## SECTION=networking_ipv6_transition menuconfig TOTD tristate prompt "totd " help This is the Trick Or Treat Daemon (TOTD) Totd is a DNS proxy for IPv4/IPv6 translation, developed by the Vermicelli Project (Norway) and can be used as a DNS-ALG for NAT-PT or pTRTd based setups. Beware: This is rather old vodoo, last upstream update was in 2005. This ptxdist package ist provided primarily for test environments, ipv6 transition planing, etc. The Debian Project has a slightly older version of this package at http://packages.qa.debian.org/t/totd.html with some patches (resolvconf integration, l10n, etc) References: http://www.vermicelli.pasta.cs.uit.no/ if TOTD config TOTD_IPV4 bool prompt "ipv4 support" config TOTD_IPV6 bool prompt "ipv6 support" config TOTD_STF bool prompt "stf support" help Enables support for 6to4 (stf) reverse lookup. config TOTD_SCOPED_REWRITE bool prompt "scoped rewrite" help Enables support for scoped address rewriting. config TOTD_HTTPD_SERVER bool # needs libswill depends on BROKEN prompt "integrated management webserver" help Enables support for configuration and management using a builtin (SWILL) web-server endif