diff options
authorLuotao Fu <>2009-04-16 06:46:31 +0000
committerLuotao Fu <>2009-04-16 06:46:31 +0000
commit319eae0185332042aef33e5c9b054aed4420f8ae (patch)
parent76780474eaca5b97c60438802f00de0d1a499d0f (diff)
* add pi calculation
2 files changed, 298 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 83a1a7d..3bb9360 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
bin_PROGRAMS = \
float_bench \
- ff_bench
+ ff_bench \
+ pi_int \
+ pi_fpu
@@ -13,5 +15,12 @@ ff_bench_SOURCES = \
ff_bench_LDADD = -lm
+pi_int_SOURCES = \
+ pi8.c
+pi_fpu_SOURCES = \
+ pi8.c
diff --git a/src/pi8.c b/src/pi8.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2871a70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pi8.c
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+/* +++Date last modified: 01-Oct-1996 */
+ pi8.c Sept 9, 1996.
+ This program is placed into the public domain by its author,
+ Carey Bloodworth.
+ This pi program can calculate pi with either integers, or doubles.
+ It can also use a variety of formulas.
+ This code isn't really optimized because it has to work with both the
+ long integer version and the double version, and several formulas.
+ Compromises had to be made in several places.
+ When compiling, you can chose to use the FPU or the integer version.
+ By default, it will chose to work only in integers. If you want to
+ use the FPU, define:
+#define USEFPU 1
+ You have a choice of formulas. By default, it will use the Machin
+ formula of: pi=16arctan(1/5)-4arctan(1/239)
+ You could chose to use one of the other formulas.
+ for pi=8arctan(1/3)+4arctan(1/7)
+#define ARC3 1
+ for pi=12arctan(1/4)+4arctan(1/20)+4arctan(1/1985)
+#define ARC4 1
+ for pi=16arctan(1/5)-4arctan(1/70)+4arctan(1/99)
+#define ARC5 1
+ for pi=32arctan(1/10)-4arctan(1/239)-16arctan(1/515)
+#define ARC10 1
+ Or, of course, you could define it on the compile command line with
+ the -D switch.
+ Timings were done on a Cyrix 486/66, with the slow Turbo C++ v3.0
+ 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 1,000F 2,000F 3,000F 4,000F
+ Machin 4 18 45 86 1 5 11 20
+ Arc3 6 29 74 140 2 9 20 35
+ Arc4 5 24 64 116 2 7 16 29
+ Arc5 6 26 65 123 1 6 15 26
+ Arc10 4 19 46 86 1 5 11 19
+ All of the combinations above were verified to their indicated
+ precision and in each case, only the last few digits were wrong,
+ which is a normal round off / truncation error.
+ Better compilers will of course result in faster computations,
+ but the ratios should be the same. When I used GCC 2.6.3 for
+ DOS, I computed 4,000 digits with with the Machin formula and
+ the FPU in 8 seconds. The integer version took 17 seconds.
+ I also used the FPU GCC version to compute 65,536 digits of
+ pi and verified them against the Gutenberg PIMIL10.TXT, and
+ only the last 4 digits were incorrect. The computations took
+ 33 minutes and 54 seconds.
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#define SHOWTIME
+#if defined USEFPU
+#define BASE 1000000000L
+#define BASEDIGITS 9
+typedef long int SHORT;
+typedef double LONG;
+#define BASE 100
+#define BASEDIGITS 2
+typedef unsigned char SHORT;
+typedef long int LONG;
+typedef long int INDEXER;
+SHORT *pi, *powers, *term;
+INDEXER size;
+void OutDig(int dig)
+ static int printed = 0;
+ putchar(dig + '0');
+ printed++;
+ if ((printed%1000) == 0)
+ {
+ printed = 0;
+ printf("\n\n\n");
+ }
+ if ((printed%50) == 0)
+ printf("\n");
+ else if ((printed%10) == 0)
+ putchar(' ');
+void PrintShort(SHORT num)
+ int x;
+ int digits[BASEDIGITS + 1];
+ for (x = 0; x < BASEDIGITS; x++)
+ {
+ digits[x] = num % 10;
+ num /= 10;
+ }
+ for (x = BASEDIGITS - 1; x >= 0; x--)
+ OutDig(digits[x]);
+void Print(SHORT *num)
+ printf("\nPI = 3.\n");
+ for (x = 1; x < size; x++)
+ PrintShort(num[x]);
+ printf("\n");
+void arctan(int multiplier, int denom, int sign)
+ LONG remain, temp, divisor, denom2;
+ SHORT NotZero = 1;
+ INDEXER adv;
+ for (x = 0; x < size; x++)
+ powers[x] = 0;
+ divisor = 1;
+ denom2 = (LONG)denom;denom2 *= denom2;
+ adv = 0;
+ remain = (LONG)multiplier * denom;
+ while (NotZero)
+ {
+ for (x = adv; x < size; x++)
+ {
+ temp = (LONG)powers[x] + remain;
+ powers[x] = (SHORT)(temp / denom2);
+ remain = (temp - (denom2 * (LONG)powers[x])) * BASE;
+ }
+ remain = 0;
+ for (x = adv; x < size; x++)
+ {
+ temp = (LONG)powers[x] + remain;
+ term[x] = (SHORT)(temp / divisor);
+ remain = (temp - (divisor * (LONG)term[x])) * BASE;
+ }
+ remain = 0;
+ if (sign > 0)
+ {
+ LONG carry, sum;
+ carry = 0;
+ for (x = size - 1; x >=0; x--)
+ {
+ sum = (LONG)pi[x] + (LONG)term[x] + carry;
+ carry = 0;
+ if (sum >= BASE)
+ {
+ carry = 1;
+ sum -= BASE;
+ }
+ pi[x] = (SHORT)sum;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LONG borrow, sum;
+ borrow = 0;
+ for (x = size - 1; x >= 0; x--)
+ {
+ sum = (LONG)pi[x] - (LONG)term[x] - borrow;
+ borrow = 0;
+ if (sum < 0)
+ {
+ borrow = 1;
+ sum += BASE;
+ }
+ pi[x] = (SHORT)sum;
+ }
+ }
+ sign = -sign;
+ divisor += 2;
+ NotZero = 0;
+ for (x = adv; x < size; x++)
+ {
+ if (powers[x])
+ {
+ NotZero = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (NotZero)
+ {
+ while (powers[adv] == 0)
+ adv++;
+ }
+ /* We can skip ones that are already 0 */
+ }
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ time_t T1, T2;
+ if (argc != 2)
+ {
+ printf("I need to know how many digits to compute.\n");
+ }
+ size = atol(argv[1]);
+ if (size <= 0L)
+ {
+ printf("Invalid argument.\n");
+ }
+ size = ((size + BASEDIGITS - 1) / BASEDIGITS) + 1;
+ pi = malloc(sizeof(SHORT) * size);
+ powers = malloc(sizeof(SHORT) * size);
+ term = malloc(sizeof(SHORT) * size);
+ if ((pi == NULL) || (powers == NULL) || (term == NULL))
+ {
+ printf("Unable to allocate enough memory.\n");
+ }
+ for (x = 0; x < size; x++)
+ pi[x] = 0;
+ T1 = time(NULL);
+#if defined ARC3
+ arctan(8, 3, 1);
+ arctan(4, 7, 1);
+#elif defined ARC5
+ arctan(16, 5, 1);
+ arctan(4, 70, -1);
+ arctan(4, 99, 1);
+#elif defined ARC4
+ arctan(12, 4, 1);
+ arctan(4, 20, 1);
+ arctan(4, 1985, 1);
+#elif defined ARC10
+ arctan(32, 10, 1);
+ arctan(4, 239, -1);
+ arctan(16, 515, -1);
+ /* Machin formula */
+ arctan(16, 5, 1);
+ arctan(4, 239, -1);
+ T2 = time(NULL);
+ Print(pi);
+#ifdef SHOWTIME
+ printf("\nCalculation time %0.0lf\n", difftime(T2, T1));
+ return EXIT_SUCCESS;