menuconfig SUDO bool prompt "sudo " help Sudo is a program designed to allow a sysadmin to give limited root privileges to users and log root activity. The basic philosophy is to give as few privileges as possible but still allow people to get their work done. if SUDO config SUDO_USE_SENDMAIL bool "Use sendmail" default n config SUDO_USE_PAM bool "Use libpam" default n config SUDO_ETC_SUDOERS bool "Install sudoers file into /etc" default y help Installs /etc/sudoers from a selectable source choice prompt "Kind of sudoers" default SUDO_ETC_SUDOERS_DEFAULT depends on SUDO_ETC_SUDOERS config SUDO_ETC_SUDOERS_DEFAULT bool prompt "Use generic" help Installs a generic /etc/sudoers file from the sources. config SUDO_ETC_SUDOERS_USER bool prompt "User defined" help This uses a user defined /etc/sudoers file. PTXdist uses file projectroot/etc/sudoers in your local project. endchoice endif