microcom ======== microcom is a minimalistic terminal program for communicating with devices over a serial connection (e.g. embedded systems, switches, modems). It features connection via RS232 serial interfaces (including setting of transfer rates) as well as in "Telnet mode" as specified in [RFC 2217]. [RFC 2217]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2217 Installation ------------ microcom depends on the [readline] library. If you just cloned this repository, you also need to install [autoconf], [automake], and the [autoconf archive] first. Then change to the project's root directy and do: ``` autoreconf -i ``` If you extracted microcom from a release tarball, this previous step should not be needed. Now continue with building and installing microcom: ``` ./configure make sudo make install ``` By default, microcom is installed into `/usr/local/bin/`. Use `./configure --prefix=YOURPATH` to change that, and see `./configure --help` for more options related to building and installation. [readline]: https://tiswww.case.edu/php/chet/readline/rltop.html [autoconf]: https://www.gnu.org/software/autoconf/ [automake]: https://www.gnu.org/software/automake/ [autoconf archive]: https://www.gnu.org/software/autoconf-archive/ Usage ----- The typical usage with TTY devices looks like this: ``` microcom --speed=115200 --port=/dev/ttyS0 ``` To connect to remote serial ports via RFC 2217, use the ``--telnet`` option instead: ``` microcom --speed=115200 --telnet=somehost:port ``` For the full list of options, see `microcom --help`. During the connection, you can get to the microcom menu by pressing `Ctrl-\`. Various options are available there, like setting flow control, RTS and DTR. See ``help`` for a full list. License and Contributing ------------------------ microcom is free software and distributable under the GNU General Public License, version 2. See the file `COPYING` in this repository for more information. Changes to microcom must be certified to be compatible with this license. For this purpose, we use the Developer's Certificate of Origin 1.1; see the file `DCO` in this repository. If you can certify that the DCO applies for your changes, add a line like the following: ``` Signed-off-by: Random J Developer ``` … containing your real name and e-mail address at the end of the patch description (Git can do this for you when you use `git commit -s`). Then send your patches to , or, if you use GitHub, open a pull-request on . If you send patches, please prefix your subject with "[PATCH microcom]" (for example, see the `git-config` manpage for the option `format.subjectPrefix`).