Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* host-nfsutils: fix building without rpc/rpc.hptxdist-2021.07.0Michael Olbrich2021-07-011-0/+5
* host-nfsutils: cleanup configure optionsMichael Olbrich2021-07-011-2/+3
* openldap: don't try to use ICUMichael Olbrich2021-07-011-0/+1
* ppp: don't try to use libsystemdMichael Olbrich2021-07-011-0/+2
* python3-decorator: fix URLMichael Olbrich2021-06-271-1/+1
* dhcp: warn in the menu if nothing is installed into the rootfsRoland Hieber2021-06-271-0/+6
* openldap: use https instead of ftp in the URLMichael Olbrich2021-06-271-1/+1
* bayer2rgb3: version bump 0.4.1 -> v0.6.0Michael Olbrich2021-06-272-4/+4
* python3-text-unidecode: use ptx/mirror-pypi for the URLMichael Olbrich2021-06-271-1/+1
* python3-setuptools: use ptx/mirror-pypi for the URLMichael Olbrich2021-06-271-1/+1
* python3-opcua: use ptx/mirror-pypi for the URLMichael Olbrich2021-06-271-1/+1
* python3-lxml: use ptx/mirror-pypi for the URLMichael Olbrich2021-06-271-1/+1
* python3-iniherit: use ptx/mirror-pypi for the URLMichael Olbrich2021-06-271-1/+1
* python3-configshell: use ptx/mirror-pypi for the URLMichael Olbrich2021-06-271-1/+1
* python3-aiohttp-json-rpc: use ptx/mirror-pypi for the URLMichael Olbrich2021-06-271-1/+1
* python3-six: use ptx/mirror-pypi for the URLMichael Olbrich2021-06-271-1/+1
* python3-pyalsaaudio: use ptx/mirror-pypi for the URLMichael Olbrich2021-06-271-1/+1
* python3-msgpack: use ptx/mirror-pypi for the URLMichael Olbrich2021-06-271-1/+1
* python3-mako: use ptx/mirror-pypi for the URLMichael Olbrich2021-06-271-1/+1
* python3-dateutil: use ptx/mirror-pypi for the URLMichael Olbrich2021-06-271-1/+1
* python3-aiofiles: use ptx/mirror-pypi for the URLMichael Olbrich2021-06-271-1/+1
* host-cython: use ptx/mirror-pypi for the URLMichael Olbrich2021-06-271-1/+1
* host-python-setuptools: use ptx/mirror-pypi for the URLMichael Olbrich2021-06-271-1/+1
* host-cython3: use ptx/mirror-pypi for the URLMichael Olbrich2021-06-271-1/+1
* flup6: use ptx/mirror-pypi for the URLMichael Olbrich2021-06-271-1/+1
* python3-zipp: use ptx/mirror-pypi for the URLMichael Olbrich2021-06-271-1/+1
* python3-wcwidth: use ptx/mirror-pypi for the URLMichael Olbrich2021-06-271-1/+1
* python3-traitlets: use ptx/mirror-pypi for the URLMichael Olbrich2021-06-271-1/+1
* python3-simplegeneric: use ptx/mirror-pypi for the URLMichael Olbrich2021-06-271-1/+1
* python3-pytest: use ptx/mirror-pypi for the URLMichael Olbrich2021-06-271-1/+1
* python3-pyparsing: use ptx/mirror-pypi for the URLMichael Olbrich2021-06-271-1/+1
* python3-pycparser: use ptx/mirror-pypi for the URLMichael Olbrich2021-06-271-1/+1
* python3-py: use ptx/mirror-pypi for the URLMichael Olbrich2021-06-271-1/+1
* python3-psutil: use ptx/mirror-pypi for the URLMichael Olbrich2021-06-271-1/+1
* python3-ply: use ptx/mirror-pypi for the URLMichael Olbrich2021-06-271-1/+1
* python3-pluggy: use ptx/mirror-pypi for the URLMichael Olbrich2021-06-271-1/+1
* python3-pip: use ptx/mirror-pypi for the URLMichael Olbrich2021-06-271-1/+1
* python3-pickleshare: use ptx/mirror-pypi for the URLMichael Olbrich2021-06-271-1/+1
* python3-path-py: use ptx/mirror-pypi for the URLMichael Olbrich2021-06-271-1/+1
* python3-packaging: use ptx/mirror-pypi for the URLMichael Olbrich2021-06-271-1/+1
* python3-numpy: use ptx/mirror-pypi for the URLMichael Olbrich2021-06-271-1/+1
* python3-more-itertools: use ptx/mirror-pypi for the URLMichael Olbrich2021-06-271-1/+1
* python3-ipython: use ptx/mirror-pypi for the URLMichael Olbrich2021-06-271-1/+1
* python3-ipython-genutils: use ptx/mirror-pypi for the URLMichael Olbrich2021-06-271-1/+1
* python3-importlib-metadata: use ptx/mirror-pypi for the URLMichael Olbrich2021-06-271-1/+1
* python3-decorator: use ptx/mirror-pypi for the URLMichael Olbrich2021-06-271-1/+1
* python3-cffi: use ptx/mirror-pypi for the URLMichael Olbrich2021-06-271-1/+1
* ptxdist: make --*config= layer awareMichael Olbrich2021-06-271-6/+26
* ptxdist: abort earlier if no ptxconfig is foundMichael Olbrich2021-06-271-2/+2
* python3-pyro: version bump 4.76 -> 4.80Michael Olbrich2021-06-271-3/+3