menu "Root Filesystem " config ROOTFS bool prompt "Populate root filesystem" default y select BB_CONFIG_FEATURE_SHADOWPASSWDS if BUSYBOX config ROOTFS_DEV depends on ROOTFS bool prompt "Create /dev" default y config ROOTFS_ETC depends on ROOTFS bool prompt "Use generic template for /etc" default y select BB_CONFIG_GETTY if BUSYBOX select BB_CONFIG_RUN_PARTS if BUSYBOX help When enabled, this option copies the files from $(TOPDIR)/projects/generic/etc to the target root filesystem. The files contain useful defaults for most projects, so if you don't intend to use your completely self-made etc directory you should problably switch this on. config ROOTFS_ETC_CONSOLE depends on ROOTFS_ETC string default "/dev/tts/0" prompt "start getty on this console" config ROOTFS_ETC_CONSOLE_SPEED depends on ROOTFS_ETC string default "115200" prompt "getty baudrate" config ROOTFS_ETC_PS1 depends on ROOTFS_ETC string default "\\u@\\h:\\w" prompt "set PS1 in /etc/profile" config ROOTFS_ETC_PS2 depends on ROOTFS_ETC string default "" prompt "set PS2 in /etc/profile" config ROOTFS_ETC_PS4 depends on ROOTFS_ETC string default "" prompt "set PS4 in /etc/profile" config ROOTFS_ETC_HOSTNAME depends on ROOTFS_ETC string default ptx prompt "set hostname in /etc/hostname" config ROOTFS_ETC_VENDOR depends on ROOTFS_ETC string prompt "set vendorname in /etc/init.d/banner" config ROOTFS_FLOPPY depends on ROOTFS bool prompt "Create /floppy" default y config ROOTFS_HOME depends on ROOTFS bool prompt "Create /home" default y config ROOTFS_MNT depends on ROOTFS bool prompt "Create /mnt" default y config ROOTFS_PROC depends on ROOTFS bool prompt "Create /proc" default y config ROOTFS_SYS depends on ROOTFS bool prompt "Create /sys" default y config ROOTFS_TMP depends on ROOTFS bool prompt "Create /tmp" default y config ROOTFS_VAR depends on ROOTFS bool prompt "Create /var" default y config VENDORTWEAKS string prompt "Run vendortweaks Makefile at the end of build" help Normally you want to do some project specific stuff at the end of a target build; this may be copying of vendor files into the root filesystem or other project specific stuff; As the things to be done here are indeed project we use a normal makefile here which gives you the possibility to use the usual dependency mechanism. Normally vendortweaks files live in $(PROJECTDIR), which is something like $(TOPDIR)/projects/your-project-name. For example if you want to add a vendortweaks file for project foobar, use "$(PROJECTDIR)/foobar.vendortweaks" here. comment "Image Creation" config IMAGE_TGZ bool default n prompt "Generate images/root.tgz" help Build a tar.gz archive of the root filesystem, containing the right owner/group and access permissions. config IMAGE_HD bool default n prompt "Generate images/hd.img" help Build a harddisk root image config IMAGE_HD_CONF string prompt "Geometry file for hd image" depends on IMAGE_HD help FIXME Usually your hd geometry file lives in $(PROJECTDIR), so enter something like "$(PROJECTDIR)/your-filename" here. config IMAGE_IPKG bool prompt "Create ipkg packets" select HOSTTOOLS_IPKG_UTILS help When this option is selected, the install_* macros build ipkg packets in $(TOPDIR)/images/ for each software component. config IMAGE_IPKG_EXTRA_ARGS string default "" prompt "extra arguments passed to ipkg-build" depends on IMAGE_IPKG help If needed you can add extra arguments for ipkg-build here (e.g. -c if you want ipkg-build to use tar instead of ar.) config IMAGE_JFFS2 bool default n select MTD_XCHAIN_MKJFFS2 select MTD_XCHAIN prompt "Generate images/root.jffs2" help Build a jffs2 image of the root filesystem config IMAGE_JFFS2_BLOCKSIZE int default -1 prompt "Erase Block Size" depends on IMAGE_JFFS2 config IMAGE_JFFS2_EXTRA_ARGS string default "" prompt "extra arguments passed to mkfs.jffs2" depends on IMAGE_JFFS2 help If needed you can add extra arguments for mkfs.jffs2 here (e.g. --devtable=$(PROJECTDIR)/device_table.txt) config IMAGE_UIMAGE bool default n prompt "Generate images/uRamdisk" select XCHAIN_UMKIMAGE select IMAGE_EXT2 select IMAGE_EXT2_GZIP help The file images/uRamdisk can be loaded by the bootloader U-Boot config IMAGE_UIMAGE_NAME string default "Application Ramdisk" prompt "name of the ramdisk image" depends IMAGE_UIMAGE config IMAGE_UIMAGE_EXTRA_ARGS string default "" prompt "extra arguments passed to umkimage" depends on IMAGE_UIMAGE help If needed you can add extra arguments for umkimage here (e.g. -a 0xaa00000 -e 0xaa00000 ) config IMAGE_EXT2 bool default n select HOSTTOOLS_GENEXT2FS prompt "Generate images/root.ext2 (initrd)" help Build an ext2 image of the root filesystem that can be used as an initrd config IMAGE_EXT2_SIZE int default -1 prompt "Size in blocks" depends on IMAGE_EXT2 config IMAGE_EXT2_EXTRA_ARGS string default "" prompt "extra arguments passed to genext2fs" depends on IMAGE_EXT2 help If needed you can add extra arguments for genext2fs here (e.g. -U -r 0 -D=$(PROJECTDIR)/device_table.txt) config IMAGE_EXT2_GZIP bool default n prompt "Compress the image using gzip" depends on IMAGE_EXT2 endmenu