER && \ !PHP5_SAPI_MOD_CHARSET && \ !PHP5_SAPI_APXS2FILTER && \ !PHP5_SAPI_APXS2 && \ !PHP5_SAPI_CAUDIUM && \ !PHP5_SAPI_CONTINUITY && \ !PHP5_SAPI_EMBEDDED && \ !PHP5_SAPI_ISAPI && \ !PHP5_SAPI_MILTER && \ !PHP5_SAPI_NSAPI && \ !PHP5_SAPI_PHTTPD && \ !PHP5_SAPI_PI3WEB && \ !PHP5_SAPI_ROXEN && \ !PHP5_SAPI_ROXEN_ZTS && \ !PHP5_SAPI_THTTPD && \ !PHP5_SAPI_TUX && \ !PHP5_SAPI_WEBJAMES && \ !PHP5_SAPI_CGI && \ !PHP5_SAPI_FORCE_CGI_REDIRECT && \ !PHP5_SAPI_DISCARD_PATH && \ !PHP5_SAPI_FASTCGI && \ !PHP5_SAPI_PATH_INFO_CHECK select PHP5_SAPI_CLI endmenu # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # General Settings # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- menuconfig PHP5_XML bool prompt "xml support " help Support for XML. if PHP5_XML choice prompt "xml library" config PHP5_XML_LIBXML2 bool "libxml2" help Use libxml2 as xml backend. endchoice if PHP5_XML_LIBXML2 config PHP5_XML_LIBXML2_READER bool prompt "xml reader support" help XMLReader support config PHP5_XML_LIBXML2_WRITER bool select LIBXML2_WRITER prompt "xml writer support" help XMLWriter support config PHP5_XML_LIBXML2_DOM bool select LIBXML2_DOM prompt "DOM support" help libxml2 DOM support config PHP5_XML_LIBXML2_XSLT bool prompt "xslt support" help XMLWriter support config PHP5_XML_LIBXML2_SIMPLEXML bool prompt "simple xml support" help simple xml support endif # PHP5_XML_LIBXML2 endif # PHP5_XML # # [ ] --disable-simplexml Disable SimpleXML support # #General settings: # # --enable-gcov Enable GCOV code coverage (requires LTP) - FOR DEVELOPERS ONLY!! # --enable-debug Compile with debugging symbols # --with-layout=TYPE Set how installed files will be laid out. Type is # one of PHP or GNU [TYPE=PHP] # --with-config-file-path=PATH # Set the path in which to look for php.ini # [PREFIX/lib] # --with-config-file-scan-dir=PATH # Set the path where to scan for configuration files # --enable-safe-mode Enable safe mode by default # --with-exec-dir[=DIR] Only allow executables in DIR under safe-mode # [/usr/local/php/bin] # --enable-sigchild Enable PHP's own SIGCHLD handler # --enable-magic-quotes Enable magic quotes by default. # --disable-rpath Disable passing additional runtime library # search paths # --enable-libgcc Enable explicitly linking against libgcc # --disable-short-tags Disable the short-form = 0.9.6) # --with-kerberos[=DIR] OPENSSL: Include Kerberos support # --without-pcre-regex Do not include Perl Compatible Regular Expressions # support. Use --with-pcre-regex=DIR to specify DIR # where PCRE's include and library files are located, # if not using bundled library. # --with-zlib[=DIR] Include ZLIB support (requires zlib >= 1.0.9) # --with-zlib-dir= Define the location of zlib install directory # --enable-bcmath Enable bc style precision math functions # --with-bz2[=DIR] Include BZip2 support # --enable-calendar Enable support for calendar conversion # --disable-ctype Disable ctype functions # --with-curl[=DIR] Include CURL support # --with-curlwrappers Use CURL for url streams # --enable-dba Build DBA with builtin modules. To build shared DBA # extension use --enable-dba=shared # --with-qdbm[=DIR] DBA: Include QDBM support # --with-gdbm[=DIR] DBA: Include GDBM support # --with-ndbm[=DIR] DBA: Include NDBM support # --with-db4[=DIR] DBA: Include Berkeley DB4 support # --with-db3[=DIR] DBA: Include Berkeley DB3 support # --with-db2[=DIR] DBA: Include Berkeley DB2 support # --with-db1[=DIR] DBA: Include Berkeley DB1 support/emulation # --with-dbm[=DIR] DBA: Include DBM support # --with-cdb[=DIR] DBA: Include CDB support # --with-inifile DBA: Include INI support # --with-flatfile DBA: Include FlatFile support # --enable-dbase Enable the bundled dbase library # --disable-dom Disable new DOM support # # --enable-exif Enable EXIF (metadata from images) support # --with-fbsql[=DIR] Include FrontBase support. DIR is the FrontBase base directory # --with-fdftk[=DIR] Include FDF support # --enable-filepro Enable the bundled read-only filePro support # --enable-ftp Enable FTP support # --with-openssl-dir[=DIR] FTP: openssl install prefix # --with-gd[=DIR] Include GD support where DIR is GD install prefix. # If DIR is not set, the bundled GD library will be used # --with-jpeg-dir[=DIR] GD: Set the path to libjpeg install prefix # --with-png-dir[=DIR] GD: Set the path to libpng install prefix # --with-zlib-dir[=DIR] GD: Set the path to libz install prefix # --with-xpm-dir[=DIR] GD: Set the path to libXpm install prefix # --with-ttf[=DIR] GD: Include FreeType 1.x support # --with-freetype-dir[=DIR] GD: Set the path to FreeType 2 install prefix # --with-t1lib[=DIR] GD: Include T1lib support. T1lib version >= 5.0.0 required # --enable-gd-native-ttf GD: Enable TrueType string function # --enable-gd-jis-conv GD: Enable JIS-mapped Japanese font support # --with-gettext[=DIR] Include GNU gettext support # --with-gmp[=DIR] Include GNU MP support # --disable-hash Disable hash support # --with-hwapi[=DIR] Include official Hyperwave API support # --without-iconv[=DIR] Exclude iconv support config PHP5_EXT_ICONV bool prompt "iconv" help iconv # --with-imap[=DIR] Include IMAP support. DIR is the c-client install prefix # --with-kerberos[=DIR] IMAP: Include Kerberos support. DIR is the Kerberos install prefix # --with-imap-ssl[=DIR] IMAP: Include SSL support. DIR is the OpenSSL install prefix # --with-informix[=DIR] Include Informix support. DIR is the Informix base # install directory, defaults to nothing # --with-interbase[=DIR] Include InterBase support. DIR is the InterBase base # install directory, defaults to /usr/interbase # --with-ldap[=DIR] Include LDAP support # --with-ldap-sasl[=DIR] LDAP: Include Cyrus SASL support # --enable-mbstring Enable multibyte string support # --disable-mbregex MBSTRING: Disable multibyte regex support # --with-libmbfl[=DIR] MBSTRING: Use external libmbfl. DIR is the libmbfl install prefix. # If DIR is not set, the bundled libmbfl will be used # --with-mcrypt[=DIR] Include mcrypt support # --with-mhash[=DIR] Include mhash support # --with-mime-magic[=FILE] # Include mime_magic support (deprecated) # --with-ming[=DIR] Include MING support # --with-msql[=DIR] Include mSQL support. DIR is the mSQL base # install directory, defaults to /usr/local/Hughes # --with-mssql[=DIR] Include MSSQL-DB support. DIR is the FreeTDS home # directory, defaults to /usr/local/freetds config PHP5_EXT_MYSQL bool prompt "mysql" help Enable MySQL database support for PHP. # --with-mysql[=DIR] Include MySQL support. DIR is the MySQL base directory # --with-mysql-sock[=DIR] MySQL: Location of the MySQL unix socket pointer. # If unspecified, the default locations are searched # --with-zlib-dir[=DIR] MySQL: Set the path to libz install prefix # --with-mysqli[=FILE] Include MySQLi support. FILE is the optional pathname # to mysql_config # --enable-embedded-mysqli MYSQLi: Enable embedded support # --with-ncurses[=DIR] Include ncurses support (CLI/CGI only) # --with-oci8[=DIR] Include Oracle (OCI8) support. # The default DIR is ORACLE_HOME. # Use --with-oci8=instantclient,/path/to/oic/lib # to use Oracle Instant Client installation # --with-adabas[=DIR] Include Adabas D support. DIR is the Adabas base # install directory [/usr/local] # --with-sapdb[=DIR] Include SAP DB support. DIR is SAP DB base # install directory [/usr/local] # --with-solid[=DIR] Include Solid support. DIR is the Solid base # install directory, defaults to /usr/local/solid # --with-ibm-db2[=DIR] Include IBM DB2 support. DIR is the DB2 base # install directory, defaults to /home/db2inst1/sqllib # --with-ODBCRouter[=DIR] Include ODBCRouter.com support. DIR is ODBCRouter base # install directory [/usr] # --with-empress[=DIR] Include Empress support. DIR is the Empress base # install directory, defaults to $EMPRESSPATH. # From PHP 4, this option only supports Empress Version # 8.60 and above # --with-empress-bcs[=DIR] # Include Empress Local Access support. DIR is the # Empress base install directory. (Empress Version >= 8.60 required) # [$EMPRESSPATH] # --with-birdstep[=DIR] Include Birdstep support. DIR is the Birdstep base # install directory [/usr/local/birdstep] # --with-custom-odbc[=DIR] # Include a user defined ODBC support. # The DIR is ODBC install base directory, # which defaults to /usr/local. # Make sure to define CUSTOM_ODBC_LIBS and # have some odbc.h in your include dirs. # E.g., you should define following for # Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.5.00 on QNX, prior to # run configure script: # CPPFLAGS="-DODBC_QNX -DSQLANY_BUG" # LDFLAGS=-lunix # CUSTOM_ODBC_LIBS="-ldblib -lodbc" # --with-iodbc[=DIR] Include iODBC support. DIR is the iODBC base # install directory [/usr/local] # --with-esoob[=DIR] Include Easysoft OOB support. DIR is the OOB base # install directory [/usr/local/easysoft/oob/client] # --with-unixODBC[=DIR] Include unixODBC support. DIR is the unixODBC base # install directory [/usr/local] # --with-dbmaker[=DIR] Include DBMaker support. DIR is the DBMaker base # install directory, defaults to where the latest # version of DBMaker is installed (such as # /home/dbmaker/3.6) # --enable-pcntl Enable experimental pcntl support (CLI/CGI only) # --disable-pdo Disable PHP Data Objects support # --with-pdo-dblib[=DIR] Include PDO_DBLIB-DB support. DIR is the FreeTDS home # directory # --with-pdo-firebird[=DIR] PDO: Firebird support. DIR is the Firebird base # install directory, defaults to /opt/firebird # --with-pdo-mysql[=DIR] PDO: MySQL support. DIR is the MySQL base directory # --with-pdo-oci[=DIR] PDO: Oracle-OCI support. Default DIR is ORACLE_HOME. # You may also use --with-pdo-oci=instantclient,prefix,version to use # the InstantClient SDK. For Linux with rpms (for example) use: # --with-pdo-oci=instantclient,/usr, # --with-pdo-odbc=flavour,dir # PDO: Support for 'flavour' ODBC driver. # include and lib dirs are looked for under 'dir'. # # 'flavour' can be one of: ibm-db2, unixODBC, generic # If ',dir' part is omitted, default for the flavour # you have selected will used. e.g.: # # --with-pdo-odbc=unixODBC # # will check for unixODBC under /usr/local. You may attempt # to use an otherwise unsupported driver using the "generic" # flavour. The syntax for generic ODBC support is: # # --with-pdo-odbc=generic,dir,libname,ldflags,cflags # # This extension will always be created as a shared extension # named pdo_odbc.so # --with-pdo-pgsql[=DIR] PDO: PostgreSQL support. DIR is the PostgreSQL base # install directory or the path to pg_config # --without-pdo-sqlite PDO: sqlite 3 support # --with-pdo-sqlite[=DIR] PDO: sqlite support. DIR is the sqlite base directory, the bundled sqlite is used by default # --with-pgsql[=DIR] Include PostgreSQL support. DIR is the PostgreSQL # base install directory or the path to pg_config # --disable-posix Disable POSIX-like functions # --with-pspell[=DIR] Include PSPELL support. # GNU Aspell version 0.50.0 or higher required # --with-libedit[=DIR] Include libedit readline replacement (CLI/CGI only) # --with-readline[=DIR] Include readline support (CLI/CGI only) # --with-recode[=DIR] Include recode support # --disable-reflection Disable reflection support # --disable-session Disable session support # --with-mm[=DIR] SESSION: Include mm support for session storage # --enable-shmop Enable shmop support # --with-snmp[=DIR] Include SNMP support # --with-openssl-dir[=DIR] SNMP: openssl install prefix # --enable-ucd-snmp-hack SNMP: Enable UCD SNMP hack # --enable-soap Enable SOAP support config PHP5_EXT_SOAP bool prompt "soap" help Enable SOAP support for PHP. # --enable-sockets Enable sockets support config PHP5_EXT_SOCKETS bool prompt "sockets" help Enable sockets support for PHP. # --disable-spl Disable Standard PHP Library # --without-sqlite Do not include sqlite support. # Use --with-sqlite=DIR to specify DIR where # Sqlite include and library files are located, # if not using bundled library. # --enable-sqlite-utf8 SQLite: Enable UTF-8 support for SQLite # --with-regex=TYPE regex library type: system, apache, php. [TYPE=php] # WARNING: Do NOT use unless you know what you are doing! # --with-sybase[=DIR] Include Sybase-DB support. DIR is the Sybase home # directory, defaults to /home/sybase # --with-sybase-ct[=DIR] Include Sybase-CT support. DIR is the Sybase home # directory. Defaults to /home/sybase # --enable-sysvmsg Enable sysvmsg support # --enable-sysvsem Enable System V semaphore support # --enable-sysvshm Enable the System V shared memory support # --with-tidy[=DIR] Include TIDY support # --disable-tokenizer Disable tokenizer support # --enable-wddx Enable WDDX support # --with-libexpat-dir=DIR XML: libexpat install prefix (deprecated) # --with-xmlrpc[=DIR] Include XMLRPC-EPI support # --with-libexpat-dir=DIR XMLRPC-EPI: libexpat dir for XMLRPC-EPI (deprecated) # --with-iconv-dir=DIR XMLRPC-EPI: iconv dir for XMLRPC-EPI #PEAR: # # --with-pear=DIR Install PEAR in DIR [PREFIX/lib/php] # --without-pear Do not install PEAR config PHP5_EXT_PEAR bool prompt "pear [BROKEN]" depends on BROKEN help pear # #Zend: # # --with-zend-vm=TYPE Set virtual machine dispatch method. Type is # one of CALL, SWITCH or GOTO [TYPE=CALL] # --disable-zend-memory-manager # Disable the Zend memory manager - FOR DEVELOPERS ONLY!! # --enable-maintainer-zts Enable thread safety - for code maintainers only!! # --disable-inline-optimization # If building zend_execute.lo fails, try this switch # --enable-memory-limit Compile with memory limit support # --enable-zend-multibyte Compile with zend multibyte support # #TSRM: # # --with-tsrm-pth[=pth-config] # Use GNU Pth # --with-tsrm-st Use SGI's State Threads # --with-tsrm-pthreads Use POSIX threads (default) # #Libtool: # # --enable-shared[=PKGS] build shared libraries [default=yes] # --enable-static[=PKGS] build static libraries [default=yes] # --enable-fast-install[=PKGS] optimize for fast installation [default=yes] # --with-tags[=TAGS] include additional configurations [automatic] endmenu endif