Changelog ========= urshd 1.1.1 — 2017-07-25 ------------------------ - fix wrong error handling which resulted in no command being executed at all. This bug slipped into the previous release due to insufficient testing. urshd 1.1.0 — 2017-07-25 ------------------------ - the old Subversion repository was migrated to Git, it can now be found at . - add README, Changelog, licensing information, etc. - add IPv6 support: the daemon now listens on IPv4 and IPv6. - improved error handling in the daemon. - debug version is now built with only minimal optimisation, and has GDB debugging symbols enabled. - some janitorial code maintenance. urshd 1.0.2 — 2008-08-25 ------------------------ - use sysconf rather than hardcoded values. urshd 1.0.1 — 2008-06-27 ------------------------ - add daemonisation, can be disabled with the `-D` flag. - ignore SIGCHLD, so no more defunct children cleanups. urshd 1.0.0 — 2008-06-03 ------------------------ - initial version.