diff options
authorMichael Olbrich <>2020-05-05 10:25:03 +0200
committerMichael Olbrich <>2020-05-09 16:11:50 +0200
commit89607b4ad17d2cf4457e265dda226ac2e48221c9 (patch)
parentc3381ccd5d945a916a301e310441bfd701468f38 (diff)
ptxdist: refactor wrapper & icecc setup
This just moves the code. No functional changes. This makes it possible to overwrite the wrapper and icecc setup in the BSP if necessary. Signed-off-by: Michael Olbrich <>
3 files changed, 350 insertions, 293 deletions
diff --git a/bin/ptxdist b/bin/ptxdist
index fc3d63778..137bd2f24 100755
--- a/bin/ptxdist
+++ b/bin/ptxdist
@@ -529,312 +529,32 @@ check_dirs() {
-# Check for defined icecc
-# Check for a usefull icecc version and setup the environment
-check_compiler_icecc() {
- if [ -z "${PTXDIST_ICECC}" ]; then
- return
- fi
- local icecc_dir="${sysroot_host}/lib/icecc"
- if [ -n "${toolchain}" -a "$(readlink -f "${icecc_dir}/toolchain")" != "${toolchain}" ]; then
- rm -rf "${icecc_dir}"
- fi
- "${wrapper_dir}/real/gcc" --version > "${PTXDIST_TEMPDIR}/host-gcc-version" 2>&1
- "${wrapper_dir}/real/${compiler_prefix}gcc" --version > "${PTXDIST_TEMPDIR}/target-gcc-version" 2>&1
- if [ -d "${icecc_dir}" ]; then
- if ! diff -q "${PTXDIST_TEMPDIR}/host-gcc-version" "${icecc_dir}/host-gcc-version" >& /dev/null || \
- ! diff -q "${PTXDIST_TEMPDIR}/target-gcc-version" "${icecc_dir}/target-gcc-version" >& /dev/null; then
- rm -rf "${icecc_dir}"
- fi
- fi
- if [ ! -d "${icecc_dir}" ]; then
- if ! "${PTXDIST_ICECC}" --version | grep -q 'ICECC 1\.'; then
- ptxd_bailout "PTXdist only supports icecc 1.x"
- fi
- mkdir -p "${icecc_dir}/target" "${icecc_dir}/host" &&
- (
- echo "Creating icecc host environment..."
- if file -L "${wrapper_dir}/real/gcc" | grep script; then
- ptxd_bailout "'$(readlink "${wrapper_dir}/real/gcc")' must not be a script if icecc is used!"
- fi
- cd "${icecc_dir}/host"
- "${wrapper_dir}/real/gcc" \
- "${wrapper_dir}/real/g++" > "${PTXDIST_TEMPDIR}/icecc.log" 2>&1 || \
- {
- cat "${PTXDIST_TEMPDIR}/icecc.log"
- ptxd_bailout "Failed to create icecc host environment!"
- }
- ln -s "$(readlink -f "${wrapper_dir}/real/gcc")" "${icecc_dir}/gcc"
- if [ -n "${compiler_prefix}" ]; then
- echo "Creating icecc target environment..."
- cd "${icecc_dir}/target"
- local -a args
- if [ -e "${wrapper_dir}/real/${compiler_prefix}clang" ]; then
- args[${#args[@]}]="--clang"
- args[${#args[@]}]="${wrapper_dir}/real/${compiler_prefix}clang"
- fi
- "${PTXDIST_ICECC_CREATE_ENV}" "${args[@]}" --gcc \
- "${wrapper_dir}/real/${compiler_prefix}gcc" \
- "${wrapper_dir}/real/${compiler_prefix}g++" > "${PTXDIST_TEMPDIR}/icecc.log" 2>&1 || \
- {
- cat "${PTXDIST_TEMPDIR}/icecc.log"
- ptxd_bailout "Failed to create icecc target environment!"
- }
- if [ ${#args[*]} -gt 0 ]; then
- tar --strip-components=2 -xf *.tar.gz usr/bin/as &&
- ./as --verbose --version > env.log 2>&1 &&
- ${compiler_prefix}as --verbose --version > real.log 2>&1
- if ! cmp -s env.log real.log; then
- echo "Broken icecc-create-env, disabling icecc clang support!"
- rm *.tar.gz
- "${wrapper_dir}/real/${compiler_prefix}gcc" \
- "${wrapper_dir}/real/${compiler_prefix}g++" > "${PTXDIST_TEMPDIR}/icecc.log" 2>&1 || \
- {
- cat "${PTXDIST_TEMPDIR}/icecc.log"
- ptxd_bailout "Failed to create icecc target environment!"
- }
- fi
- rm as env.log real.log
- fi
- ln -s "${toolchain}" "${icecc_dir}/toolchain"
- fi
- ) &&
- mv "${PTXDIST_TEMPDIR}/host-gcc-version" "${PTXDIST_TEMPDIR}/target-gcc-version" "${icecc_dir}/"
- fi &&
- ptxd_get_path "${icecc_dir}/host"/*.tar.gz &&
- export ICECC_VERSION_HOST="${ptxd_reply}" &&
- if [ -n "${compiler_prefix}" ]; then
- ptxd_get_path "${icecc_dir}/target"/*.tar.gz &&
- export ICECC_VERSION_TARGET="${ptxd_reply}"
- if tar -tf "${ICECC_VERSION_TARGET}" | grep -q clang; then
- fi
- fi &&
- if "${PTXDIST_ICECC}" --help | grep -q ICECC_REMOTE_CPP; then
- fi
# Check for defined compiler
# This only should be done when we build userland (chicken egg problem)
check_compiler() {
- local cc_ptr cc cc_abs cc_default cc_alternate
- local wrapper_dir sysroot_host
- local toolchain compiler_prefix
- sysroot_host="$(ptxd_get_ptxconf PTXCONF_SYSROOT_HOST)"
- wrapper_dir="${sysroot_host}/lib/wrapper"
- mkdir -p -- "${wrapper_dir}/real" ||
- ptxd_bailout "cannot create dir: '${wrapper_dir}/real'"
+ local wrapper_dir sysroot_host
- ptxd_replace_copy_from_path PTXDIST_PATH \
- scripts/wrapper/ "${wrapper_dir}/"
+ sysroot_host="$(ptxd_get_ptxconf PTXCONF_SYSROOT_HOST)"
+ wrapper_dir="${sysroot_host}/lib/wrapper"
- for cc_ptr in \
- ; do
- cc="${!cc_ptr}"
- if [ -z "${cc}" ]; then
- echo
- echo "${PTXDIST_LOG_PROMPT}error: undefined host ${cc_ptr##*_} compiler"
- echo "${PTXDIST_LOG_PROMPT}error: run 'ptxdist setup' and enter the 'Developer Options' menu"
- echo "${PTXDIST_LOG_PROMPT}error: and specify the compiler"
- echo
- exit 1
- fi
- cc_abs="$(which "${cc}" 2>/dev/null)"
- if [ \! -x "${cc_abs}" ]; then
- echo
- echo "${PTXDIST_LOG_PROMPT}error: your host ${cc_ptr##*_} compiler: '${cc}'"
- echo "${PTXDIST_LOG_PROMPT}error: cannot be found or isn't executable"
- echo "${PTXDIST_LOG_PROMPT}error: run 'ptxdist setup' and enter the 'Developer Options' menu"
- echo "${PTXDIST_LOG_PROMPT}error: and specify the compiler"
- echo
- exit 1
- fi
- case "${cc_ptr}" in
- cc_default=cpp
- unset cc_alternate
- ;;
- cc_default=gcc
- cc_alternate=cc
- ;;
- cc_default=g++
- cc_alternate=c++
- ;;
- esac
- ptxd_replace_link "${cc_abs}" "${wrapper_dir}/real/${cc_default}" &&
- ptxd_replace_copy_from_path PTXDIST_PATH "scripts/wrapper/host-${cc_default}-wrapper" \
- "${wrapper_dir}/${cc_default}" &&
- if [ -n "${cc_alternate}" ]; then
- ptxd_replace_link "${cc_default}" "${wrapper_dir}/${cc_alternate}" &&
- ptxd_replace_link "${cc_default}" "${wrapper_dir}/real/${cc_alternate}"
- fi || {
- rm -rf "${wrapper_dir}"
- ptxd_bailout "unable to create compiler wrapper link"
- }
- done
- ptxd_replace_copy_from_path PTXDIST_PATH "scripts/wrapper/python-wrapper" \
- "${wrapper_dir}/python-wrapper" &&
- for python in python2 python2-config python3 python3-config; do
- if type -P "${python}" > /dev/null; then
- ptxd_replace_link "python-wrapper" "${wrapper_dir}/${python}" || \
- ptxd_bailout "Unable to create ${python} wrapper link"
- ptxd_replace_link "python-wrapper" "${wrapper_dir}/${python/[23]}" || \
- ptxd_bailout "Unable to create ${python/[23]} wrapper link"
- fi
- done &&
- for tool in ar as nm objcopy objdump ranlib readelf size strip ; do
- tool_abs="$(which "${tool}" 2>/dev/null)"
- ptxd_replace_link "${tool_abs}" "${wrapper_dir}/${tool}" || \
- ptxd_bailout "Unable to create host ${tool} wrapper link"
- done
- if ptxd_get_ptxconf PTXCONF_BUILD_TOOLCHAIN >/dev/null; then
- PATH="${wrapper_dir}:${PATH}"
- check_compiler_icecc
- return
- fi
+ ptxd_lib_setup_host_wrapper &&
+ ptxd_lib_setup_host_icecc &&
- #
- # Three things should be checked
- # 1) Correct compiler name
- # 2) Correct vendor if the vendor string is given
- # 3) Correct compiler version if a specific compiler version is given
- #
- compiler_prefix="$(ptxd_get_ptxconf PTXCONF_COMPILER_PREFIX)"
- local vendor_should
- vendor_should="$(ptxd_get_ptxconf PTXCONF_CROSSCHAIN_VENDOR)" && {
- # yea! A toolchain vendor was specified in the ptxconfig file.
- #
- # We have two options now:
- # a) the provided toolchain is an OSELAS.Toolchain which contains a
- # 'ptxconfig', so test the PTXCONF_PROJECT string therein.
- # b) the provided toolchain is a crosstool-ng one which contains a
- # ${compiler_prefix}-ct-ng.config, so test the
- #
- if [ ! -d "${PTXDIST_TOOLCHAIN}" ]; then
- echo
- echo "${PTXDIST_LOG_PROMPT}error: specify '${PTXDIST_TOOLCHAIN#${PTXDIST_WORKSPACE}/}' with 'ptxdist toolchain [<path>]'"
- echo "${PTXDIST_LOG_PROMPT}error: or leave PTXCONF_CROSSCHAIN_VENDOR empty to disable toolchain check"
- echo
- exit 1
- fi
- local ptxdist_vendor_def="$(readlink -f "${PTXDIST_TOOLCHAIN}/ptxconfig")"
- local ct_vendor_def="$(readlink -f "${PTXDIST_TOOLCHAIN}/${compiler_prefix}ct-ng.config")"
- local vendor_is
- if [ "${ptxdist_vendor_def}" -a -e "${ptxdist_vendor_def}" ]; then
- vendor_is="$(source "${ptxdist_vendor_def}" && echo ${PTXCONF_PROJECT})"
- elif [ "${ct_vendor_def}" -a -x "${ct_vendor_def}" ]; then
- vendor_is=$(${ct_vendor_def} | awk ' \
- /^#\s+crosstool-NG.*Configuration$/ { \
- printf("%s %s", $2, $3) \
- }; \
- gsub(/\"/, ""); \
- split($0,ary,"="); \
- if (ary[1]) { \
- printf(" - %s", ary[2]); \
- } \
- }')
- else
- echo
- echo "${PTXDIST_LOG_PROMPT}error: toolchain doesn't point to an OSELAS.Toolchain nor a crosstools-ng toolchain"
- echo "${PTXDIST_LOG_PROMPT}error: leave PTXCONF_CROSSCHAIN_VENDOR empty to disable vendor check"
- echo
- exit 1
- fi
- # both vendor strings are present. Check them
- case "${vendor_is}" in
- "${vendor_should}"*)
- ;;
- *)
- echo
- echo "${PTXDIST_LOG_PROMPT}error: wrong toolchain vendor: Cannot continue! Vendor is '${vendor_is}',"
- echo "${PTXDIST_LOG_PROMPT}error: specified: ${vendor_should}"
- echo "${PTXDIST_LOG_PROMPT}error: found: ${vendor_is}"
- echo
- exit 1
- ;;
- esac
- }
+ if ! ptxd_get_ptxconf PTXCONF_BUILD_TOOLCHAIN >/dev/null; then
+ local toolchain compiler_prefix
- local compiler_ver_should
toolchain="$(readlink -f "${PTXDIST_TOOLCHAIN}")"
- compiler_ver_should="$(ptxd_get_ptxconf PTXCONF_CROSSCHAIN_CHECK)" && {
- local compiler="${compiler_prefix}gcc"
- local compiler_ver_is="$(${toolchain}/${compiler} -dumpversion 2> /dev/null || true)"
+ compiler_prefix="$(ptxd_get_ptxconf PTXCONF_COMPILER_PREFIX)"
- if [ -z "${compiler_ver_is}" ]; then
- echo
- echo "${PTXDIST_LOG_PROMPT}error: Compiler '${compiler}' not found. Check PATH or"
- echo "${PTXDIST_LOG_PROMPT}error: use 'ptxdist toolchain [</path/to/toolchain>]'."
- echo
- exit 1
- fi
+ ptxd_lib_setup_toolchain &&
+ ptxd_lib_setup_target_wrapper &&
+ ptxd_lib_setup_target_icecc
+ fi &&
- if [ "${compiler_ver_is}" != "${compiler_ver_should}" ]; then
- echo
- echo "${PTXDIST_LOG_PROMPT}error: Compiler version ${compiler_ver_should} expected,"
- echo "${PTXDIST_LOG_PROMPT}error: but ${compiler_ver_is} found."
- echo
- exit 1
- fi
- }
- ptxd_replace_link "${toolchain}" "${PTXDIST_PLATFORMDIR}/selected_toolchain" &&
- for cc in gcc g++ cpp ld gdb; do
- ptxd_replace_link "${toolchain}/${compiler_prefix}${cc}" "${wrapper_dir}/real/${compiler_prefix}${cc}" &&
- ptxd_replace_copy_from_path PTXDIST_PATH "scripts/wrapper/${cc}-wrapper" \
- "${wrapper_dir}/${compiler_prefix}${cc}"
- done &&
- for cc in clang clang++; do
- if [ ! -e "${toolchain}/${cc}" ]; then
- continue
- fi
- ptxd_replace_link "${toolchain}/${cc}" "${wrapper_dir}/real/${compiler_prefix}${cc}" &&
- ptxd_replace_copy_from_path PTXDIST_PATH "scripts/wrapper/${cc}-wrapper" \
- "${wrapper_dir}/${compiler_prefix}${cc}"
- done
- for tool in "${toolchain}/${compiler_prefix}"* ; do
- local toolname="$(basename "${tool}")"
- if [ ! -e "${wrapper_dir}/${toolname}" -o -h "${wrapper_dir}/${toolname}" ]; then
- ptxd_replace_link "${tool}" "${wrapper_dir}/${toolname}"
- fi
- done &&
- for tool in "${wrapper_dir}/${compiler_prefix}"* ; do
- local toolname="$(basename "${tool}")"
- if [ -e "${tool}" -a ! -e "${toolchain}/${toolname}" ]; then
- rm -f "${tool}"
- fi
- done &&
- PATH="${wrapper_dir}:${PATH}" &&
- check_compiler_icecc
+ PATH="${wrapper_dir}:${PATH}"
diff --git a/scripts/lib/ b/scripts/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3682201f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2020 by Michael Olbrich <>
+# For further information about the PTXdist project and license conditions
+# see the README file.
+# Check for defined icecc
+# Check for a usefull icecc version and setup the host environment
+ptxd_lib_setup_host_icecc() {
+ local icecc_dir="${sysroot_host}/lib/icecc"
+ if [ -z "${PTXDIST_ICECC}" ]; then
+ return
+ fi
+ "${wrapper_dir}/real/gcc" --version > "${PTXDIST_TEMPDIR}/host-gcc-version" 2>&1
+ if [ -d "${icecc_dir}/host" -a -f "${icecc_dir}/host-gcc-version" ]; then
+ if ! diff -q "${PTXDIST_TEMPDIR}/host-gcc-version" "${icecc_dir}/host-gcc-version" >& /dev/null; then
+ rm -rf "${icecc_dir}/host" "${icecc_dir}/host-gcc-version" "${icecc_dir}/gcc"
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ ! -d "${icecc_dir}/host" ]; then
+ if ! "${PTXDIST_ICECC}" --version | grep -q 'ICECC 1\.'; then
+ ptxd_bailout "PTXdist only supports icecc 1.x"
+ fi
+ mkdir -p "${icecc_dir}/host" &&
+ (
+ echo "Creating icecc host environment..."
+ if file -L "${wrapper_dir}/real/gcc" | grep script; then
+ ptxd_bailout "'$(readlink "${wrapper_dir}/real/gcc")' must not be a script if icecc is used!"
+ fi
+ cd "${icecc_dir}/host"
+ "${wrapper_dir}/real/gcc" \
+ "${wrapper_dir}/real/g++" > "${PTXDIST_TEMPDIR}/icecc.log" 2>&1 || \
+ {
+ cat "${PTXDIST_TEMPDIR}/icecc.log"
+ ptxd_bailout "Failed to create icecc host environment!"
+ }
+ ln -s "$(readlink -f "${wrapper_dir}/real/gcc")" "${icecc_dir}/gcc"
+ ) &&
+ mv "${PTXDIST_TEMPDIR}/host-gcc-version" "${icecc_dir}/"
+ fi &&
+ ptxd_get_path "${icecc_dir}/host"/*.tar.gz &&
+ export ICECC_VERSION_HOST="${ptxd_reply}" &&
+ if "${PTXDIST_ICECC}" --help | grep -q ICECC_REMOTE_CPP; then
+ fi
+export -f ptxd_lib_setup_host_icecc
+# Check for defined icecc
+# Setup the host environment
+ptxd_lib_setup_target_icecc() {
+ local icecc_dir="${sysroot_host}/lib/icecc"
+ if [ -z "${PTXDIST_ICECC}" ]; then
+ return
+ fi
+ if [ -z "${toolchain}" -o "$(readlink -f "${icecc_dir}/toolchain")" != "${toolchain}" ]; then
+ rm -rf "${icecc_dir}/target" "${icecc_dir}/target-gcc-version" "${icecc_dir}/toolchain"
+ fi
+ "${wrapper_dir}/real/${compiler_prefix}gcc" --version > "${PTXDIST_TEMPDIR}/target-gcc-version" 2>&1
+ if [ -d "${icecc_dir}/target" -a -f "${icecc_dir}/host-gcc-version" ]; then
+ if ! diff -q "${PTXDIST_TEMPDIR}/target-gcc-version" "${icecc_dir}/target-gcc-version" >& /dev/null; then
+ rm -rf "${icecc_dir}/target" "${icecc_dir}/target-gcc-version" "${icecc_dir}/toolchain"
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ ! -d "${icecc_dir}/target" ]; then
+ mkdir -p "${icecc_dir}/target" &&
+ (
+ echo "Creating icecc target environment..."
+ cd "${icecc_dir}/target"
+ local -a args
+ if [ -e "${wrapper_dir}/real/${compiler_prefix}clang" ]; then
+ args[${#args[@]}]="--clang"
+ args[${#args[@]}]="${wrapper_dir}/real/${compiler_prefix}clang"
+ fi
+ "${PTXDIST_ICECC_CREATE_ENV}" "${args[@]}" --gcc \
+ "${wrapper_dir}/real/${compiler_prefix}gcc" \
+ "${wrapper_dir}/real/${compiler_prefix}g++" > "${PTXDIST_TEMPDIR}/icecc.log" 2>&1 || \
+ {
+ cat "${PTXDIST_TEMPDIR}/icecc.log"
+ ptxd_bailout "Failed to create icecc target environment!"
+ }
+ if [ ${#args[*]} -gt 0 ]; then
+ tar --strip-components=2 -xf *.tar.gz usr/bin/as &&
+ ./as --verbose --version > env.log 2>&1 &&
+ ${compiler_prefix}as --verbose --version > real.log 2>&1
+ if ! cmp -s env.log real.log; then
+ echo "Broken icecc-create-env, disabling icecc clang support!"
+ rm *.tar.gz
+ "${wrapper_dir}/real/${compiler_prefix}gcc" \
+ "${wrapper_dir}/real/${compiler_prefix}g++" > "${PTXDIST_TEMPDIR}/icecc.log" 2>&1 || \
+ {
+ cat "${PTXDIST_TEMPDIR}/icecc.log"
+ ptxd_bailout "Failed to create icecc target environment!"
+ }
+ fi
+ rm as env.log real.log
+ fi
+ ln -s "${toolchain}" "${icecc_dir}/toolchain"
+ ) &&
+ mv "${PTXDIST_TEMPDIR}/target-gcc-version" "${icecc_dir}/"
+ fi &&
+ ptxd_get_path "${icecc_dir}/target"/*.tar.gz &&
+ export ICECC_VERSION_TARGET="${ptxd_reply}"
+ if tar -tf "${ICECC_VERSION_TARGET}" | grep -q clang; then
+ fi
+export -f ptxd_lib_setup_target_icecc
diff --git a/scripts/lib/ b/scripts/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5eb97327e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2020 by Michael Olbrich <>
+# For further information about the PTXdist project and license conditions
+# see the README file.
+ptxd_lib_setup_host_wrapper() {
+ local cc_ptr cc cc_abs cc_default cc_alternate
+ mkdir -p -- "${wrapper_dir}/real" ||
+ ptxd_bailout "cannot create dir: '${wrapper_dir}/real'"
+ ptxd_replace_copy_from_path PTXDIST_PATH \
+ scripts/wrapper/ "${wrapper_dir}/"
+ for cc_ptr in \
+ ; do
+ cc="${!cc_ptr}"
+ if [ -z "${cc}" ]; then
+ echo
+ echo "${PTXDIST_LOG_PROMPT}error: undefined host ${cc_ptr##*_} compiler"
+ echo "${PTXDIST_LOG_PROMPT}error: run 'ptxdist setup' and enter the 'Developer Options' menu"
+ echo "${PTXDIST_LOG_PROMPT}error: and specify the compiler"
+ echo
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ cc_abs="$(which "${cc}" 2>/dev/null)"
+ if [ \! -x "${cc_abs}" ]; then
+ echo
+ echo "${PTXDIST_LOG_PROMPT}error: your host ${cc_ptr##*_} compiler: '${cc}'"
+ echo "${PTXDIST_LOG_PROMPT}error: cannot be found or isn't executable"
+ echo "${PTXDIST_LOG_PROMPT}error: run 'ptxdist setup' and enter the 'Developer Options' menu"
+ echo "${PTXDIST_LOG_PROMPT}error: and specify the compiler"
+ echo
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ case "${cc_ptr}" in
+ cc_default=cpp
+ unset cc_alternate
+ ;;
+ cc_default=gcc
+ cc_alternate=cc
+ ;;
+ cc_default=g++
+ cc_alternate=c++
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ptxd_replace_link "${cc_abs}" "${wrapper_dir}/real/${cc_default}" &&
+ ptxd_replace_copy_from_path PTXDIST_PATH "scripts/wrapper/host-${cc_default}-wrapper" \
+ "${wrapper_dir}/${cc_default}" &&
+ if [ -n "${cc_alternate}" ]; then
+ ptxd_replace_link "${cc_default}" "${wrapper_dir}/${cc_alternate}" &&
+ ptxd_replace_link "${cc_default}" "${wrapper_dir}/real/${cc_alternate}"
+ fi || {
+ rm -rf "${wrapper_dir}"
+ ptxd_bailout "unable to create compiler wrapper link"
+ }
+ done
+ ptxd_replace_copy_from_path PTXDIST_PATH "scripts/wrapper/python-wrapper" \
+ "${wrapper_dir}/python-wrapper" &&
+ for python in python2 python2-config python3 python3-config; do
+ if type -P "${python}" > /dev/null; then
+ ptxd_replace_link "python-wrapper" "${wrapper_dir}/${python}" || \
+ ptxd_bailout "Unable to create ${python} wrapper link"
+ ptxd_replace_link "python-wrapper" "${wrapper_dir}/${python/[23]}" || \
+ ptxd_bailout "Unable to create ${python/[23]} wrapper link"
+ fi
+ done &&
+ for tool in ar as nm objcopy objdump ranlib readelf size strip ; do
+ tool_abs="$(which "${tool}" 2>/dev/null)"
+ ptxd_replace_link "${tool_abs}" "${wrapper_dir}/${tool}" || \
+ ptxd_bailout "Unable to create host ${tool} wrapper link"
+ done
+export -f ptxd_lib_setup_host_wrapper
+ptxd_lib_setup_toolchain() {
+ local vendor_should compiler_ver_should
+ #
+ # Three things should be checked
+ # 1) Correct compiler name
+ # 2) Correct vendor if the vendor string is given
+ # 3) Correct compiler version if a specific compiler version is given
+ #
+ vendor_should="$(ptxd_get_ptxconf PTXCONF_CROSSCHAIN_VENDOR)" && {
+ local ptxdist_vendor_def ct_vendor_def vendor_is
+ # yea! A toolchain vendor was specified in the ptxconfig file.
+ #
+ # We have two options now:
+ # a) the provided toolchain is an OSELAS.Toolchain which contains a
+ # 'ptxconfig', so test the PTXCONF_PROJECT string therein.
+ # b) the provided toolchain is a crosstool-ng one which contains a
+ # ${compiler_prefix}-ct-ng.config, so test the
+ #
+ if [ ! -d "${PTXDIST_TOOLCHAIN}" ]; then
+ echo
+ echo "${PTXDIST_LOG_PROMPT}error: specify '${PTXDIST_TOOLCHAIN#${PTXDIST_WORKSPACE}/}' with 'ptxdist toolchain [<path>]'"
+ echo "${PTXDIST_LOG_PROMPT}error: or leave PTXCONF_CROSSCHAIN_VENDOR empty to disable toolchain check"
+ echo
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ ptxdist_vendor_def="$(readlink -f "${PTXDIST_TOOLCHAIN}/ptxconfig")"
+ ct_vendor_def="$(readlink -f "${PTXDIST_TOOLCHAIN}/${compiler_prefix}ct-ng.config")"
+ if [ "${ptxdist_vendor_def}" -a -e "${ptxdist_vendor_def}" ]; then
+ vendor_is="$(source "${ptxdist_vendor_def}" && echo ${PTXCONF_PROJECT})"
+ elif [ "${ct_vendor_def}" -a -x "${ct_vendor_def}" ]; then
+ vendor_is=$(${ct_vendor_def} | awk ' \
+ /^#\s+crosstool-NG.*Configuration$/ { \
+ printf("%s %s", $2, $3) \
+ }; \
+ gsub(/\"/, ""); \
+ split($0,ary,"="); \
+ if (ary[1]) { \
+ printf(" - %s", ary[2]); \
+ } \
+ }')
+ else
+ echo
+ echo "${PTXDIST_LOG_PROMPT}error: toolchain doesn't point to an OSELAS.Toolchain nor a crosstools-ng toolchain"
+ echo "${PTXDIST_LOG_PROMPT}error: leave PTXCONF_CROSSCHAIN_VENDOR empty to disable vendor check"
+ echo
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # both vendor strings are present. Check them
+ case "${vendor_is}" in
+ "${vendor_should}"*)
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo
+ echo "${PTXDIST_LOG_PROMPT}error: wrong toolchain vendor: Cannot continue! Vendor is '${vendor_is}',"
+ echo "${PTXDIST_LOG_PROMPT}error: specified: ${vendor_should}"
+ echo "${PTXDIST_LOG_PROMPT}error: found: ${vendor_is}"
+ echo
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ }
+ compiler_ver_should="$(ptxd_get_ptxconf PTXCONF_CROSSCHAIN_CHECK)" && {
+ local compiler compiler_ver_is
+ compiler="${compiler_prefix}gcc"
+ compiler_ver_is="$(${toolchain}/${compiler} -dumpversion 2> /dev/null || true)"
+ if [ -z "${compiler_ver_is}" ]; then
+ echo
+ echo "${PTXDIST_LOG_PROMPT}error: Compiler '${compiler}' not found. Check PATH or"
+ echo "${PTXDIST_LOG_PROMPT}error: use 'ptxdist toolchain [</path/to/toolchain>]'."
+ echo
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if [ "${compiler_ver_is}" != "${compiler_ver_should}" ]; then
+ echo
+ echo "${PTXDIST_LOG_PROMPT}error: Compiler version ${compiler_ver_should} expected,"
+ echo "${PTXDIST_LOG_PROMPT}error: but ${compiler_ver_is} found."
+ echo
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ }
+ ptxd_replace_link "${toolchain}" "${PTXDIST_PLATFORMDIR}/selected_toolchain"
+export -f ptxd_lib_setup_toolchain
+ptxd_lib_setup_target_wrapper() {
+ for cc in gcc g++ cpp ld gdb; do
+ ptxd_replace_link "${toolchain}/${compiler_prefix}${cc}" "${wrapper_dir}/real/${compiler_prefix}${cc}" &&
+ ptxd_replace_copy_from_path PTXDIST_PATH "scripts/wrapper/${cc}-wrapper" \
+ "${wrapper_dir}/${compiler_prefix}${cc}"
+ done &&
+ for cc in clang clang++; do
+ if [ ! -e "${toolchain}/${cc}" ]; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ ptxd_replace_link "${toolchain}/${cc}" "${wrapper_dir}/real/${compiler_prefix}${cc}" &&
+ ptxd_replace_copy_from_path PTXDIST_PATH "scripts/wrapper/${cc}-wrapper" \
+ "${wrapper_dir}/${compiler_prefix}${cc}"
+ done
+ for tool in "${toolchain}/${compiler_prefix}"* ; do
+ local toolname="$(basename "${tool}")"
+ if [ ! -e "${wrapper_dir}/${toolname}" -o -h "${wrapper_dir}/${toolname}" ]; then
+ ptxd_replace_link "${tool}" "${wrapper_dir}/${toolname}"
+ fi
+ done &&
+ for tool in "${wrapper_dir}/${compiler_prefix}"* ; do
+ local toolname="$(basename "${tool}")"
+ if [ -e "${tool}" -a ! -e "${toolchain}/${toolname}" ]; then
+ rm -f "${tool}"
+ fi
+ done
+export -f ptxd_lib_setup_target_wrapper