# -*-makefile-*- ifdef PTXDIST_QUIET _ptx_oldconfig := silentoldconfig else ifeq ($(filter --output-sync%,$(PTXDIST_PARALLELMFLAGS_EXTERN)),) _ptx_oldconfig := oldconfig else _ptx_oldconfig := silentoldconfig endif endif # # ptx_oldconfig # # execute "make oldconfig" on a programm. Mainly used for # kconfig based packages. # # this functions either uses "oldconfig" (default) or # "silentoldconfig" if ptxdist is called with the quiet switch # # The silentoldconfig causes ptxdist to fail if the process # needs userinteraction, but this is a feature not a bug. # define ptx/oldconfig cd "$($(strip $(1))_DIR)" && $($(strip $(1))_PATH) $($(strip $(1))_ENV) $(MAKE) \ $(filter-out --output-sync%,$($(strip $(1))_MAKEVARS) $($(strip $(1))_MAKE_OPT)) $(_ptx_oldconfig) endef # vim: syntax=make