#!/usr/bin/gawk -f # # Copyright (C) 2011 by Michael Olbrich # # See CREDITS for details about who has contributed to this project. # # For further information about the PTXdist project and license conditions # see the README file. # BEGIN { FS = ":" report_dir = ENVIRON["ptx_report_dir"] } $1 == "DEP" { pkg=$2 sub($1":"$2":", "") pkg_deps[pkg] = $0 } $1 == "LICENSE" { # add newline after each third word gsub("[^ ]* [^ ]* [^ ]* ", "&\\\\ ", $4); gsub("_", "\\_", $4); licenses[$2] = $4 raw_names[$2] = $3 gsub("_", "\\_", $3); gsub("^host-", "", $3); gsub("^cross-", "", $3); names[$2] = $3 license_type[$2] = $5 } function make_more_dot(pkg, file, level, deps, i) { if (level > 3) return printf "\"%s\" [ shape=box style=\"rounded corners\" fixedsize=false texlbl=\"\\small\\begin{tabular}{c}{\\Large\\hyperref[%s]{%s}}\\\\%s\\end{tabular}\" ];\n", pkg, raw_names[pkg], gensub("_", "\\_", "g", names[pkg]), licenses[pkg] > file if (!(pkg in pkg_deps)) return split(pkg_deps[pkg], deps, ":") for (i in deps) { if (deps[i] == "") continue if (names[deps[i]] == "") continue if (pkg deps[i] in hit_deps) continue hit_deps[pkg deps[i]] = 1 printf "\"%s\" -> \"%s\"[dir=back];\n", pkg, deps[i] > file make_more_dot(deps[i], file, level + 1) } } function make_dot(pkg) { file = report_dir"/"license_type[pkg]"/"raw_names[pkg]"/graph.dot" delete hit_deps printf "digraph \"%s\" {\n", pkg > file printf "rankdir=LR;\n" > file printf "ratio=compress;\n" > file printf "nodesep=0.1;\n" > file printf "ranksep=0.1;\n" > file printf "node [ shape=point fixedsize=true width=0.1 ];\n", pkg > file make_more_dot(pkg, file, 0) printf "}\n" > file close(file) } END { for (pkg in licenses) { make_dot(pkg) } }